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«Тематическая игра "In the Zoo"»
Внеклассное мероприятие по теме
Активизация изученной лексики по данной теме.
Развитие навыков диалогической речи.
Формировать актёрские навыки при исполнении стихов и песни.
Повышение интереса к изучению английского языка.
Оборудование: картинки с изображением животных и птиц, карточки с названиями животных, электронная презентация
Ход мероприятия
Dear children, I know you love birds and animals. You take care of them. I am sure you will be glad to see different animals and birds in the zoo. Lets go to the zoo. I think it will be interesting. But before we go, listen a rhyme «To the Zoo»
Девочка читает стихотворение.
To the Zoo
We are off to the Zoo!
We are off to the Zoo!
We haven’t moment to spare.
We were going to see the kangaroo.
And feed the big brown bear.
Teacher: Сhildren, lets sing together a very good song «Going to the Zoo» .
Дети хором поют песню, текст на экране.
Teacher: Now we are in the zoo.
Дети рассматривают картинки животных, ведущая предлагает детям поделиться своими впечатлениями .
Teacher: What animals can you see at the zoo?
Дети отвечают: « I can see a bear and a camel», «« I can see wolves, monkeys» и тд.
Затем дети читают наизусть стихи о животных.
The white bear.
The water in the sea is cold,
It is cold as ice,
But I am not afraid at all:
My coat is warm and nice.
Cats. Little pussy.
I have a little pussy
And her coat is grey
She lives in my house
And she never runs away.
My dog.
My dog is clever, strong and quick,
It's name is Spot, my name is Nick.
My dog is nice, my dog is gay,
We play together every day.
I think mice are very nice,
Their tails are long,
Their faces are small,
They haven't any chins at all.
Their ears are pink,
Their teeth are white,
They run about the house at night.
I said to crocodile:
"Will you play with me?"
"Oh,no," - said Crocodile.
"Оh, no," - said he.
Here is my tooth-brush
And here is my cup so new.
I must brush my teeth.
I cannot play with you.
My Dog
My dog can’t talk
But he can bark.
I take my dog
And go to the park.
I through him a stick
And he runs a race.
Then he comes back
And licks my face.
Thank you children. It was very pleasant to listen to the poems!
You know a lot of poems about animals.
Teacher: My dear friends, you know that all domestic and wild animals and birds have babies.
Listen to the verses about them.
Дети смотрят презентацию на экране.
«What do we call…»
a baby- dog?
a baby- pig?
a baby- cow?
a baby- horse?
a baby- cat?
a baby- bear?
a baby- goat?
a baby- swan?
a baby- sheep?
a baby- duck?
a baby- hen?
a baby- mouse?
a baby- wolf?
Дети отвечают: a puppy, a piglet, a calf , a colt, a kitten, a teddy- bear, a kid, a cygnet, a lamb, a duckling, a chicken, a mouse, a wolf-cub.
На магнитной доске карточки со словами:
a puppy a cat
a piglet a cow
a calf a pig
a colt a bear
a kitten a horse
a teddy- bear a goat
a kid a dog
a cygnet a sheep
a lamb a mouse
a duckling a wolf
a chicken a swan
a mouse a duck
a wolf-cub a hen
Дети по очереди выходят называют животное и его детеныша и составляют карточки вместе.
Учитель читает загадки про животных на английском языке, дети отгадываю, при верном ответе картинка животного появляется на экране.
1. The animal that has a beautiful yellow skin with black stripes.
(a tiger)
2. The animal that is always funny.
(a monkey)
3. The animal that has a beautiful white skin with black stripes.
(a zebra)
4. The animal that has a long trunk.
(an elephant)
This animal is the best friend for people.
(a dog)
6. The animal that gives people milk.
(a cow)
7. It is a small animal. It likes fish.
( a cat)
8. It is green and big. It lives in the river.
(a crocodile)
9. This animal lives in a pond. It likes to jump.
(a frog)
Учащиеся рассказывают о своих любимцах, по желанию демонстрируют рисунки своих домашних любимцев.
Teacher: And now look at these words and find out the opposites. Then you must say which words can you use to describe a cat, a hare, a wolf, a fox, a bear, a pig, a dog, a crocodile.
Например: a wolf (картинка)
domestic wild dangerous clever
аngry aglu fantastic grey green white
tall fat beautiful fast red brown
slow small funny slim pink black
На магнитной доске картинка животного и карточки с прилагательными, ученик выбирает подходящие прилагательные и прикрепляет около животного.
Teacher: Well, girls and boys. It’s very good that you know so much about animals, that you have pets at home and that you take care of them. But you must remember that animals and birds are our friends.