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Theme: My room

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Form: 5
Theme: My room
Aims: 1. To present the new material, and new topical words.
2. To develop reading, speaking, listening, writing skills.
To make student’s work effective through variety of exercises
3. To teach pupils to keep their rooms clean and help their parents.
The type of the lesson: new theme
Teaching methods: “Question - Answer”
Aids of the lesson: interactive board, markers, papers, pictures

Procedure of the lesson.
1. Organization moment
a) Greeting
b) Dialogue with on duty

2. Making group
T – Children let’s make three groups. I’ll give you some sweets. Take one of them, which you like and divide into groups by the colours of your sweets. Find your group and join them.

3. Phonetic – drill
T. Let’s begin with phonetic drills. Look at the blackboard and repeat after me.
[ w ] - wall, world, window, what, wardrobe
[ ʧ ] - chair, armchair, picture, kitchen
[ t ] - table, carpet, curtain, poster, tidy
[ d ] - dream, desk, do, does
[ ð] - this, that, there is, there are
[ θ ] - bath, bathroom, thank, things

4. Checking up home - task
- What was you home - task for today?
- Your home task was to learn new words and to write some sentences about the room you like using the structure there is/ are.

5. New theme
a) T - Look at these pictures and repeat after me.
New vocabulary
a mirror – [ mirә] – зеркало / айна
a picture –[piktsә]- картина
a rug - [r^g]- ковер/ кілемше
an armchair –[a: mtseә]- кресло
a pillow -[ pilәu]- подушка/ көпшік, жастық
a sofa -[sәufә]- диван
a window -[windәu]- окно/ терезе
T – Children let’s look at the picture and guess our new theme.
- What is it?
b) Exercises: work the dialogue and text.
A group “Carol’s house”
B group “I need a desk”
C group “My room”
c) Reading, speaking, translating
6. Dancing minute
“Head and shoulders”
7. Practice
a) T - Boys and girls let’s dream a little. I’ll give posters and markers for each group. You’ll discuss and paint about “My dream room.” You have some minutes for discussing. I want you to listen to everybody’s opinion on the theme.
b) Guess the crossword.
8. Conclusion
a) In conclusion remember this proverb:
“There is no place like home”- нетместаподобногодому. 
b) Marking
9. Home - task
Exercise 16 page 88 – Write about your room.

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«Theme: My room»

Form: 5
Theme: My room
Aims: 1. To present the new material, and new topical words.
2. To develop reading, speaking, listening, writing skills.
To make student’s work effective through variety of exercises
3. To teach pupils to keep their rooms clean and help their parents.
The type of the lesson: new theme
Teaching methods: “Question - Answer”
Aids of the lesson: interactive board, markers, papers, pictures

Procedure of the lesson.
1. Organization moment
a) Greeting
b) Dialogue with on duty

2. Making group
T – Children let’s make three groups. I’ll give you some sweets. Take one of them, which you like and divide into groups by the colours of your sweets. Find your group and join them.

3. Phonetic – drill
T. Let’s begin with phonetic drills. Look at the blackboard and repeat after me.
[ w ] - wall, world, window, what, wardrobe
[ ʧ ] - chair, armchair, picture, kitchen
[ t ] - table, carpet, curtain, poster, tidy
[ d ] - dream, desk, do, does
[ ð] - this, that, there is, there are
[ θ ] - bath, bathroom, thank, things

4. Checking up home - task
- What was you home - task for today?
- Your home task was to learn new words and to write some sentences about the room you like using the structure there is/ are.

5. New theme
a) T - Look at these pictures and repeat after me.
New vocabulary
a mirror – [ mirә] – зеркало / айна
a picture –[piktsә]- картина
a rug - [r^g]- ковер/ кілемше
an armchair –[a: mtseә]- кресло
a pillow -[ pilәu]- подушка/ көпшік, жастық
a sofa -[sәufә]- диван
a window -[windәu]- окно/ терезе
T – Children let’s look at the picture and guess our new theme.
- What is it?
b) Exercises: work the dialogue and text.
A group “Carol’s house”
B group “I need a desk”
C group “My room”
c) Reading, speaking, translating

6. Dancing minute
“Head and shoulders”

7. Practice
a) T - Boys and girls let’s dream a little. I’ll give posters and markers for each group. You’ll discuss and paint about “My dream room.” You have some minutes for discussing. I want you to listen to everybody’s opinion on the theme.
b) Guess the crossword.

8. Conclusion
a) In conclusion remember this proverb:
“There is no place like home”- нет места подобного дому. 
b) Marking

9. Home - task
Exercise 16 page 88 – Write about your room.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Theme: My room

Автор: Umarova Marzhan Bayuzakovna

Дата: 19.12.2016

Номер свидетельства: 371111

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