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Урок 1 "Мой английский алфавит"

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Разработка урока по английскому языку для 2 класса, первый год обучения.

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«Урок 1 "Мой английский алфавит"»

Date: Lesson 1 2nd form

The Topic: My English Alphabet

The Aim: - to broaden pupils’ horizons;

  • to present the first letter Aa and the sounds  æ and ei; some words: apple, apricot, astronaut, alarm; phrases: Hi! Hello! How are you? I’m fine. So-so. Good bye!

  • to develop skills to deal with listening, speaking and writing;

  • to educate interest in learning English.

The equipment: flesh cards, a computer.

The Process

  1. Warming up: T: Stand up, please. Hello!

P: (with the help) Hell!

T: Take your sits, please.

T: Hello! Means – Здравствуйте! You can say “Hello!” to your teacher. To your class-mates you can say “Hi!” it means – Привет!

Let us practice! Tell me, please: “ Hello, Teacher!” “Teacher” means – учитель;

P: Hello, Teacher! (all together)

T: Once again! Hello, Teacher!

P: Hello, Teacher!(all together)

T: Great! Now turn to each other and say “Hi!”

P: Hi! ( all together)

T: Good job!

  1. Main body: Today I’d like to tell you about English Alphabet. It comes from Latin. Englishmen use Latin letters and Russian Alphabet comes from Latin, so some letters are the same in English and in Russian. You can see it:

T: What letters are the same in Russian? Point, please.

P: A, B, C, E, H, K, M, O, P, T,X

T: Yes, you are write! Let’s look a video about the first letter from the English Alphabet! Great! Now, let us write down the first letter from the English Alphabet into your notebooks. Write Aa, Aa etc.

T: Are you ready? OK. Now, I must say, that letter Aa has two sounds:  æ and ei. The first sound is heard э and the other sound is heard like эи. Listen to me and repeat: Apple, aim.

P: Apple, aim.

T: Great! Now Let’s have a little rest and sing a funny song! Sing along!

Hello! Hello!

Can you clap your hands? (clap, clap, clap)

Hello! Hello!

Can you clap your hands? (clap, clap, clap)

Can you stretch up high?

Can you touch your toes?

Can you turn around?

Can you say Hello?

Hello! Hello!

Can you step your feet?

Hello! Hello!

Can you step your feet?

Can you stretch up high?

Can you touch your toes?

Can you turn around?

Can you say Hello?

Hello! Hello!

Can you clap your hands? (clap, clap, clap)

Hello! Hello!

Can you step your feet?

T: That’s a good job! We have learnt how to say “Hello!” in English, the next phrase “How are you?” it means - Как твои дела? Repeat after me: How are you?

P: How are you? (all together)

T: Great! Once again! How are you?

P: How are you? (all together)

T: Good! Turn to each other and say: How are you?

P: How are you? (all together)

T: OK. But how can we answer the question? You can say: “I’m fine”, it means – Хорошо! Repeat after me: “ I’m fine”

P: “ I’m fine” (all together)

T: Great! Once again!

P: “ I’m fine” (all together)

T: And you can say: ”So-so”. Repeat after me: ”So-so”.

P: ”So-so”.

T: Good Job!

  1. Home task: T: Children, we have written a letter Aa today, do it again at home, please.

  2. Reflection: T: Children! Let’s remember what English letter do you know?

P: Aa

T: You are right! And what English phrases do you know?

P: (with the help) Hello! Hi! How are you? I’m fine! So-so.

T: Great! And now it’s time to learn the last phrase for today: “Good bye!” it means – До свидания! Repeat after me: “Good bye!”

P: “Good bye!” (all together)

T: Very good! So, our lesson is over! Good Bye!

P: Good bye! (all together)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок 1 "Мой английский алфавит"

Автор: Пискунова Александра Николаевна

Дата: 16.09.2020

Номер свидетельства: 557608

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