Урок №1 из раздела 3 по теме « MY HOME,SWEET HOME»
Тема «Do you like your house?»
Тип урока: Вводный урок, с введением нового лексического материала.
Цели урока: 1.образовательные: презентация новой лексики, употребление в речи оборота речи «There is., There are.», предлоги месторасположения. 2.развивающие: развитие логического мышления, творческого воображения, развитие долговременной памяти, внимания, речевых навыков, коррекция произносительных навыков.3.воспитательные: воспитание эстетического вкуса, чувства прекрасного, умения выслушивать собеседника.
Задачи:1. освоить и отработать лексические единицы по данной теме. 2. систематизировать и закреплять умение в грамматической стороне речи. 3.практиковать поисковое чтение 4 активизировать устную речь. 5. практиковать навыки аудирования.
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент.
Проверка готовности к уроку.
Good afternoon, good afternoon, good afternoon to you.
Good afternoon, good afternoon I am glad to see you! What date is it today? What date of the week is it? 2.Фонетическая разминка. (слайды)
We will start our lesson a bit unusually. Look at the screen. This is an English proverb. Please, repeat after me and find a Russian equivalent.
«East or West, home is best» «My home is my castle»
«Make yourself at home» «Your home is where your heart is»
And now, please, read it one by one. PP- read
3.Основнаячасть. 1.Can you guess what the theme of our lesson is?( перечисляю).(слайд)
- O.K. We will speak about rooms and furniture we have in our houses What kinds of rooms do you know?(слайд)
And now lets learn the name of furniture we have in our houses and flat.Look at the screen and repeat after me.(cлайд) 2.And you should work as a team. Take the card,please. O.K. Your room is kitchen….I will give the words, you choose 5 words to your room. You have 3 minutes. And then we will check it all together.
Your time is over. Lets check your task. Please, show and name the cards you have choosen. 3.Well,you know when we speak about our flats and houses we usually use there is \ there are. Please, look at the screen and try to describe this picture. I will be first. (слайд)
You are good!
My dear, friends. Now we have another task. Alice is 11 years old. Her family bought a new house. Lets help them to choose the furniture for their house.
We have four empty rooms. Try to fill the room with this furniture accoding to your texts and then describe your rooms.
IV. Подведение итогов.
T “Children, thank you for the lesson! You worked hard. Your homework is to learn the words. And to draw your own room” Did you like our lesson?
Did you know new words?
Did you learn how to use these words?
V. Выставление оценок и их комментирование.