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«Урок по формированию коммуникативных УУД по теме "Путешествие" 4 класс »
План-конспект урока английского языка в соответствии
с требованиями ФГОС ООО
Дата проведения – 10 марта 2015 года
4 А класс.
МАОУ СОШ №6 г. Северодвинск.
Урок подготовлен учителем первой квалификационной категории МАОУ СОШ №6 с углубленным изучением иностранных языков кандидатом педагогических наук Лощининой Л.А.
Тема итогового урока по английскому языку: «Путешествие - Travelling»
При подготовке к уроку учителями было дано домашнее задание для каждого учащегося примерно за 2 недели до проведения урока:
Подготовить сообщение по определенной теме «Виды транспорта – Kinds of Transport» (ученики готовили сообщения в соответствии с информацией, полученной с уроков и дополнительной информацией по теме). Информация была дана по следующим видам транспорта – a bus, a car, a train, a plane, a motorbike, a bike, a submarine, a horse, a camel, a skateboard, a yacht, a balloon, a helicopter, a lorry, an elephant, a taxi
Подготовить презентации по теме «Kinds of transport» и речь для защиты.
Выучить диалоги по теме «Путешествие».
Выучить вопросы по теме и уметь на них отвечать в соответствии с запрашиваемой информацией
Do you like to travel?
With whom do you travel?
Have you been abroad? Where?
Have you lived at the hotel? What was it like?
Do you travel with a lot of luggage?
Do you like to travel by plane?
Do you like to travel by train?
Have you ever travelled by ship?
Have you ever travelled by plane?
What is the most comfortable kind of transport? Why?
What is your favourite kind of transport? Why?
Создать совместные проекты по теме «Интересные места для путешествий в Англии» и подготовить речь для защиты.
Цель и задачи урока:
Цель – формирование коммуникативных универсальных учебных действий, а именно
точно выражать свои мысли;
участвовать в обсуждении проблем, владеть монологической и диалогической формами речи, грамотно оформлять её;
уметь ставить вопросы с целью получения дополнительной информации;
уметь высказывать свое мнение, спрашивать мнение других;
уметь эффективно сотрудничать при выполнении совместной работы, уважать мнение других.
Предметные цели:
- способствовать развитию умений и навыков говорения по теме «Путешествие»;
- способствовать осознанию основного лексического материала по теме и умению употреблять его в речи при общении.
Метапредметные цели:
- способствовать формированию и развитию нравственных качеств личности, формированию уважения к стране изучаемого языка.
- способствовать формированию и развитию межкультурной компетентности в процессе ознакомления с интересными местами для посещения в стране изучаемого языка.
Личностные УУД:
- способствовать развитию речи учащихся (обогащение и усложнение словарного запаса)
- способствовать формированию и развитию познавательного интереса учащихся к предмету.
- способствовать формированию и развитию самостоятельности учащихся (при отборе материала, создании презентаций и проектов)
-способствоватьразвитию внимания, памяти, способности к сравнению и сопоставлению речевых единиц, к анализу, обобщению;
- способствовать формированию готовности изучать английский язык, знакомиться с особенностями страны изучаемого языка.
Когнитивные УУД:
- планируется, что к окончанию урока ученик будет уметь задавать вопросы по теме и отвечать на них, уметь рассказать о местах в стране изучаемого языка, описывать их, защищая проекты и используя правильно-подобранную информацию, правильно писать название видов транспорта, отгадывая загадки.
Коммуникативные УУД:
- создавать условия для прослушивания и понимания речи своих одноклассников;
- способствовать развитию умения согласовывать свои действия, приходить к общему решению посредством работы в группах, а также в процессе взаимодействия с учителем и учащимися, так же как и с командой соперников.
План урока:
Объявление цели и задач урока, объявление правил урока.
Все ребята представляются, используя следующие конструкции: I am fond of, I am interested in, I dislike, I am good at, As for me it’s boring, I am crazy about, I am bad at, I am not fond of, My favourite activity is, My hobbies are, It’s difficult for me to, I can’t stand, I enjoy, I am very….
Today we are going to speak about a thing which everybody likes. It is very interesting and cognitive to do it. You can do it with your parents, relatives, friends, classmates, grandparents. When you do it, you visit different cities, meet new people, learn more about different countries. Let’s guess what it is?
Дети говорят, что тема урока ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ.
Учитель просит прокомментировать девиз урока:
The more you live,
The more you travel,
The more you travel,
The more you see,
The more you see,
The more you learn
Учитель сообщает, что ряд заданий дети будут выполнять в команде, а ряд заданий будет для всех учащихся независимо от команд, в которых находятся ребята.
During our lesson we are going to (на доске – ребята читают)
- show the presentations about different kinds of transport
- guess the riddles about different kinds of transport
- have listening, discuss how pupils go to school
- ask and answer the most important questions about travelling
- retell the dialogues about the places where we can start our travelling
- name some interesting places to visit in England, describe them and invite the classmates to visit them
- make a conclusion about travelling (a student card)
1 этап выполняется в командах
Показ и защита презентаций – жеребьёвка.
Оценивание (по 5- бальной шкале)
Презентации о видах транспорта.
If your family has got a car, you are lucky. You can go by car if you can drive it. You can stop at any place if you travel by car. But nowadays there are a lot of cars in big cities and they pollute the air.
In Africa and in a desert people need a special kind of transport. It’s a camel. Camels help people to move when it’s hot. Camels are very hard-working. They can do without water for a long time.
It’s a lorry. When people need to carry big and heavy things such as wardrobes, carpets, sofas, TV-sets they use it.
