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Education. The degrees of comparison of adjectives.

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Nadek secondary school

Degrees of comparison of adjectives

Shingeneyeva S.

                                                 2015-2016  school  year

The theme: Education. The degrees of comparison of adjectives.

The aims: to teach pupils to talk about the theme Education and to revise the  

         degrees    of comparison of      adjective.

     To develop pupils' habits and skills of listening, speaking and writing, to 

                   improve their memory mentality.

                  To bring up pupils' interest, respect and love to foreign language.

Visual aids: pictures, cards, slides

The type of the lesson: consolidation lesson

Methods of the lesson: pair work, group work, question- answer

                      The procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment.

II. Statement of purpose of the lesson. Well, today we'll revise the theme

     “Education” and  the degrees of comparison of adjectives.

III. Checking up the home task.

      a) let's speak about Education. First of all repeat after me in chorus








b) answer the questions:

1. When did you first go to school?

2. Who  did you go with?

3. what did you wear ?

c) Recite the dialogues:

 P1 –P2,  P3- P4

d) who wants to speak about school uniform. P

e) Complete the table. Write your time-table




VI.Consolidation. Revision of Grammar.

The degrees of comparison of adjectives.

a) 1.Бір буынды сын есімдерді? салыстырмалы ж?не к?шейтпелі шырайы ?алай жасалады? Мысалы:

2. К?п буынды сын есімдерді? салыстырмалы ж?не к?шейтпелі шырайы ?алай


3.Б?рыс сын есімдерді? салыстырмалы ж?не к?шейтпелі шырайы ?алай жасалады?Мысалы:

b) translate these sentences,

1 Илмаз бізді? класта?ы е? ?зын бала.

2. ?ала ауылдан ?ара?анда ?ымбатыра?.

3. Г?лжамал е? жаксы о?ушы.

c) work with cards

                      card -1

write the comparative and superlative degrees of these adjectives

big        –---                 –----

old        –--                 –----

tall          –---                  –----

pretty   –---                 –----

                                  card -2

write the comparative and superlative degrees of these adjectives

long                –--                  –---

clean             –---                 –---

dirty               –---                  –---

small             –---                  –----

                                    card -3

write the comparative and superlative degrees of these adjectives

fast  –    ----                      –---

short      –---                        –----

heavy      –---                      –---

nice          –---                      –---

                                 card -4

write the comparative and superlative degrees of these adjectives

good    –---                  –---

bad       –---                   –---

little     –---                   –---

many      –---                   –---

           d) While they work with cards let's work with slides.

e) doing exercise. Ex. 7.p.144.

1. Maths is   –--             than history. (difficult )

2. The weather is  –---   than yesterday. (bad)

3. My grandfather is the   –--   in the family. (old)  etc.

V. Conclusion. ex. 12.

1.What's your hobby?

2. What did you do on Sunday?

3. How tall are you?

4.What sport do you play?

5. What did you do during your holiday?

VI. Marking.

VII. Home task: Ex.13. Write a short text about a uniform at your school

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«Education. The degrees of comparison of adjectives.»

Nadek secondary school

Degrees of comparison of adjectives

Shingeneyeva S.

2015-2016 school year

The theme: Education. The degrees of comparison of adjectives.

The aims: to teach pupils to talk about the theme Education and to revise the

degrees of comparison of adjective.

To develop pupils' habits and skills of listening, speaking and writing, to

improve their memory mentality.

To bring up pupils' interest, respect and love to foreign language.

Visual aids: pictures, cards, slides

The type of the lesson: consolidation lesson

Methods of the lesson: pair work, group work, question- answer

The procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment.

II. Statement of purpose of the lesson. Well, today we'll revise the theme

“Education” and the degrees of comparison of adjectives.

III. Checking up the home task.

a) let's speak about Education. First of all repeat after me in chorus








b) answer the questions:

1. When did you first go to school?

2. Who did you go with?

3. what did you wear ?

c) Recite the dialogues:

P1 –P2, P3- P4

d) who wants to speak about school uniform. P

e) Complete the table. Write your time-table




VI.Consolidation. Revision of Grammar.

The degrees of comparison of adjectives.

a) 1.Бір буынды сын есімдердің салыстырмалы және күшейтпелі шырайы қалай жасалады? Мысалы:

2. Көп буынды сын есімдердің салыстырмалы және күшейтпелі шырайы қалай


3.Бұрыс сын есімдердің салыстырмалы және күшейтпелі шырайы қалай жасалады?Мысалы:

b) translate these sentences,

1 Илмаз біздің кластағы ең ұзын бала.

2. Қала ауылдан қарағанда қымбатырақ.

3. Гүлжамал ең жаксы оқушы..

c) work with cards

card -1

write the comparative and superlative degrees of these adjectives

big –------------- –---------------------

old –------------ –---------------------

tall –----------- –--------------------

pretty –------------- –--------------------

card -2

write the comparative and superlative degrees of these adjectives

long –------------ –---------------

clean –-------------- –----------------

dirty –------------- –----------------

small –-------------- –-----------------

card -3

write the comparative and superlative degrees of these adjectives

fast – ----------------- –----------------

short –-------------- –-----------------

heavy –-------------- –------------------

nice –-------------- –------------------

card -4

write the comparative and superlative degrees of these adjectives

good –--------------- –--------------

bad –-------------- –---------------

little –--------------- –----------------

many –------------- –----------------

d) While they work with cards let's work with slides.

e) doing exercise. Ex. 7.p.144.

1. Maths is –-------- than history. (difficult )

2. The weather is –----------- than yesterday. (bad)

3. My grandfather is the –--------- in the family. (old) etc.

V. Conclusion. ex. 12.

1.What's your hobby?

2. What did you do on Sunday?

3. How tall are you?

4.What sport do you play?

5. What did you do during your holiday?

VI. Marking.

VII. Home task: Ex.13. Write a short text about a uniform at your school

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Education. The degrees of comparison of adjectives.

Автор: Шингенеева Советхан Усенбек?ызы

Дата: 08.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 273863

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