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"My flat" 2

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The theme of the lesson: My flat

The aim of the lesson:

1. Educational: to  expresspupils about the   structure  “there is, there are ” and to give more information about flat, introduce new words;

2. Devoloping : to develop pupils skills of reading, writing,  listening and speaking spech;

3. Bringing up: to teach pupils to respect other cultures, to broaden     pupils’ minds, to bring up the feeling of international friendship.

Type of the lesson: new lesson, grammar

Methods of the lesson: mixed

Visual aids:pictures of the room and the furniture,  an interactive board.

Procedure of the lesson:

I.​ Organization moment (Greeting)( 1мин)

T: Good morning,pupils !

P: Good morning, teacher!

T: I’ m glad to see you!

P: We are glad to see you, too!

T: How are you today?

P: We are fine, thank you.

T: Sit down, please.

II.​ Phonetical drills: (1 мин)

Repeat after me all together:


Why do you cry Willy?

 Why do you cry?

 Why Willy? Why Willy?

 Why, Willy, why?

III Checking up homework.

Ex 8, Complete the sentences. Use have gotor has got.

  1. My parents  has got a car.
  2. My friend has got a pet
  3. My brother and I have got a lot of CDs.
  4. Our city has got a lot of parks.
  5. We have got are teacher.
  6. Tom has got a new computer.
  7. Mr and Mrs White has got four grandchildren.

YI.​  New theme “My flat ”.

Well, let’s begin our lesson. The theme of our lesson «My flat ».Today, we will revise our last material and speak about  my  flat. Open your vocabulary and write down the new words

New words:

А Living room –тұрғын бөлмесi

A bedroom- ұйықтайтын бөлме

A kitchen- асхана

A dining room-  ас ішетін бөлме

A toilet- әжетхана

A bathroom-жуынатын бөлме

A study-оқу, жұмыс бөлмесі

a sofa- диван

An armchair- кресло

A window- терезе

A clock- сағат

A carpet- кілем

A door- есік

A chair –орындық

A lamp- лампа, шам

A calendar- күнтізбе

A picture- сурет;


Look at the pictures

a lving room a sofa                a kitchen  a bathroom

 a bedroom a carpet  a picture        a mirror

an armchair

V. Brainstorming




VI. Grammar.

There is/ there are

Ағылшын тілінде бір заттың бар екендігін сипаттау үшін " There is және there are"  тіркестері қолданылады.  Жалпы екі тіркестердің де мағынасы бір, тек жекеше және көпше түрдегі формалары.

Сөйлемдердің болымды түрлері

There is a living room in my flat. - Менің пәтерімде конак бөлме бар.      There are three windows in the living room.- Қонақ бөлмеде уш терезе бар.

 Бұл жерде сөйлем құрылымы басқаша. Бірінші ( бастауыштың орнында ) there  сөзі тұр, ал басатауыш баяндауыштан кейін тұр. Ал there is/ there are  құрылымындағы there  сөзі болымсыз және сұраулы сөйлемдерде бастауыш түрінде көрінеді.

                      Сұраулы сөйлемдер

is/ are бірінші орынға тұрады.

is there                                                                                                                          Is there  a living room in my flat? - Менің пәтерімде қонақ бөлмесі бар ма?

are there                                                                                                                                   Are therethree  windows in the living room?

            Болымсыз сөйлемдер

Болымсыз түрінің жасалу жолы сөйлемде there is  немесе there are тіркестерінен кейін not шылауы келеді.There isn't  a fish on the dish. - Табақта балық жоқ.                                           There aren't  cakes on the plates. -  Тәрелкеде торттар жок.

VII. Writing

Ex. 1. Use the right form (there is/are).

1.There ____ a big park in our city.

2.There  _____ three roses in the vase.

3.There ____ a pencil in the box.

4.There _____ a fox in the zoo.

5.There ____ two birds on the tree


2.                         Is немесе are?

1) There _________ a lamp in theroom.

2) There _________ twolittle trees in the garden.

3) There _________ alot of museums in London.

4) There _________ a big tree in the garden.

5) There _________ manyboys and girls in the park.

6) There _________ a bus on the street.


VIII. Warming up.


YIII. Result

. Makesentencesfrom these words.

1.  bread   the   is     on      table      no     there  

2.   little white         in       the         a     sky      cloud      there  

3.      There     a    is       piano         in        The hall

IX. Conclusion

Choose the correct answer

1)  There ……… a chair next to the window.

a)  are                   b)  aren’t                     c)  is

2)  There are ……… in the bag.

a)  a pen              b)  a lot of books              c)  a book

3)   There ……… many toys under the chair.

a)  is                    b)   aren’t                      c)  is not

4)    There ……… only one sandwich in the basket.

a)  isn’t                           b)   are                           c)    is

5)     ……… a bird in the tree?

a)  Is                              b)  Are                    c)  Are not

6) Are there ……… on the table?

 a)  an English book            b)  a blue pen     c)  coloured pencils

X.​ Homework: Describe your room

(in written form)

XI. Marking

The lesson is over.

