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Разработка урока "Eating habits"

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Theme :"Eating habits"

Form: 5

The aims of the lesson:

1)     Educational: Presentation of the lesson about "Eating habits”,  to train  new words and discussion an English language.

2)     Developing: To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech, to develop    pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills to revise Numbers and letters.

        3) Bringing-up: to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each   other, to create an    English atmosphere in the classroom.

Inter-subject connection: Kazakh, English

The type of the lesson: presentation

Methods of teaching: training, explanation, demonstration, interaction

The equipment of the lesson: diagrams on the tasks, pictures, posters

                                               The procedure of the lesson

I) Organization moment

                                        a) Greetings

                        -Good morning children?

                          -How are you?

                                        b)  A talk about on duty

                        -Who is on duty today?

                        -Who is absent today?

                                       c) A talk about the weather?

                         -What date is it today?                 - What month is it now?

Divide into groups.  Сыныптың   оқушыларын   тағам атаулары   бойынша   топқа   бөлу:

1 st group is - Fruit

2 nd group is -Vegetable

3 rd  group is - Drinks

Топ  басшысын  сайлап,  бағалау  ережесімен  таныстыру

II)              Phonetic drills  
1)Let’s find out the theme of our today’s lesson and revise the ABC. Every number means the letter. You should find out the words.

Presentation of the new materials:

New words:

Biscuit [ˈbɪskɪt]- печенье

cheese [tʃiːz]- сыр

hamburger [ ˈhambəːɡə]-гамбургер

potato [pəˈteɪtəʊ]-картоп

dairy [ˈdеәri]- сүттен жасалған

vegetable [ˈvɛdʒtəb(ə)l]-көкөніс

mushroom [ˈmʌʃruːm]- саңырауқұлақ

carrot [ˈkarət]- сәбіз

meat [miːt]- ет

chicken [ˈtʃɪkɪn]- тауық

milk [milk]- сүт

tomato [təˈmɑːtəʊ]- қызанақ

butter [ˈbʌtə]- май

strawberry [ˈstrɔːb(ə)ri]- құпынай

juice [dʒuːs]- шырын

chips[tʃɪps]- чипсы

sausage [ˈsɒsɪdʒ]- шұжық

III. Children, how do you think what about our theme? You are right, our theme is “ Eating habits”.

Tasks for groups.

  1. To review past materials.

Please write all the words on the theme.

  1. Days of the week
  2. Names of the room
  3. Names of the furniture

Very good pupil lets read your words. Now, give marks to each other.

  1. Speaking. 

 Look at the picture and make up the sentence.

Every group  make up sentences to the picture.

  1.  Reading.

Read the three text and try to translate.


For breakfast I have cereal with milk and a glass of juice. At dinner I have vegetable soup, salad, and fish with potato. I don’t have desserts, but I drink tea with lemon and sugar. For supper I have just a salad and then I eat fruit. I drink mineral water.


I have a cup of tea with a cake for breakfast. For dinner I eat meat with potatoes and sometimes I have pasta with tomatoes. In the evening  I have meat with potatoes and drink tea or coffee with milk.


At breakfast I have two eggs, bread and butter and yogurt. For dinner I have chicken sandwiches and salad. I drink lemonade. For supper I like eating meat or sausage.

Children don’t give the marks to each other.

Boys and girls let me introduce you the new grammar. Our theme of grammar is Countable and uncountable nouns.

Uncountable nouns (саналмайтын зат есімдер):

-         Rain - жаңбыр

-         Water - су

-         Bread -  нан

-         Milk - сүт

-         Tea - шай

-         Sugar - қант

  1. Writing.  A) Put the words into the correct column.

                   Countable nouns

                Uncountable nouns

  1. Hamburger
  1.  Milk

. Some, a, an, any

There are some apples. Болымды сөйлем.

There aren’t any flowers. Болымсыз сөйлем.

Are there any books? Сұраулы сөйлем.

Some, any зат есімнің алдыңда тұрады.

There are some books.

We have some apple trees in our garden.

There is some milk in the bottle.

I have some cheese in the fridge.

B) Complete with a/an or some

  1. …….  Apple
  2. …….  juice
  3. …… tomatoes
  4. ……. Coffee
  5. …….  butter
  6. ……egg
  7. …. Sugar
  8. …… strawberries
  9. ……. Biscuit
  10. ……. Fruit
  11. …… rice
  12. …… bread

5.   Game “The hot sun” Dear boys and girls lets play the game. The game called “The hot sun” You must say words about  school things and  subjects.

