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Урок для 6 го класса

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урок предназначен для 6 го класса, на уроке использовали аудио, видио материалы. 

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«Урок для 6 го класса»

Theme of the lesson: « Houses and flats»

Мақсаты (aims of the lesson): 1) To practice pupil’s monological and dialogical speech, to teach pupils to work creatively and introduce new words , expressions according to the theme.

2) To develop pupils’ skills and habits in critical thinking. Listening, reading and writing.

3) To bring up pupils’ interests to own houses and flats and to widen their scope, to help them to love and respect foreign languages, to teach the pupils to share their opinions.

Visual aids: flipchart, pictures of the rooms, slides, cards, buklet.

The type of the lesson: Introduction of the new lesson

Form of the lesson: Combined Duration: 45 min

Course of the lesson

Organization moment.

T: Good afternoon, boys and girls!

P: Good afternoon, teacher!

T: How are you! I am glad to see you today. Sit down, please!

T: Who is on duty today? Who is absent today?

What date is it today?

What day is it today?

T: All of you look at the active board and let’s listen and read the tongue challenge. Listen and read.

Warm-up! Listen a poem!

«КӨПІР» тапсырмалары

(оқушылар үйде орындап, бүгінгі сабаққа дайындалып келеді)

Жазып үйде аударып келу, оқып келу,есте сақтау.


Living room Bed room Kitchen Dining room

A fridge –тоңазытқыш A washing machine- кір жуатын машина Wardrobe- гардероб Sink-суға батыру Garden-бақ Cooker-газ плитасы Vacuum cleaner- шаңсорғыш Curtain –перде Next to – қасында, жанында Banana –банан Architect – құрылысшы Teacher -мұғалім

Engineer –инжинер Orange-апельсин Pomegranate-анар

Apple-алма Accountant –есепші

«Түсіну» теориясы

II кезең

The new theme: Жаңа сабақты меңгерту тапсырмалары.

Т: Our new theme is about houses and flats.

I group. Say about “ House”

We live in a flat or in a house. Old people like to live in a house because our granny want to plant flowers, trees and vegetables. They have garden. But every young people like to live in a flat. Because they like all conveniences.

II group. Say about “Flat”

In the living room there is a carpet a fireplace a rug a sofa a stereo, a table , television, a mirror and a lamp. There are armchairs, candels, chairs, curtains, pictures , shelves and vases.

In the living room there is a bed, a chest of drawers , a table, a mirror and rug. There are curtains, a blanket, a window, a pillows, desk, a clock a lamp and vase.

In the kitchen

I want describe our kitchen. There is a gas stove, refrigerator a sideboard and few other things in the kitchen. We have meals in the kitchen.

«Білу» теория


Сөздерді дұрыс қойып жаз.









«Талдау» теориясы: салыстыр,

айырмашылығы неде? Сұрақтары

Auding work. Listen to the text. Тыңда! Flipcharts

Тақырыпты оқып ,сұрақтарға жауап бер.

We live in a three-room flat.
The room I like best in our flat is mine. I use my room as a study and a bedroom. It is very nice and beautiful.
I like my room very much. When my friends come to visit me, I invite them into my room.
My room is a nice place for both rest and work.

1) Do you like this text?

2) How many rooms are there in the flat?
) Do you like your room?



(Қорытынды шығар, анықтама бер. Мазмұнды жүйеле, кесте, сызба, т.б. түрінде)

Look at the picture and complete the paragraph with the words in the box.

Bathroom bedroom dining room garden hall kitchen living room

This large house has two lovely (1) bedrooms and a (2) -------- with bath and shower. Downstairs there is a very comfortable (3)--------, a (4)--------,a large-----and a (6)------with a door going out into a beautiful (7)-------.



(қарапайым тапсырмалар)

Мына сызбаға қарап, қандай бөлмеде не бар екенің қойып шық . Here are pictures. Сomplete the chart.


a bed room





a living room






«БІЛУ», «Баға беру»

(Кім?Не? Қашан? Қандай? Қалай?Не істеді?)

New words

hostel- жатахана

international -халықаралық

single rooms-бір бөлмелі

double rooms-екі бөлмелі

billiard table-бильярд үстелі

І деңгей

Read the text about “Buckley house”

Buckley house is a hostel for students. The hostel has a view of the sea. It is only five minutes from the train station and ten minutes from the bus station.

There are twenty-five single rooms and eight double rooms, on three floors. Each floors has its own kitchen, shower-room and toilets. There are four double rooms with en- suite bathrooms.

On the ground floor there is a very large hall with TV. There is a small coffee bar and a games room (with a billiard table and two tennis tables).

ІІ деңгей


(Неге? Себебі? Неліктен? Не себепті?)

Match the words in column A with B(individual and pair work)


To cook in the living room

To watch TV in the bathroom

To take a shower in the kitchen

To water flowers in the dining room

To sleep in the garden

To have dinner in the bedroom


Who knows more? «Кім көбірек біледі?»/ Әріптерді қалпына келтіру керек/.

I group II group

1)Dining room 1)Architect

2)Kitchen 2) Clocks

3) Pomegranate 3) Sofa


Which word is the odd one?

I group

1. house , flat, room, living room, bedroom, kitchen

2. TV set, sofa, fridge, lamp, lion, table, chair.

II group

3. day, week, month, sun, year, season

4.study, speak, learn,say, play.

ІІІ деңгей


тау» (қорытын-

ды шығар, анықтама бер, мазмұнды жүйеле, кесте, сызба, сөзжұмбақ, ребус т.б. тапсырма-лар )

Тест - (активоит

арқылы алу)



Test (Activeboard)

Where is Buckley house?

a)From the train station to the bus station

b) bus station c) train station

How many kitchens are there?

a) 3 b)4 c)5

How many double rooms are there?

a) 9 b)4 c)8

How many pay telephones are there?

a) 3 b)2 c)5

«Баға беру»

(Сен қалай ойлайсың?

Не істер едің?)

1.Auding work. Listen to the video.

2. After that to complete the advertisement. Тыңда және жарнама құра!

I group

II group

Үйге тапсырма

1)Ex4,7 p173

2) Draw your own flat.

3) To learn by heart new words.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Урок для 6 го класса

Автор: Азимбаева Арайлым Асылбековна

Дата: 21.01.2019

Номер свидетельства: 496546

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