Your marks for today are……

Good bye!




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«"My flat" 2»

The theme of the lesson: My flat

The aim of the lesson:

1. Educational: to expresspupils about the structure “there is, there are ” and to give more information about flat, introduce new words;

2. Devoloping : to develop pupils skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking spech;

3. Bringing up: to teach pupils to respect other cultures, to broaden pupils’ minds, to bring up the feeling of international friendship.

Type of the lesson: new lesson, grammar

Methods of the lesson: mixed

Visual aids:pictures of the room and the furniture, an interactive board.

Procedure of the lesson:

I.​ Organization moment (Greeting)( 1мин)

T: Good morning,pupils !

P: Good morning, teacher!

T: I’ m glad to see you!

P: We are glad to see you, too!

T: How are you today?

P: We are fine, thank you.

T: Sit down, please.

II.​ Phonetical drills: (1 мин)

Repeat after me all together:


Why do you cry Willy?

 Why do you cry?

 Why Willy? Why Willy?

 Why, Willy, why?

III Checking up homework.

Ex 8, Complete the sentences. Use have gotor has got.

  1. My parents has got a car.

  2. My friend has got a pet

  3. My brother and I have got a lot of CDs.

  4. Our city has got a lot of parks.

  5. We have got are teacher.

  6. Tom has got a new computer.

  7. Mr and Mrs White has got four grandchildren.

YI.​  New theme “My flat ”.

Well, let’s begin our lesson. The theme of our lesson «My flat » .Today, we will revise our last material and speak about  my  flat. Open your vocabulary and write down the new words

New words:

А Living room –тұрғын бөлмесi

A bedroom- ұйықтайтын бөлме

A kitchen- асхана

A dining room- ас ішетін бөлме

A toilet- әжетхана

A bathroom-жуынатын бөлме

A study-оқу, жұмыс бөлмесі

a sofa- диван

An armchair- кресло

A window- терезе

A clock- сағат

A carpet- кілем

A door- есік

A chair –орындық

A lamp- лампа, шам

A calendar- күнтізбе

A picture- сурет;

Look at the pictures

a lving room a sofa a kitchen a bathroom

a bedroom a carpet a picture a mirror

an armchair

V. Brainstorming

VI. Grammar.

There is/ there are

Ағылшын тілінде бір заттың бар екендігін сипаттау үшін " There is және there are" тіркестері қолданылады. Жалпы екі тіркестердің де мағынасы бір, тек жекеше және көпше түрдегі формалары.

Сөйлемдердің болымды түрлері

There is a living room in my flat. - Менің пәтерімде конак бөлме бар. There are three windows in the living room.- Қонақ бөлмеде уш терезе бар.

Бұл жерде сөйлем құрылымы басқаша. Бірінші ( бастауыштың орнында ) there сөзі тұр, ал басатауыш баяндауыштан кейін тұр. Ал there is/ there are құрылымындағы there сөзі болымсыз және сұраулы сөйлемдерде бастауыш түрінде көрінеді.

Сұраулы сөйлемдер

is/ are бірінші орынға тұрады .

is there Is there a living room in my flat? - Менің пәтерімде қонақ бөлмесі бар ма?

are there Are therethree windows in the living room?

Болымсыз сөйлемдер

Болымсыз түрінің жасалу жолы сөйлемде there is немесе there are тіркестерінен кейін not шылауы келеді.There isn't a fish on the dish. - Табақта балық жоқ. There aren't cakes on the plates. - Тәрелкеде торттар жок.

VII. Writing

Ex. 1. Use the right form (there is/are).

1.There ____ a big park in our city.

2.There _____ three roses in the vase.

3.There ____ a pencil in the box.

4.There _____ a fox in the zoo.

5.There ____ two birds on the tree

2. Is немесе are?

1) There _________ a lamp in theroom.

2) There _________ twolittle trees in the garden.

3) There _________ alot of museums in London.

4) There _________ a big tree in the garden.

5) There _________ manyboys and girls in the park.

6) There _________ a bus on the street.

VIII. Warming up.

YIII. Result

. Makesentencesfrom these words.

1. bread the is on table no there

2. little white in the a sky cloud there

3. There a is piano in The hall

IX. Conclusion

Choose the correct answer

1) There ……… a chair next to the window.

a) are b) aren’t c) is

2) There are ……… in the bag.

a) a pen b) a lot of books c) a book

3) There ……… many toys under the chair.

a) is b) aren’t c) is not

4) There ……… only one sandwich in the basket.

a) isn’t b) are c) is

5) ……… a bird in the tree?

a) Is b) Are c) Are not

6) Are there ……… on the table?

a) an English book b) a blue pen c) coloured pencils

X.​ Homework: Describe your room

(in written form)

XI. Marking

The lesson is over.

Your marks for today are……

Good bye!!!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс

"My flat" 2

Автор: Ирискулова Наргиза Бахадировна

Дата: 19.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 416818

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