IV. Conclusion

Give marks   Топтарға    үлестірілген    смайликтер    саны   бойынша   бағалау

Homework               Homework Ex: 11,  6  p 120

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«Разработка урока "Eating habits"»

Theme :"Eating habits"

Form: 5

The aims of the lesson:

1)     Educational: Presentation of the lesson about "Eating habits”,  to train  new words and discussion an English language.

2)     Developing: To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop    pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills to revise Numbers and letters.

 3) Bringing-up: to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each   other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom.


Inter-subject connection: Kazakh, English

The type of the lesson: presentation

Methods of teaching: training, explanation, demonstration, interaction

The equipment of the lesson: diagrams on the tasks, pictures, posters

                                               The procedure of the lesson

I) Organization moment

a) Greetings

-Good morning children?

-How are you?

b)  A talk about on duty

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?

        c) A talk about the weather?


-What date is it today?                 - What month is it now?

Divide into groups. Сыныптың оқушыларын тағам атаулары бойынша топқа бөлу:

1 st group is - Fruit

2 nd group is -Vegetable

3 rd group is - Drinks

Топ басшысын сайлап, бағалау ережесімен таныстыру

II)              Phonetic drills  
1)Let’s find out the theme of our today’s lesson and revise the ABC. Every number means the letter. You should find out the words.

Presentation of the new materials:

New words:

Biscuit [ˈbɪskɪt]- печенье

cheese [tʃiːz]- сыр

hamburger [ ˈhambəːɡə]-гамбургер

potato [pəˈteɪtəʊ]-картоп

dairy [ˈdеәri]- сүттен жасалған

vegetable [ˈvɛdʒtəb(ə)l]-көкөніс

mushroom [ˈmʌʃruːm]- саңырауқұлақ

carrot [ˈkarət]- сәбіз

meat [miːt]- ет

chicken [ˈtʃɪkɪn]- тауық

milk [milk]- сүт

tomato [təˈmɑːtəʊ]- қызанақ

butter [ˈbʌtə]- май

strawberry [ˈstrɔːb(ə)ri]- құпынай

juice [dʒuːs]- шырын

chips[tʃɪps]- чипсы

sausage [ˈsɒsɪdʒ]- шұжық

III. Children, how do you think what about our theme? You are right, our theme is “ Eating habits”.

Tasks for groups.

  1. To review past materials.

Please write all the words on the theme.

  1. Days of the week

  2. Names of the room

  3. Names of the furniture

Very good pupil lets read your words. Now, give marks to each other.

  1. Speaking.

Look at the picture and make up the sentence.

Every group make up sentences to the picture.

  1. Reading.

Read the three text and try to translate.


For breakfast I have cereal with milk and a glass of juice. At dinner I have vegetable soup, salad, and fish with potato. I don’t have desserts, but I drink tea with lemon and sugar. For supper I have just a salad and then I eat fruit. I drink mineral water.


I have a cup of tea with a cake for breakfast. For dinner I eat meat with potatoes and sometimes I have pasta with tomatoes. In the evening I have meat with potatoes and drink tea or coffee with milk.


At breakfast I have two eggs, bread and butter and yogurt. For dinner I have chicken sandwiches and salad. I drink lemonade. For supper I like eating meat or sausage.

Children don’t give the marks to each other.

Boys and girls let me introduce you the new grammar. Our theme of grammar is Countable and uncountable nouns.

Uncountable nouns (саналмайтын зат есімдер):

-         Rain - жаңбыр

-         Water - су

-         Bread -  нан

-         Milk - сүт

-         Tea - шай

-         Sugar - қант

  1. Writing. A) Put the words into the correct column.

Countable nouns

Uncountable nouns

  1. Hamburger

  1. Milk

. Some, a, an, any

There are some apples. Болымды сөйлем.

There aren’t any flowers. Болымсыз сөйлем.

Are there any books? Сұраулы сөйлем.

Some, any зат есімнің алдыңда тұрады.

There are some books.

We have some apple trees in our garden.

There is some milk in the bottle.

I have some cheese in the fridge.

B) Complete with a/an or some

  1. ……. Apple

  2. ……. juice

  3. …… tomatoes

  4. ……. Coffee

  5. …….. butter

  6. ……egg

  7. …. Sugar

  8. …… strawberries

  9. ……. Biscuit

  10. ……. Fruit

  11. …… rice

  12. …… bread

5. Game “The hot sun” Dear boys and girls lets play the game. The game called “The hot sun” You must say words about school things and subjects .

IV. Conclusion

Give marks Топтарға үлестірілген смайликтер саны бойынша бағалау

Homework Homework Ex: 11, 6 p 120

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Разработка урока "Eating habits"

Автор: Таштемирова Шахноза Алишеровна

Дата: 10.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 456352

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