Образование Сравнительная и превосходная степень прилагательного. Дать понятие о степенях сравнения, познакомить с образованием сравнительной и превосходной степеней имен прилагательных. уметь образовывать сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения имен прилагательных, правильно употреблять их в речи. Формирование умения работать в группе, готовности выполнять задания правильно и быстро, интерес к языку Развивать внимания, способности к сравнению, развитие способности к догадке, способности осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные речевые действия. Степени сравнения простых прилагательных Интерактивная доска, презентация, раздаточный материал. Ученики могут сравнивать предметы, умеют правильно образовывать степени сравнения прилагательных и использовать их в речи The procedure of the lesson Good morning children! Good morning teacher! Sit down, please. What date is it today? Today is the 25th of January Let’s start our lesson from phonetic drill. Repeat after me. o+r+e= [ɔ:]. These letters gives us the sound [ɔ:]. The more we learn – the more we know The more we know – the more we forget. The more we forget – the less we know. Why study? Let’s compare three balls. What is the size of this ball? Let’s imagine that this ball is big, so this ball will be bigger and that ball will be the biggest. Tell me please, what part of word we use? We have in English 3 degrees. Positive, Comparative and Superlative. Comparative degree we form with the suffix er. The Superlative degree we form with the article the and the suffix est. Add er and est to short adjectives of one or two syllable. E: short-shorter-the shortest Put more and most in front of adjectives (with two or more syllables). E: interesting – more interesting – the most interesting If a short adjective ends with consonant and y, change the y to i and add er and est. E: funny-funnier-the funniest. Have you got any questions? I want you take the card. Who has the positive degree? Please, sit here. Who has the comparative degree? Sit here. Who has the superlative degree? Sit here. We have three groups. Let’s make sentences. Look at the blackboard. Compare these three men. The first man is tall, the second man is taller, the third is the tallest. The first exercise is Compare these pictures. I’ll give you sheets of papers. You need complete the sentences. (Every team has 2 sentences). I’ll give you 1 minute Answers: A lion is bigger than a cat. A plane is faster than a car A baby(child) is younger than a grandfather A bicycle is cheaper than a car The blue ball is smaller than the green ball A tiger is braver than a rabbit Let’s check. Please, everybody check the answers. Task 2. Look at the blackboard. You can see three elves. Please, make as more sentences as you know, comparing them. (adjectives: old, young, tall, small, dark, light).I’ll give you 5 minutes. Let’s check. Every team read only one sentence, if another teams has this sentence, cross it. The winner will be who tell the last sentence. Task 3. “Do you know?” Who is stronger: tiger or lion? Who is the funniest animal? Who is the heaviest sea animal? Who is the sliest? Who is faster: tortoise or hare? Tell me please the theme of our lesson? What degree of adjective have you known? Tell me the suffix of Comparative degree? Tellme the suffix of Superlative Degree? Today we have examined The comparison of Adjectives. We have known how to form them and have known that The Adjectives have 3 forms: Positive, Comparative and Superlative. Have you got any questions? Ex. 12, p. 71. You have the following marks …The lesson is over, you can be free. |