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The theme :House, flat, home

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                                                 The theme :House, flat, home

Aims: 1. To enrich pupils knowledge about house, flat, to introduce the new words

                2.To develop pupils abilities in  speaking, writing and reading on the theme.

                 3.To enrich their memory, attention and logical thinking

                     Type of lesson: combined lesson

                 Visual aids: slides, textbook, picture,cards

The procedure of the lesson

  1.  Organization moment

a) Greetings

-Good morning children?

-How are you?

  b) A talk about on duty

-Who is on duty today?

       -Who is absent today?.

       c) A talk about the weather.

          -What day is it today?        

        II.   Look at the the words  in the box. Match them to the pictures. Listen and repeat the words

an armchair                            a table                a television            a dishwasher

a washing machine                a cooker             a lamp                    a fire

a bed                                          plates                 a carpet                   cupboards

a  toilet table                            a calendar         a clock                     a stereo

III. Check up the home task Ex. 9

IV. Presentation:  Our theme in our lesson is “My flat”

 1. Exercise-3 listen and repeat the words

a corridor

 a dining room

a bedroom

a bathroom

a living room,          a toilet

 2.  Read the text and translate ex. 1

V.  Guess what it is.

1. We have breakfast, dinner, supper there. We eat in it. What room is it?

2. We cook dinner, wash up dishes there. There is a cooker, a fridge, a dishwasher there. 

     There are plates, cups,  cupboards there. What room is it?

3. There is a bed, a picture, a window, a toilet table in it. What room is it?

4. There is a sofa, a fire, a carpet, a TV set, an armchair in it. What room is it?

5. There is a computer, a desk, a chair, a lamp, a clock, a plant in it. What room is it?

6. There is a bath, a mirror, a sink a towel in it. What room is it?

VI.. Match the words in column A with B

       A                                                                                                     B                            

To cook                                                                            In the living room  

To watch TV                                                                    In the bath room

To take a shower                                                              In the kitchen                                                    

To watch flowers, trees                                                    In the dining room

To sleep                                                                            In the sink

To wash up                                                                       In the garden

To have dinner                                                                 In the bedroom

VII. Which word is odd one out? Circle your answer.

1.  house, flat, room, red, living room, kitchen

2. TV set, sofa, lamp, lion, table, fridge

3. day, week, month, moon, season, year

4. study, speak, learn, book, run, play

5. hot, rainy, windy, apple, cold, sunny

  VIII. Practice  

Exercise-8  Read and find the things in the picture above

This is a living room.

There is a sofa in the living room.

There is an armchair in the living room

There is a small table in the living room

There is a carpet on the floor

There is a mirror on the wall

There is a picture on the wall

There is a fire in the living room

IX. Put there is/ there are

1…… a room



4…….a kitchen

5…….a bed


7…….a sofa

8…….a desk


XI.Conclusions and marks

XII.Home task  Ex.10

The lesson is over. Good –bye children!

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«The theme :House, flat, home »

The theme :House, flat, home

Aims: 1. To enrich pupils knowledge about house, flat, to introduce the new words

2.To develop pupils abilities in speaking, writing and reading on the theme.

3.To enrich their memory, attention and logical thinking

Type of lesson: combined lesson

Visual aids: slides, textbook, picture,cards

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment

a) Greetings

-Good morning children?

-How are you?

b) A talk about on duty

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?...

c) A talk about the weather.

-What day is it today?

II. Look at the the words in the box. Match them to the pictures. Listen and repeat the words

an armchair a table a television a dishwasher

a washing machine a cooker a lamp a fire

a bed plates a carpet cupboards

a toilet table a calendar a clock a stereo

III. Check up the home task Ex. 9

IV. Presentation: Our theme in our lesson is “My flat”

1. Exercise-3 listen and repeat the words

a corridor

a dining room

a bedroom

a bathroom

a living room , a toilet

2. Read the text and translate ex. 1

V. Guess what it is.

1. We have breakfast, dinner, supper there. We eat in it. What room is it?

2. We cook dinner, wash up dishes there. There is a cooker, a fridge, a dishwasher there.

There are plates, cups, cupboards there. What room is it?

3. There is a bed, a picture, a window, a toilet table in it. What room is it?

4. There is a sofa, a fire, a carpet, a TV set, an armchair in it. What room is it?

5. There is a computer, a desk, a chair, a lamp, a clock, a plant in it. What room is it?

6. There is a bath, a mirror, a sink a towel in it. What room is it?

VI. . Match the words in column A with B


To cook In the living room

To watch TV In the bath room

To take a shower In the kitchen

To watch flowers, trees In the dining room

To sleep In the sink

To wash up In the garden

To have dinner In the bedroom

VII. Which word is odd one out? Circle your answer.

1. house, flat, room, red, living room, kitchen

2. TV set, sofa, lamp, lion, table, fridge

3. day, week, month, moon, season, year

4. study, speak, learn, book, run, play

5. hot, rainy, windy, apple, cold, sunny

VIII. Practice

Exercise-8 Read and find the things in the picture above

This is a living room.

There is a sofa in the living room.

There is an armchair in the living room

There is a small table in the living room

There is a carpet on the floor

There is a mirror on the wall

There is a picture on the wall

There is a fire in the living room

IX. Put there is/ there are

1…… a room



4…….a kitchen

5…….a bed


7…….a sofa

8…….a desk


XI.Conclusions and marks

XII.Home task Ex.10

The lesson is over. Good –bye children!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

The theme :House, flat, home

Автор: Мукашева Гульнар Жанабаевна

Дата: 03.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 181525

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