Transport in London
Цели: образовательная – ознакомить учащихся с новым лексическим
развивающая – развитие контекстуальной догадки;
воспитательная – привитие интереса к культуре изучаемого языка.
Задачи: практика устной и письменной речи.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Методы: репродуктивный, наглядно - иллюстративный
Форма обучения: общеклассная, в группах
The structure of the lesson
I Orgmoment
Good morning students!
How are you today?
Who is on duty today?
- Phonetic drills: Listen and repeat
[i:] [i]
bean flipper
sleep still
knee kitten
sheet sit
II The central part of the lesson.
- Checking homework ( Quiz, new words of last lesson)
Pupils write the words on sheets of paper in Russian and in English
- Introduction of a new theme:
Questions to pupils: What kinds of transport do you know?
What kind of transport in London do you know?
Pictures of a red single bus, a red double-decker bus, a train, a car, a plane , a bicycle are on the blackboard.
New words of the lesson:
transport fast (on the blackboard on sheets of paper,
comfortable train the translation on the other sides)
cheap bus
expensive plane
crowded car
slow bicycle
Work in groups: 3 rows and 3 kinds of transport.
The task is to write «+» and «-» of these transports. (several minutes are given)
Work with the text: (sheets of paper with the text – Transport in London are given)
- to read
- to translate
- to write down unknown words
Questions about the text:
- What kind of transport do Londoners prefer?(a red double-decker bus)
- Name a bus which has only one floor. (a single bus)
- What is the difference between a conductor and an inspector?
(a conductor - take your money
an inspector – check your tickets)
Translate into Russian the following words:
a single bus
a red double-decker bus
The task is to find the words of the lesson in the table.(What row can find more words).
The teacher has made a table with letters(hidden words).
III. Reflexion.
IV. Giving homework: to learn new words by heart and to retell the text.
V.The end of the lesson. Marks.
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«Разработка урока на тему:" Транспорт в Лондоне". »
Transport in London
Цели: образовательная – ознакомить учащихся с новым лексическим
развивающая – развитие контекстуальной догадки;
воспитательная – привитие интереса к культуре изучаемого языка.
Задачи: практика устной и письменной речи.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Методы: репродуктивный, наглядно - иллюстративный
Форма обучения: общеклассная, в группах
The structure of the lesson
I Orgmoment
Good morning students!
How are you today?
Who is on duty today?
[i:] [i]
bean flipper
sleep still
knee kitten
sheet sit
II The central part of the lesson.
Pupils write the words on sheets of paper in Russian and in English
- Introduction of a new theme:
Questions to pupils: What kinds of transport do you know?
What kind of transport in London do you know?
Pictures of a red single bus, a red double-decker bus, a train, a car, a plane , a bicycle are on the blackboard.
New words of the lesson:
transport fast (on the blackboard on sheets of paper,
comfortable train the translation on the other sides)
cheap bus
expensive plane
crowded car
slow bicycle
Work in groups: 3 rows and 3 kinds of transport.
The task is to write «+» and «-» of these transports. (several minutes are given)
Work with the text: (sheets of paper with the text – Transport in London are given)
to read
to translate
to write down unknown words
Questions about the text:
What kind of transport do Londoners prefer?(a red double-decker bus)
Name a bus which has only one floor. (a single bus)
What is the difference between a conductor and an inspector?
(a conductor - take your money
an inspector – check your tickets)
Translate into Russian the following words:
a single bus
a red double-decker bus
The task is to find the words of the lesson in this table.(What row can find more words).
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t |
u | t | d | c | o | m | f | o | r | t | a | b | l | e | q | c | h | e | a | p |
v | r | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v |
w | a | x | c | r | o | w | d | e | d | l | n | t | r | a | i | n | u | v | w |
x | n | y | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | x | y | z |
y | s | z | f | a | s | l | o | w | k | m | b | i | c | y | c | l | e | w | x |
z | p | a | a | b | g | h | i | g | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u |
a | o | b | s | c | e | x | p | e | n | s | i | v | e | j | p | l | a | n | e |
b | r | c | t | d | x | y | z | a | c | e | f | g | h | k | l | m | o | p | s |
c | t | d | e | f | b | u | s | b | d | c | a | r | i | l | n | p | r | t | v |
III. Reflexion.
IV. Giving homework: to learn new words by heart and to retell the text.