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Plan of the lesson Do you like your room?

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Lesson plan

Grade: 5

Subject: English

Date of the lesson:

Theme of lesson: Do you like my room?

Objectives: To talk about the house, rooms, to complete dialogical and monologue statements on theme, to study grammar theme “There is/are”, to accentuate the main information from the text, to analyze, to estimate their activity, pupils can express their opinions about the rooms.

Type of the lesson: presentation new material


Stages of the lesson


Teacher’s activity

Pupil’s activity

Using the models


Organization moment


Psychological attitude on the lesson.

To make a good psychological climate

Teacher offers pupil to wish each other good mood, good luck.

Pupils wish each other good mood, good luck.

Assessment for learning


Stage of invitation

Getting new information.

Put the aims of studying by pupil.

Now let’s read the proverb “East or West Home is Best”. 
How do you understand it? Yes, you are right. Home is a very lovely place. 
Today we will speak about the house that you can see in the picture. 
a) Do you like it? Let’s speak about it 
b) 3 pupils work on the blackboard with the cards. 

They tell theme and aims of the lesson.

Assessment for learning;

Dialogic teaching and learning


Interpreting of content

Checking home task

Getting new information Disscussing the results of works of the groups.

Speaking.Let’s listen to the dialogue. 
A. Hello. 
B. Hi. 
A. Have you already moved into the new flat? 
B. Oh, yes we have, and we expect you to come to our house – 
warming party next Sunday. 
A. Thank you, I’ll he very glad. Is it a two – room flat? 
B. Yes, a very nice one, with all modern conveniences. 
A. Is it in a multistory house? 
B. It is a nine – storey building, five minutes from the metro. 
A. Well, it’s very convenient, isn’t it? 
B. Of course. 
4. Describe the living room. Show the presentation
5. Morning exercises: Let’s have a rest now. 
6. Read and translate the text. 
Our Flat 
Our flat is big. There are three rooms, a bathroom, bedroom, a corridor and a kitchen. To the right of the door there is a big living room. There are three windows in it. In the middle of the room there is a table. There are six chairs around it. There is a big carpet on the floor. There is a TV set on the table near the window. The room next door to the living room is a bedroom. My study is between the bedroom and the small corridor. There is a sofa near the wall. There is a wardrobe opposite my sofa. I like my study very much. Our kitchen is not very large. Our kitchen is comfortable. I like my flat. 
1. Is your flat big? 
2. Are there three rooms in your flat? 
3. Where is the living room? 
4. How many windows are there? 
5. Where is the table? 
6. Are there five or six chairs around the table? 
7. What is there on the floor? 
8. Where is the bedroom? 
9. Is there a sofa near the wall? 
10. Do you like your flat? 

7. Writing: Guess the name, please. 
a) the room where we sleep… 
b) the room where we wash our hands… 
c) the room where we cook food… 
d) the room where children play… 

1 C O R R I D O R 
2 L I V I N G R O O M 
3 D I N I N G R O O M 
4 S T U D Y 
5 T O I L E T 
6 S O F A 
7 A R M C H A I R 
8 W I N D O W 
9 C L O C K 
10 B O O K 
11 T A B L E 
12 C A R P E T 
13 P L A N T 
14 D O O R 
15 C H A I R 
16 L A M P 
17 C A L E N D E R 
18 P I C T U R E 
19 F I R E 
20 T O I L E T T A B L E 

Pupils listen to the dialog

Discussing in pairs.

Watch a presentation. Describe rooms.

Work in groups

Work in pairs

Critical thinking

New approaches to teaching and learning: dialogic teaching and learning

Using new technology (ICT) Teaching talented and gifted children

assessment for learning




creative processing,

Interpretation of learning material.

To write what they had known about new theme and ask one question that they hadn’t got answer.

5th minute essay

Critical thinking

assessment for learning


Home work

To supply of understanding

aims, contents and methods of  doing the home work. Checking up

Read the words in the box. Which room does each word go in? You may use a dictionary and place the words in the right place. 
table, fire. calendar, sofa, armchairs, carpet, clock, book, plant, toilet, picture, bed 

Children write home task in their dairies.

Teaching talented and gifted children

Critical thinking

(an essay)

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«Plan of the lesson Do you like your room?»

