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The theme of the lesson: "Furniture"

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Theme: Furniture

Aids: 1. Educational:  to teach the words about furniture, to teach the children correct pronunciation of words
2. Developmental: to develop the skills reading, speaking, listening skills.

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«The theme of the lesson: "Furniture"»

Ұйымдастырылған оқу әрекетінің технологиялық картасы

Theme: Furniture(2)

Aids: 1. Educational: to continue to teach the words about furniture, to teach the children correct pronunciation of words
2. Developmental: to develop the skills reading, speaking, listening skills.
3. Bringing - up: a) to teach the children to love and take care of their furniture. b) to bring - up to be kind and responsible children. c) to develop the students interest to English lesson
Methods of the lesson: question - answer, group work, individual work
Visual aids: pictures, cards, notebook

Words: TV-set, wardrobe, desk

Stages of activity

Teacher's actions

Children's actions

Motivation and stimulation

Good morning, children!

Nice to see you again.

What is your name?

How old are you?

Where are you from?

Children greet the teacher

and answer the teacher's questions

Good morning!

Nice to see you too.

Organization and research

The theme of our lesson for today is “Furniture”. The aims are to learn the new words and to speak about furniture. 
I.Warm up.Listen and repeat: 
What is white? 
Snow is white. 
It is white 
Even at night. 

New words

TV-set, wardrobe, desk

Boys and girls, answer my questions. What is it? – It’s a …

- Physical exersices!

''Clap your hands''

''Show me" didactic game

-Show me a TV set

-show me a wardrobe

-Show me a desk etc

Song ''House"

Is your house a very big?

Is your house a very small?

Is your house a very short?

Or is it a very tall?

This is big

This is small

This is short

And this is tall.

Children repeat all toghter

What is white? 
Snow is white. 
It is white 
Even at night. 

TV-set, wardrobe, desk



Children answer the questions

-It is a bed -It is a TV set

-It is a sofa -It is a desk

-It is an armchair -It is a wardrobe

-It is a table

-It is a carpet

Children do physical exercises

Children come to the board and show these which I say show

Children sing a song

Is your house a very big?

Is your house a very small?

Is your house a very short?

Or is it a very tall?

This is big

This is small

This is short

And this is tall.

Reflection and correction


''Clap or shake" didactic game

Мұғалім балаларды шеңбер бойымен тұрғызады. Жануарлардың, ойыншықтар мен түстердің, жиһаздардың атауларын кезектестіріп баяу айтады.

-well done. very good

Drawing ''table and chair''

What do the children know today?

What furniture do you have in your house?

Teacher praises the children.

(The best speaker, the best listener)

Children’s answers.

Балалар жиһаз атауын естігенде алақандарын шаалақтайды. Ал басқа сөз естігенде бастарын шайқайды.

Children draw a table and a chair

Children say what furniture are there in your house

Necessary results:

1.To know the words on the theme “furniture” and to speak about the house and furniture, to know the names of furniture

2.To understand the phrases ''It is a desk. It is a wardrobe. etc''

3.To be able to speak about furniture, what furniture they have got.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Дошкольникам

The theme of the lesson: "Furniture"

Автор: Мыжиканова Салтанат Жумабековна

Дата: 10.03.2018

Номер свидетельства: 461240

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