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«Урок для 7 го класса»
Lesson 45 7th form
Theme: The plural form of nouns.
Educational: to acquaint pupils’ with the formation of the plural form of nouns, to discover for themselves from the context sometimes confusing rules connected with the plural form of nouns.
Developing: to develop pupils’ speaking, writing and selfworking skills, critical thinking and teach theme to use the plural form of nouns in speech;
Brining up: to increase their interest in learning English ,to teach pupils to respect the language they speak.
Form of the lesson: Travelling.
Type of the lesson: Introduction of the new grammar material.
Methods of the lesson: presentation, explanation, demonstration .
Visual aids: cards, flipcharts, an interactive board.
The procedure of the lesson.
I. Org moment. Good afternoon children.
Sit down, please.
II. Warm up: Now children today’s lesson we’ll begin with the poem “Potatoes” All of you look at the blackboard listen then read.
One potato
Two potatoes
Three potatoes
Five potatoes
Six potatoes
Seven potatoes
Bad one.
III. Introduction of the new grammar material. Now children today we’ll be acquaint with the new theme’’ The plural of nouns.’’ All of you open your copy books and write down the date and the theme.
Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. We are going to travel from Bakanas to Almaty.
1st station is Bakbakty: The plural form of the most nouns form by adding the suffix “s’’
Nouns which ends to “s” “ss” “sh” “ch” “x” “o” form the plural by adding the suffix “es”.
Правило№2 .Существительные оканчивающиеся на s, ss, sh, ch, x, o образуют множественноу число прибавлением “es”и концею
a bus buses
a dress dresses
a brush brushes
a bench benches
a fox foxes
a tomato tomatoes
Исключения: Note: That a few nouns ending in “o”merely add –s.
2nd station is Karagash.
If the noun ends to “y” but before it there is a consonant letter the last “y” changes to “i” then we add the suffix “es”. If the noun ends to “y” but before it there is a vowel letter the last “y” is not changes we simply add the suffix “s”.
3rd station is Kapchagai: If the nouns end to “f” or “fe” the letter “f” changes to “v” and then we add the suffix “es”.
Правило №4. Совсем нестандартное. Некоторые существительные, оканчивающиеся на f или fe образуют множественное число путем замены f или fe на ves, например
knife - knives
leaf – leaves
Исключения:Note: Most other nouns ending in “f”or “fe” add -s
The last 4th station is the apple city Almaty: Irregular nouns. A few nouns form their plural by making some changes to inside vowels.
Правила№5 Нестандартные существительные
Singular Plural
a man men
a woman women
a goose geese
a child children
a mouse mice
an ox oxen
a foot feet
a tooth teeth
Uncountable nouns haven’t got plural form.
e.g. water, rice, tea, progress, information, advice etc.
IV. Checking up their understanding.Classify these nouns into their forming.
“s” “es” “y-i” “f-v” irregular nouns
a dog, a watch, a city, a wolf, a woman, a cake, an orange, a baby, a leaf, a foot, a radio, a table, a butterfly, a knife, a goose, a shoe, a piano, a fly.
b) Work with the tasks from the electronic textbook.
1gr: activity 1
2gr: activity 2
Both gr: activity 3.
V. Consolidation of the new theme.
The first level. Make sentences using nouns.
Musical pause.
The second level. Translate:
Красивые цветы-
Высокие дома-
Много яблок-
Чистые улицы-
Большие камни-
The third level. Test.
a)Choose the correct plural form.
a) potatoes b) potatos c) potato
2. Watch
a) watchs b) watchies c) watches
a) mans b)men c) manes
a) mice b)mouses c) mousies
5. City
a) cites b)cities c) citys
a) wolfs b) wolvies c) wolves
b) Work with a book ex2 p39. Read and find plural nouns.
c) Work with cards.
VI. Giving home task.
1gr: Give and write an example of plural form to each rule. Complete the diagram reading the Ex 9 p 41
2gr: Complete the diagram reading the Ex 9 p 41
3gr:Write the plural form of the names of these animals Ex1 p39