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Урок на тему "Transport in London"

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Cаба?ты? та?ырыбы: Transport in London

Ма?саты:О?ушыларды Лондонда?ы транспорт туралы м?тінмен таныстыру ар?ылы 
с?ра? – жауап ж?мысын ж?ргізу, м?тін бойынша о?у?а ж?не с?йлеуге ?йрету, 
жазба ж?мыстарын ж?ргізу
Саба?ты? т?рі: аралас саба?
Саба? барысы:
I. Org. moment
II. Checking up the hometask
III. Vocabulary.
double – decker – екі ?абатты автобус
a coach – алыс жол?а ж?ретін автобус
cheap – арзан
passenger – жолаушы
queue – кезек
allow – р??сат ету
overcrowded – толып кеткен
IV. Reading.
Ex 9. – read the text about double – decker buses.
V. Writing.
Ex 10. P 83 – make sentences as shown in the example.
T he bus having only one floor is a single - decker.
The bus having two floors is a double – decker.
The person who drivers is a driver.
The man who takes your money is a driver.
The man who takes your money is a conductor.
The man who check your ticket is an inspector.

VI. Listening.
Listen to the text about the “Great Fire of London” p262. (Unit 3. Step 3)

Ex 3, p81 – tick (V) the adjectives you hear in the text.
terrible clean wooden strong wide
narrow dirty dry hot old
crooked plastic wet new

Ex6. – compare the old London and new London
Old London
New London
1. Streets were narrow.
2. Streets were dirty.
3. Houses were made of wood.
1. Streets are wide
2. Streets are not dirty/clean
3. Houses are made of brick of stone.

VII. Writing exercises.
Ex12, p 83 – compare the system of public transport in London and your city.

1. 300 underground stations

My cat

1. no underground

Things in common

1) traffic jam

Ex 13. – continue these sentences using “Gerunds after” to go on” and “ to give up”
Model 1. Model 2.
1) playing 1. Using a car
2) taking photos 2. Working late
3) She went on living 3. He gave up crying
at her aunt`s 
4) She went on reading 4. He gave up teaching Russian

Ex 14 – prepositions after “going”
by car, bus, taxi, plane, ship, bike.
In a bus, a train, a car.
For a walk, a drive, a ride, a run, a swim.
On a subway, a cruise, a tour, an outing, foot, a plane

VIII. Hometask: 1) to learn and remember prepositions.

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Cабақтың тақырыбы: Transport in London

Мақсаты:Оқушыларды Лондондағы транспорт туралы мәтінмен таныстыру арқылы 
сұрақ – жауап жұмысын жүргізу, мәтін бойынша оқуға және сөйлеуге үйрету, 
жазба жұмыстарын жүргізу
Сабақтың түрі: аралас сабақ
Сабақ барысы:
I. Org. moment
II. Checking up the hometask
III. Vocabulary.
double – decker – екі қабатты автобус
a coach – алыс жолға жүретін автобус
cheap – арзан
passenger – жолаушы
queue – кезек
allow – рұқсат ету
overcrowded – толып кеткен
IV. Reading .
Ex 9. – read the text about double – decker buses.
V. Writing.
Ex 10. P 83 – make sentences as shown in the example.
T he bus having only one floor is a single - decker.
The bus having two floors is a double – decker.
The person who drivers is a driver.
The man who takes your money is a driver.
The man who takes your money is a conductor.
The man who check your ticket is an inspector.

VI. Listening.
Listen to the text about the “Great Fire of London” p262. (Unit 3. Step 3)

Ex 3, p81 – tick (V) the adjectives you hear in the text.
terrible clean wooden strong wide
narrow dirty dry hot old
crooked plastic wet new

Ex6. – compare the old London and new London
Old London
New London
1. Streets were narrow.
2. Streets were dirty.
3. Houses were made of wood.
1. Streets are wide
2. Streets are not dirty/clean
3. Houses are made of brick of stone.

VII. Writing exercises.
Ex12, p 83 – compare the system of public transport in London and your city.

1. 300 underground stations

My cat

1. no underground

Things in common

1) traffic jam

Ex 13. – continue these sentences using “Gerunds after” to go on” and “ to give up”
Model 1 . Model 2.
1) playing 1. Using a car
2) taking photos 2. Working late
3) She went on living 3. He gave up crying
at her aunt`s 
4) She went on reading 4. He gave up teaching Russian

Ex 14 – prepositions after “going”
by car, bus, taxi, plane, ship, bike.
In a bus, a train, a car.
For a walk, a drive, a ride, a run, a swim.
On a subway, a cruise, a tour, an outing, foot, a plane

VIII. Hometask: 1) to learn and remember prepositions.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

урок на тему "Transport in London"

Автор: Жонделбаева Мира Аскарбековна

Дата: 24.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 178043

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