Buses are very useful. They can help people to go about the city. In London buses are often red and they are never late.
If you are very brave you can use a balloon. It is a kind of transport which can help you to see the beautiful land from the air.
You can call a taxi in every town if you need to go quickly from one place to another. The drivers must be polite and helpful and very careful. It is a very comfortable kind of transport.
Helicopter is not for everybody. It’s a special kind of transport. It helps people in the mountains and who are in danger.
Submarines are not a kind of transport. In our town we have a plant which produces submarines
Motorbikes are very dangerous. They are very fast. Only strong and brave men can use them. Also they can take part in a motorbike competitions
If you want to go to Great Britain and America you need a plane. It is the most comfortable and the fastest kind of transport. The tickets sometimes can be very expensive.
If you are not lazy and can ride a bike it’s for you. You can ride it in the town and in the city to move from one place to another.
In Africa many people use elephants as kinds of transport. They help people to carry them and heavy things. The elephants are very friendly.
Horses are very friendly. They help people to carry them and their things. If you feed your horse, love and take care of it, it can be your best friend.
If you want to move slowly, eat and sleep during your trip, the train is for you. You can meet new people in the train and the tickets are not very expensive.
2 этапвыполняетсявкомандах
It is a kind of transport. People think it’s the fastest and most comfortable.
You can sleep; eat in a restaurant car if you travel so. It goes slowly and you can enjoy nature out of the window.
It is a place where you can stay during your trip. You can book a single or a double room there. It can be fantastic or bad, cheap or expensive.
If you have it and you can drive, you can go everywhere
This kind of transport is often red in London. In our town there are a lot of people use it.
You wait for the train there, you can also buy the tickets if you travel by train
You need it if you want to get on the plane, the bus and the train. Sometimes it can be very expensive
You take it when you travel. If you have many things it is large. When you have few things it is little
You wait for your flight there
You buy this kind of ticket when you are going to come back
Отгадки каждая команда должна записать на доске. Оценивается правильность записи, проверка.
3 этап Аудирование
(учебник SolutionElementary стр. 98 № 6) – аудирование идет в формате ГИА
- самопроверка и обсуждение вопроса как дети добираются до школы
4 этап соревнования между командами
Перекрестный допрос. Now to know more information about your experience in travelling you will have to ask the question and the 2-nd team will have to answer. (за каждый правильно заданный вопрос и полученный ответ команда получает 1 балл). The questions are:
Do you like to travel?
With whom do you travel?
Have you been abroad? Where?
Have you lived at the hotel? What was it like?
Do you travel with a lot of luggage?
Do you like to travel by plane?
Do you like to travel by train?
Have you ever travelled by ship?
Have you ever travelled by plane?
What is the most comfortable kind of transport? Why?
What is your favourite kind of transport? Why?
5 этап – рассказдиалогов.
Ученики в командах должны поднять карточку, на которой написано место, в котором происходит разговор
- at the bus stop
- at an airport
- on the street
- at the railway station
- at a hotel
Мини – итог, выставление баллов
6 этап соревнования по командам – защита проектов, приглашения в интересные места в Англии.
Короткое высказывание учащихся подготовивших проекты в парах.
Welcome to London Big Bus Tour. It is the most famous activity in London. The double Decker buses are very comfortable and very fast. They will take you to all interesting places of London. You can hop on and hop off at any place you like. You can see and visit _____________________________
The children and their parents can go. The tickets are not expensive. They cost about 11 pounds for children and about 20 pounds for adults. I’d like to go because I want ____________________________________
I want to invite you to visit the Tower of London. Many years ago William the Conqueror built the White Tower on the river Thames and it was a prison, a palace, King’s Zoo and now it is a museum. You can go to the Tower if you are interested in English History. The tickets are about 15 pounds. It takes you about 3 hours to see all places in the Tower. I’d like to go because I want _________________________
I want to invite you in a very interesting place – aquarium. It is in Brighton the town near London. I think it is interesting to visit this place, because you can see many sea fish and animals. Also you can go to the café in the aquarium and enjoy the English tea, pizza, cakes and different snacks. People of different ages can go there. The tickets are cheap. I’d like to go because I want_____________________________________
If you have never been to the Harbour Park it is for you. It is for all your family. You will have fun and try many activities in it. In the park you can eat in different cafes. The food is very tasty. Also you can buy many souvenirs. The tickets are not expansive. I’d like to go because I want____________________
If you want get nose to nose with nature this place is for you. You can not only watch different animals there but also feed them at feeding time. It’s like a Zoo but you can get fun there. It has got a special play ground and a swimming pool for children. I’d like to go because I want____________
If you like the traditional holiday of Great Britain Halloween party is for you. You can go there with your family or not. It’s up to you. Do you know if you have a birthday on the 31- st of October you can speak to spirits. So the party will be interesting and give you a fun. Don’t invite your little brothers and sisters, they will be scared. I’d like to go because I want_____________________________________
If you love animals want to feed them and watch them, the Blackberry Farm is for you. You can see big and small animals such as___________________________________________ And you can try pony rides, know how the animals live and eat there and how you can take care of them. I’d like to go because I want___________
Мини - итог
7 этап – studentcard – монологическое высказывание по теме Путешествие
Подведение итогов, рефлексия
Read the statements. Think about your progress and tick one of the boxes
I need more practice
I sometimes find it difficult
No problem
I need more practice
I sometimes find it difficult
No problem
I can speak about some kinds of transport
I can ask the questions about travelling
I can understand my classmates who speak about travelling
I can describe the place in England and invite my classmate there.