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Открытый урок на тему: Transport in London

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Form: 9

The theme: Transport in London


Educational: to practice students in monological and dialogical speech, to teach students to work creatively, expressions according to the theme.

Developing: to enrich children’s memory and logical thinking, to develop creativity doing exercises.

Bringing up: to bring up pupils to love for foreign language, promoting interest in the culture.

The type of the lesson: lesson-combination.

Inter subject connection: Russian, Kazakh.

The visual and teaching aids: a basic textbook, cards.

I. Organization moment:

Teacher: Good morning, gays!
Students: Good morning, teacher!
T: Take your seats, please.
A talk with the monitor: 
T: Tell me, please, who is on duty today?
M: I’m on duty today.
T: Tell us, please, what day is it today?
M: Today is the …
T: And who is absent today?
M: Today all are present.
T: Thank you. Sit down, please.

II. Introduction the theme and aims of the lesson:

T: Did you guess the topic of our lesson? I think you did. Today we’ll speak about London’s places of  interest. But it is necessary for me to understand what do you thing about these.

What places of interest do you know?

 Would you like to visit London? Why?

III. Checking homework: T: So, it’s high time now to check your home task. By the way, what were you to do for this day?

IV. New material:

T: By the way, recently I’ve received a video-letter from my former group mate. After graduating from the university she went to the Great Britain and now she has been living in London for a year. Sometimes 
she writes or phones me. And I’d like to present for you a piece of this video-letter. Look at the screen, please, and try to remember the main places of interest in London which are mentioned in the film.

T: Well, gays, did you like it?

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«Открытый урок на тему: Transport in London»


Form: 9

The theme: Transport in London


Educational: to practice students in monological and dialogical speech, to teach students to work creatively, expressions according to the theme.

Developing: to enrich children’s memory and logical thinking, to develop creativity doing exercises.

Bringing up: to bring up pupils to love for foreign language, promoting interest in the culture.

The type of the lesson: lesson-combination.

Inter subject connection: Russian, Kazakh.

The visual and teaching aids: a basic textbook, cards.

I. Organization moment:

Teacher: Good morning, gays!
Students: Good morning, teacher!
T: Take your seats, please.
A talk with the monitor: 
T: Tell me, please, who is on duty today?
M: I’m on duty today.
T: Tell us, please, what day is it today?
M: Today is the …
T: And who is absent today?
M: Today all are present.
T: Thank you. Sit down, please.

II. Introduction the theme and aims of the lesson:

T: Did you guess the topic of our lesson? I think you did. Today we’ll speak about London’s places of  interest. But it is necessary for me to understand what do you thing about these.

What places of interest do you know?

Would you like to visit London? Why?

III. Checking homework: T: So, it’s high time now to check your home task. By the way, what were you to do for this day?

IV. New material:

T: By the way, recently I’ve received a video-letter from my former group mate. After graduating from the university she went to the Great Britain and now she has been living in London for a year. Sometimes 
she writes or phones me. And I’d like to present for you a piece of this video-letter. Look at the screen, please, and try to remember the main places of interest in London which are mentioned in the film.

T: Well, gays, did you like it?
S 1: Oh, I liked it very much. London is a very beautiful city.
S 2: As for me, I enjoyed it greatly. It was very interesting.
T: So, let’s remember what your task was.
S: We were to remember the main places of interest in London which were mentioned in the film.
T: Good! Let’s name them.
S 1: the Thames, Tower Bridge.
S 2: Big Ben, the East End.
Ok, what do you know about London?

London is the capital of Great Britain.

The Houses of parliament – it is the place where government works.

Big Ben - it is the clock.

Buckingham Palace is the residence of the Queen.

The Tower of London is the historical monument

Westminster Abbey is the church.

What kind of transports do you know? (a car, a plane, a taxi, a train, a bus, a bicycle, etc). Now look at the blackboard.

Ok, can we see these transports in our village. What kind of transports can we see in our village? What kind of transports can we see in London?

Ok, Let` s read the text “Transport in London”.

V. Reading

Read the text

Transport in London

If it has two floors it is called a double-decker and you can get a good view from the top. If it has only one floor it is called a single –decker. Buses have a two person crew it is a driver who drives, of course ,and the conducter (or the conductress if it is a woman) who takes your money. Keep your ticket as the inspector might want to check it. You catch a bus waiting at a bus stop. For longer distance take a long-distance bus called a coach which is slower but cheaper.

A double decker bus has an upstairs (top) and downstairs (inside).

The use of the word inside for the lower deck dates from the early days when the top deck was open, so that only passengers on the lower deck were inside. People queue for buses in Britain. But you shouldn’t jump the queue: people don’t like it. Only a limited number is allowed to stand inside.

And no one may stand on top. Smoking in allowed on top but you cannot smoke inside.

What is the difference between…..Conductor and conductress

Inspector and bus driver

Single-decker and double -decker

Bus and couch

Make the sentences as shown in the example.

The bus having only one floor is a single-decker.

The bus_______________is a double-decker.

The person _____________is a driver.

The man _______________is a conductor.

The man _______________is an inspector.

VI. Speaking

Make conversation interesting

-hello, my friend! How are you?
-I'm great!
-Really? What happened?
-I decided to visit London!
-Oh, my God! It's cool! I know that it's city of your blue dream!
-Yes. I'm so happy. My parents bought tikets for me and my brother.
-You are lucky girl.
_I know. It is the largest and most populated city in the United Kingdom and the European Union.

VII. Comprehension check

London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic, and commercial centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is about 8 million.

London is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End, and the East End.

The heart of London is the City, its financial and business centre. There are some famous ancient buildings within the City. Perhaps the most striking of them is the St. Paul's Cathedral, the greatest of English churches. It was built in the 17th century by Sir Christopher Wren. The Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar and in 1066 rebuilt by William the Conqueror. It was used as a fortress, a royal palace, and a prison. Now it is a museum.

A. Answer the questions

1) What parts is London divided into?

2) What is the financial and business centre of London?

3) Is the West End the richest and beautiful part of London?

4) What is situated on the north side of the Trafalgar Square?

5) Name the governmental part of London?

 B. True or False sentences

1) London's population is about 10 million.

2) The heart of London is the City.

3) St. Paul's Cathedral is the greatest English clock.

4) The East End is the working part of London.

5) The seat of the British Parliament is the Tower of London.

VIII. Homework: EX 5

The grammar rules.

XI.Conclusion. (2 min)

Our lesson is reaching the end. My dear, today you were very active and worked hard.

Your marks for today’ s lesson are…

Thank you! See you later!

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«Transport in London»

9 «А» сыныбы

Өткізген: Акишева Г.К

(ағылшын тілі мұғалімі)

2016-2017 оқу жылы

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Открытый урок на тему: Transport in London

Автор: Акишева Гульшат Кайырбаевна

Дата: 09.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 398756

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