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Урок английского языка по теме "My day"

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My Day”.

1. Организация класса на начало урока.

Т.:  Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you. What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What is the weather like today? What season is it now? Do you like winter?

2. Введение в коммуникативную ситуацию урока.

Т.:  Let’s start our lesson. Look at the screen. Watch the video and say: “ What is the theme of our lesson?”

          St.: My day.

         T.: That’s right.  What do you usually do during a day?

        St.:  Get up, wash my face, brush my teeth, play games, have breakfast….

3.  Основная часть урока.

1. Активизация лексического материала по теме “My Day”.

T. : Look at my cards. Repeat the words and word combinations after me: go home, have lunch, have breakfast, have dinner, take a bath, wake up, wash, watch TV, go to bed, go to school, start school, do homework, get dressed, play soccer.

T.: Now look at these expressions and answer my questions.

             Do you wake up at 6 o’clock?

            When do you have breakfast?

            Who makes breakfast for you?

            Do you wash your hands and face?

            Do you take a bath in the morning or in the evening?

            When do you go to school?

            What lessons do you have today?

            How many lessons do you have at school?

            What books do you read?

            What do you do in the evening?

            When do you go to bed?

T.: Take cards on your desk. Match the words with the picture and write down the correct number into the circle.

T.: Let's check your task. Look at the screen.

2. Развитие диалогической речи по теме “My day”.

T: It is interesting to know what  you do every day.

Work in pairs and make up your own dialogue using the model.

3. Здоровьесберегающий компонент урока. Учитель проводит физкультминутку

T. : And now let's rest!

4. Развитие навыков аудирования

T. : Watch the video and choose the right answers to the  questions.

5. Групповая работа.

T. : Work in groups. Complete your ideal day out in winter or in summer.

4. Домашнее задание.

T. : Write down your homework.

p. 113, ex. 8

p. 114, ex. 9

6. Оценивание

T. : Thank you. You have done a lot today! We were talking much about your working day. I’m very glad that all of you have taken active part in this work. You have worked well at our lesson. And your marks are very good today.

T. : The lesson is over. So thank you for the lesson. You may be free. Good-bye, children.

An ideal day in summer

An ideal day in winter

To get up early

To get up late

To get up early

To get up late

To do morning exercises

To ride a bike in the morning

To do morning exercises

To ski in the forest

To have breakfast in a café

To have porridge in the morning

To have ice cream for breakfast 

To have porridge in the morning

To spend much time on computer games and television

To swim in the river a lot

To spend much time on computer games and television

To play hockey a lot

To eat cakes and crisps for lunch

To eat soup, fish and rice for lunch

To skate with  friends

To make a snowman

To play snowballs

To go to bed early

To go to bed late

not to go to bed late

To go to bed late

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«Урок английского языка по теме "My day"»

My Day”.

1. Организация класса на начало урока.

Т.: Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you. What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What is the weather like today? What season is it now? Do you like winter?

2. Введение в коммуникативную ситуацию урока.

Т.: Let’s start our lesson. Look at the screen. Watch the video and say: “ What is the theme of our lesson?”

St.: My day.

T.: That’s right. What do you usually do during a day?

St.: Get up, wash my face, brush my teeth, play games, have breakfast….

3. Основная часть урока.

1. Активизация лексического материала по теме “My Day”.

T. : Look at my cards. Repeat the words and word combinations after me: go home, have lunch, have breakfast, have dinner, take a bath, wake up, wash, watch TV, go to bed, go to school, start school, do homework, get dressed, play soccer.

T.: Now look at these expressions and answer my questions.

Do you wake up at 6 o’clock?

When do you have breakfast?

Who makes breakfast for you?

Do you wash your hands and face?

Do you take a bath in the morning or in the evening?

When do you go to school?

What lessons do you have today?

How many lessons do you have at school?

What books do you read?

What do you do in the evening?

When do you go to bed?

T.: Take cards on your desk. Match the words with the picture and write down the correct number into the circle.

T.: Let's check your task. Look at the screen.

2. Развитие диалогической речи по теме “My day”.

T: It is interesting to know what you do every day.

Work in pairs and make up your own dialogue using the model.

3. Здоровьесберегающий компонент урока. Учитель проводит физкультминутку

T. : And now let's rest!

4. Развитие навыков аудирования

T. : Watch the video and choose the right answers to the questions.

5. Групповая работа.

T. : Work in groups. Complete your ideal day out in winter or in summer.

4. Домашнее задание.

T. : Write down your homework.

p. 113, ex. 8

p. 114, ex. 9

6. Оценивание

T. : Thank you. You have done a lot today! We were talking much about your working day. I’m very glad that all of you have taken active part in this work. You have worked well at our lesson. And your marks are very good today.

T. : The lesson is over. So thank you for the lesson. You may be free. Good-bye, children.

An ideal day in summer

An ideal day in winter

To get up early

To get up late

To get up early

To get up late

To do morning exercises

To ride a bike in the morning

To do morning exercises

To ski in the forest

To have breakfast in a café

To have porridge in the morning

To have ice cream for breakfast

To have porridge in the morning

To spend much time on computer games and television

To swim in the river a lot

To spend much time on computer games and television

To play hockey a lot

To eat cakes and crisps for lunch

To eat soup, fish and rice for lunch

To skate with friends

To make a snowman

To play snowballs

To go to bed early

To go to bed late

not to go to bed late

To go to bed late

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок английского языка по теме "My day"

Автор: Понетайкина Галина Васильевна

Дата: 19.10.2023

Номер свидетельства: 638331

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