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"Which room do you like?"

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Form:5 а

Theme of the lesson: Which room do you like?

The aims of the lesson:

-to teach to speak on the theme

-to develop pupils’ skills in reading, speaking and writing

-to evoke pupils’ interest in learning English

The type of the lesson: mixed

The method of the lesson: individual work, pair work, question -answer

Equipments: book, interactive board, pictures

The procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment

-Good morning, pupils!

-Sit down, please.

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?

-What date is it today?

-What day is it today?

-What’s the weather like today?

II. Warm-up.

There’s a room in a house.

It’s a very fine room,

It’s a very fine room indeed. (4 times)

III. Checking up homework.

-What was your homework?

-Are you ready?

IV. New theme.

Pupils today we have new theme, the title of the themeWhich room do you like?” Now look at the blackboard. We have new words.

New words.

have breakfast - та??ы ас ішу

have dinner-т?скі ас ішу

have supper-кешкі ас ішу

cook dinner – т?скі ас ?зірлеу

wash up dishes -ыдыс жуу

listen to music- музыка ты?дау

play chess- шахмат ойнау

Ok. Listen and repeat after me all together. Write down new words and their translation in your copy-books.

V. Grammar. Pupils today we have prepositions we must use them correctly.


Behind -артында


In front of-алдында

Next to-?асында

Opposite-?арсы, керісінше

Among-арасында, ішінде


Over- ?стінде, жо?ары


Near-?асында, жанында

At - ?асында, жанында

VI. Practice.

Exercise 3. Write the words

Rooms in a flat (house)

A living room       A bedroom        A kitchen            A bathroom

a fire                          a carpet           a chair                    a toilet table

a sofa                         a bed               a dishwasher          a lamp

a picture                     a clock            a cooker                 a sink

a  television                                       a washing machine

a carpet

an armchair

Exercise 6.Describe your room.

There are 4 pictures on the wall.

There are 2 lamps on the toilet tables.

There is a bed and an armchair in the room.

There isn’t a carpet on the floor.

Exercise 9.

  1. There isn’t a table in the middle of the room.
  2. There is a sofa at the wall.
  3. There is a carpet in front of the fire.
  4. There is a television near the window.
  5. There is an armchair near the bookcase.
  6. There is a bookcase next to the fire.
  7. There is a lamp on the wall.
  8. There is a clock over the fire.
  9. There is a cat under the table.

VII. Home -task.

Exercise 10,p 83 Write about the room you like.

VIII. Evaluation. So, pupils. Today you have worked well. Your marks….

The lesson is over. Good-bye pupils.

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«"Which room do you like?"»

Form:5 а

Theme of the lesson: Which room do you like?

The aims of the lesson:

-to teach to speak on the theme

-to develop pupils’ skills in reading, speaking and writing

-to evoke pupils’ interest in learning English

The type of the lesson: mixed

The method of the lesson: individual work, pair work, question -answer

Equipments: book, interactive board, pictures

The procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment

-Good morning, pupils!

-Sit down, please.

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?

-What date is it today?

-What day is it today?

-What’s the weather like today?

II. Warm-up.

There’s a room in a house.

It’s a very fine room,

It’s a very fine room indeed. (4 times)

III. Checking up homework.

-What was your homework?

-Are you ready?

IV. New theme.

Pupils today we have new theme, the title of the themeWhich room do you like?” Now look at the blackboard. We have new words.

New words.

have breakfast - таңғы ас ішу

have dinner-түскі ас ішу

have supper-кешкі ас ішу

cook dinner – түскі ас әзірлеу

wash up dishes -ыдыс жуу

listen to music- музыка тыңдау

play chess- шахмат ойнау

Ok. Listen and repeat after me all together. Write down new words and their translation in your copy-books.

V. Grammar. Pupils today we have prepositions we must use them correctly.


Behind -артында


In front of-алдында

Next to-қасында

Opposite-қарсы, керісінше

Among-арасында, ішінде


Over- үстінде, жоғары


Near-қасында, жанында

At - қасында, жанында

VI. Practice.

Exercise 3. Write the words

Rooms in a flat (house)

A living room A bedroom A kitchen A bathroom

a fire a carpet a chair a toilet table

a sofa a bed a dishwasher a lamp

a picture a clock a cooker a sink

a television a washing machine

a carpet

an armchair

Exercise 6.Describe your room.

There are 4 pictures on the wall.

There are 2 lamps on the toilet tables.

There is a bed and an armchair in the room.

There isn’t a carpet on the floor.

Exercise 9.

  1. There isn’t a table in the middle of the room.

  2. There is a sofa at the wall.

  3. There is a carpet in front of the fire.

  4. There is a television near the window.

  5. There is an armchair near the bookcase.

  6. There is a bookcase next to the fire.

  7. There is a lamp on the wall.

  8. There is a clock over the fire.

  9. There is a cat under the table.

VII. Home -task.

Exercise 10,p 83 Write about the room you like.

VIII. Evaluation. So, pupils. Today you have worked well. Your marks….

The lesson is over. Good-bye pupils.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

"Which room do you like?"

Автор: Сатыбалдиева Жыгагул Алимжановна

Дата: 20.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 255959

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    ["file_id"] => string(6) "201229"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
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    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
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object(ArrayObject)#874 (1) {
  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
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    ["seo_title"] => string(13) "theme_my_room"
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