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«Технологическая карта урока по английскому языку для 5 класса»
1 этапурока
- Good morning, my dears! Take your sits. I’m glad to see you!
-Lookatthescreen and read the following Russian proverbs (наэкранепословицыипоговоркипродомашнихживотныхнарусскомязыке)and findwhatiscommoninalltheseproverbs
- I think you ‘ll guess the theme of our lesson
P-Domestic animals
T-Yes, you’re right. What is the aim of our lesson?
P- The aim of our lesson is to speak about domestic animals, to describe them, to differentiate them
T- What domestic animals do you know?
P- A cat, a hen, a dog, tortoise, duck, goat, sheep, guinea pig, goldfish, rabbit.
T-Well, now the task will be to guess the riddles:
It is a domestic animal. It can live in the house. It has got thick fur. It is white/ black/ grey/ or brown with big or small paws. It cannot fly. It likes meat.
It is a domestic animal. It can live in the house. It has got soft thick fur. It is white/ black/ grey or brown with little soft paws. It has got small ears. It likes milk and fish.
It is a domestic animal. It can live in the house. It has got blue/ yellow/ white feathers and small beak. It can fly. It likes corn.
It is a domestic animal. It can live in the house. It is grey or brown. It is very slow. It can swim.
2 этап урока
T- You are right, How do we called with another word these animals?
T- Well domestic animals can divide into farm animals and pets. Your task is to divide them,work in pairs. Take a red sheet of paper and do the task.Наэкранеколлажсдомашнимиживотными
Farm animals
Guinea pig
A budgie
A tortoise
3 этап урока
T- Now take a yellow sheet of paper, read the question and answer the given question.
На бумаге вопросы:
1.Which animal can fly?
2.Which animal can swim?
3. Which animal can hunt?
4.Which animals are grey?
5.Which animals are white?
6.Which animal has a short tail?
7.Which animal likes to eat grass?
8. Which animal can run?
9. Which animal can jump?
10.Which animal likes milk?
11.Whichanimal likes fish?
12.Which animal likes corn?
13.Which animal likes meat?
14.Which animal has along tail?
T. Now have a rest and check your knowledge. Find a pair and ask the given question to each other.
(Учащиеся выбирают друг другу пару, задают вопросы на карточках и по очереди отвечают)
T. Спрашивает пару учеников, затем самопроверка на экране пронумерованные ответы к вопросам.
1. A duck, a hen, a budgie can fly.
2. A duck can swim.
3. A cat can hunt.
4. Cat and rabbit are grey.
5. Sheep and goose are white.
6. A rabbit has a short tail.
7. A cow likes to eat grass.
8. A horse can run.
9. A rabbit can jump.
10. A cat likes milk.
11. A cat likes fish.
12. A budgie likes corn.
13. A dog likes meat.
14. A horse, a cow have a long tail.
T. Nowcheckyouranswers( на экране пронумерованные ответы к вопросам)
Thank you the following work is….
T: EachgrouphasgottheirTALKINGMATsonthedesk. Each group has got a certain period of time to write down their ideas on the given topic. Generate as many ideas as you can. But at first choose one of the card (2 min). Учительдаеткарточкисизображениемживотных.
T: Then I ask you to exchange your TALKING MATS with your neighboring team and analyze their work by making connections between the words given in their TALKING MAT.
T: As you can see we have got a lot of words to describe any pet animal
Pet animals
Can do
A cat
A dog
A budgie
A tortoise
T: Each group has got a list of words which can help us to make a description with the structures below. Take please a red paper.
I have got a …
It is …
Itcan …
V. Рефлексия деятельности на уроке
T: To finish our lesson you have to evaluate your knowledge about the world of animals at the end of the lesson, so I’d like you to take do different movements that reflect the evaluation of the lesson.
Sit down (low valuation, I didn’t like, it was boring, difficult for me)– Наурокемнебылотрудно, скучно
Stand up (a satisfactory attitude, I like the lesson, It was interesting) I work at the lesson not so bad), I am satisfied with my work –Япоработалнеплохо
Clap your hands (a very high score, It was super, unforgettable) –Ядоволенсвоейработой
Выражения для рефлексии:
During the lesson I was active/ passive
I am satisfied/not satisfied with my work
The lesson seems to me long/short
I am tired/not tired
I feel interested/ bored
T. Спрашивает почему тот или иной ученик выбрал форму рефлексии и просит проговорить пару учеников
Now the lesson is over thank you for being active
I want to choose your home task according your possibilities
The card № 1 is for those who can make up a story
Card № 2 put the word into the right order, and write the story about the pet
Card № 3 the task is to fill in the gaps with necessary information
Card № 4 for those who has some difficulties in learning the English the task is to match the sentences with their translation