Lesson plan

Grade: 5

Subject: English

Date of the lesson:

Theme of lesson: Do you like my room?

Objectives: To talk about the house, rooms, to complete dialogical and monologue statements on theme, to study grammar theme “There is/are”, to accentuate the main information from the text, to analyze, to estimate their activity, pupils can express their opinions about the rooms.

Type of the lesson: presentation new material


Stages of the lesson


Teacher’s activity

Pupil’s activity

Using the models


Organization moment


Psychological attitude on the lesson.

To make a good psychological climate

Teacher offers pupil to wish each other good mood, good luck.

Pupils wish each other good mood, good luck.

Assessment for learning


Stage of invitation

Getting new information.

Put the aims of studying by pupil.

Now let’s read the proverb “East or West Home is Best”. 
How do you understand it? Yes, you are right. Home is a very lovely place. 
Today we will speak about the house that you can see in the picture. 
a) Do you like it? Let’s speak about it 
b) 3 pupils work on the blackboard with the cards. 

They tell theme and aims of the lesson.

Assessment for learning;

Dialogic teaching and learning


Interpreting of content

Checking home task

Getting new information Disscussing the results of works of the groups.

Speaking.Let’s listen to the dialogue. 
A. Hello. 
B. Hi. 
A. Have you already moved into the new flat? 
B. Oh, yes we have, and we expect you to come to our house – 
warming party next Sunday. 
A. Thank you, I’ll he very glad. Is it a two – room flat? 
B. Yes, a very nice one, with all modern conveniences. 
A. Is it in a multistory house? 
B. It is a nine – storey building, five minutes from the metro. 
A. Well, it’s very convenient, isn’t it? 
B. Of course. 
4. Describe the living room. Show the presentation
5. Morning exercises: Let’s have a rest now. 
6. Read and translate the text. 
Our Flat 
Our flat is big. There are three rooms, a bathroom, bedroom, a corridor and a kitchen. To the right of the door there is a big living room. There are three windows in it. In the middle of the room there is a table. There are six chairs around it. There is a big carpet on the floor. There is a TV set on the table near the window. The room next door to the living room is a bedroom. My study is between the bedroom and the small corridor. There is a sofa near the wall. There is a wardrobe opposite my sofa. I like my study very much. Our kitchen is not very large. Our kitchen is comfortable. I like my flat. 
1. Is your flat big? 
2. Are there three rooms in your flat? 
3. Where is the living room? 
4. How many windows are there? 
5. Where is the table? 
6. Are there five or six chairs around the table? 
7. What is there on the floor? 
8. Where is the bedroom? 
9. Is there a sofa near the wall? 
10. Do you like your flat? 

7. Writing: Guess the name, please. 
a) the room where we sleep… 
b) the room where we wash our hands… 
c) the room where we cook food… 
d) the room where children play… 

1 C O R R I D O R 
2 L I V I N G R O O M 
3 D I N I N G R O O M 
4 S T U D Y 
5 T O I L E T 
6 S O F A 
7 A R M C H A I R 
8 W I N D O W 
9 C L O C K 
10 B O O K 
11 T A B L E 
12 C A R P E T 
13 P L A N T 
14 D O O R 
15 C H A I R 
16 L A M P 
17 C A L E N D E R 
18 P I C T U R E 
19 F I R E 
20 T O I L E T T A B L E 

Pupils listen to the dialog

Discussing in pairs.

Watch a presentation. Describe rooms.

Work in groups

Work in pairs

Critical thinking

New approaches to teaching and learning: dialogic teaching and learning

Using new technology (ICT) Teaching talented and gifted children

assessment for learning




creative processing,

Interpretation of learning material.

To write what they had known about new theme and ask one question that they hadn’t got answer.

5th minute essay

Critical thinking

assessment for learning


Home work

To supply of understanding

aims, contents and methods of doing the home work. Checking up

Read the words in the box. Which room does each word go in? You may use a dictionary and place the words in the right place. 
table, fire. calendar, sofa, armchairs, carpet, clock, book, plant, toilet, picture, bed 

Children write home task in their dairies.

Teaching talented and gifted children

Critical thinking

(an essay)

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Plan of the lesson Do you like your room?

Автор: Карабаева Айнагуль Амамбековна

Дата: 05.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 315136

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