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План урока английского языка для 2 класса на тему "Lesson 2. Rooms in my house."

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Аблизова Турсунай Бахитжановна

а?ылшын тілі п?ніні? м??алімі

?лкеншы?ан орта мектебі

Панфилов ауданы Алматы облысы

Grade 2v                                                                              

Theme: Lesson 2. Rooms in my house.

Aims: “There is” “There are”

Type of the lesson: Competition

Methods of the lesson:

Visual aids: book, chalk, pictures, slides on the board.

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. The Beginning of the lesson.
  1. Organization moment – Greeting.
  2. Circle of joy “Sports: basketball, volleyball, football, etc.”
  3. Dividing the class into groups: Choose the letters A and B, organize the groups “BIG” and “SMALL” and choose the head of the group.
  1. The main part of the lesson
  1. Check up home task: Read the text “My house”.

This is my house. My house is big and new. There two floors in my house. There is a beautiful garden. I love my house.

  1. New Theme. Today we have very interesting and useful theme “Rooms in my house”.
  2. Ex: 1. Listen and read. Today we have a guest. It’s Bota. (Look at the screen and give your attention to the pictures)
  1. Come in. Welcome.
  2. There is a living room in my house.
  3. There is a TV in the living room. We watch TV here.
  4. There is a bathroom in our house.
  5. This is my bedroom. I sleep, play and do my homework here.
  6. There is kitchen in our house. We cook and eat here.
  7. But there isn’t a dining room in my house.
  8. I like my house.



There is a TV in the living room.

There isn’t a TV in the kitchen.

  1. Ex:2. Choose True or False.
  1. There is a living room in Anar’s house.
  2. There isn’t a bathroom in her house.
  3. There is her bedroom in the house.
  4. There isn’t a TV in the living room.
  1. Work with the cards:

Living room




  1. The Ending of the lesson
  1. Your home task: ex:3.
  2. Your marks.

Our lesson is over!

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«План урока английского языка для 2 класса на тему "Lesson 2. Rooms in my house."»

Аблизова Турсунай Бахитжановна

ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі

Үлкеншыған орта мектебі

Панфилов ауданы Алматы облысы

Grade 2v

Theme: Lesson 2. Rooms in my house.

Aims: “There is” “There are”

Type of the lesson: Competition

Methods of the lesson:

Visual aids: book, chalk, pictures, slides on the board.

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. The Beginning of the lesson.

  1. Organization moment – Greeting.

  2. Circle of joy “Sports: basketball, volleyball, football, etc.”

  3. Dividing the class into groups: Choose the letters A and B, organize the groups “BIG” and “SMALL” and choose the head of the group.

  1. The main part of the lesson

  1. Check up home task: Read the text “My house”.

This is my house. My house is big and new. There two floors in my house. There is a beautiful garden. I love my house.

  1. New Theme. Today we have very interesting and useful theme “Rooms in my house”.

  2. Ex: 1. Listen and read. Today we have a guest. It’s Bota. (Look at the screen and give your attention to the pictures)

  1. Come in. Welcome.

  2. There is a living room in my house.

  3. There is a TV in the living room. We watch TV here.

  4. There is a bathroom in our house.

  5. This is my bedroom. I sleep, play and do my homework here.

  6. There is kitchen in our house. We cook and eat here.

  7. But there isn’t a dining room in my house.

  8. I like my house.

There is a TV in the living room.

There isn’t a TV in the kitchen.

  1. Ex:2. Choose True or False.

  1. There is a living room in Anar’s house.

  2. There isn’t a bathroom in her house.

  3. There is her bedroom in the house.

  4. There isn’t a TV in the living room.

  1. Work with the cards:

Living room




  1. The Ending of the lesson

  1. Your home task: ex:3.

  2. Your marks.

Our lesson is over!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс

План урока английского языка для 2 класса на тему "Lesson 2. Rooms in my house."

Автор: Аблизова Турсунай Бахитжановна

Дата: 26.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 299410

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