Цель урока: Развитие навыков и умений составления цельного монологического сообщения.
Задачи урока: 1.Совершенствовать речевые навыки учащихся.
2. Обучать составлению монологического высказывания по заданной опоре.
3.Оказать помощь учащимся в выборе будущей профессии.
Оборудование урока: Презентация слайдов.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент. Сообщение темы урока(слайд №1)
‘Where can you work?’
II. Речевая зарядка. Чтение учащимися пословицы. Беседа по прочитанному.( слайд № 2)
Proverb: To work the left hand.
-Do you usually work hard or left hand?
-Don’t you mind working hours?
-Which work do you prefer: mental or physical? Why?
-How many hours a day do you spend on doing your homework?
III. Look at the active board and pronounce some words (слайд № 3)
IV.-Listen to the description of some jobs and guess the names of them. If you guess it correctly, you’ll see its picture on the active board.
A) – You examine an ill patient. Then you make the patient’s diagnosis and write a prescription. The patient takes it and goes to a chemist. What’s the name of the job? ( a doctor) ( слайд № 4).
B) –You look after ill people. You take their temperature, pulses, and blood pressure, give them some medicine. You work in shifts.( nurse) ( слайд № 5)
C) – You designs and draws plans for new buildings and cities. Your work is creative and interesting.( architect) ( слайд № 6).
D)- You teach pupils, students. Your job is difficult, but you have a long holidays.( teacher) ( слайд № 7).
E) –You don’t walk in your cabin. You don’t talk to the people in your cabin. You are in the air. The job is dangerous but interesting. (pilot) ( слайд № 8).
F)- You decide cases in a court law. You must know the laws of your country very well. ( judge) ( слайд № 9).
G) – You find coal. Your work is very difficult, it’s under the ground. The work is dirty, but it is well-paid. ( minor) ( слайд № 10)
H) –You like to sing songs. The audience likes to listen to you. You are popular and loved by your fans.( singer) ( слайд 11) ( звучит песня).
V.-Can you name some jobs, which need people’s talent?
( an actor, an actress, an artist, a poet, a writer, a designer, a sculpture…)
Who is your favorite singer, actor, actress, writer, poet, artist? Why?
-Now let’s read an interesting story ‘ The king and the artist’ ( слайд № 12)
The King and the Artist