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Своя игра

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Предлагается с целью проанализировать уровень освоенности лексических единиц.в человеческой практике игровая деятельносьвыполняет функции:-развлекательную(воодушевляет, пробуждает интерес);-коммуникативную(освоение диалектики общения);-самореализация в игре, как полигонечеловеческой практики:-иглотерапевтическую(преодоление различных трудностей) на это и нацелена данная разработка.

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«Своя игра »

« Своя игра» Цель: проанализировать уровень освоенности лексических единиц. За каждый правильный ответ команде начисляются баллы, за каждый неправильный - такая же сумма снимается.You can choose a category and an amount (e. g. 100), you listen to CATEGORIES column and think of the answer. If your answer is correct you continue the game, if it is incorrect another person gets a chance to answer. A person who has the biggest sum is the winner of the game.



Famous people

Rivers, lakes, seas

Places of interest



100 It’s located in the central part of the North American continent.

100 The “ Beatles” were from that city. What city is it?

( Liverpool)

100 He is a president of the USA.

Barak Abama

100 Name the longest river in the world. It is in Africa.

The Nile

100 It was given to the USA by France in 1886. It’s unique. It stands in the harbor of New York city & welcome people to America. The Statue of Liberty

100 the floral symbol of England is…


100 Art is long Life is short. Искусство вечно- жизнь коротка.

200 the biggest part of this country is desert .


200 This city was named to honor the first leader of the country. (Washington)

200 He is one of the richest people in the world. He founded the company Microsoft.

Bill Gates


Four historic parts the UK and Northern Ireland consist of .

England ,Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland

200 A very large magical park in the US. Where children and their parents are entertained by cartoons ’characters. Disneyland

200 How many crosses is the Union Jack made up?


200 Two heads are better than one. Одна голова хорошо, а две лучше.

300 It is the smallest of all English speaking countries.

The UK

300 It stands on the river Thames. (London)

300 A British popular music singer with the group Queen.

Freddy Mercury

300 The waters in that sea is not black but blue. The ancient Greeks saw dark storm clouds over the water and name it…..

The Black sea

300The official Queen’s residence

In London.

Buckingham Palace

300 It is a well known wax works museum in London.

Madam Tussads

300 Rome wasn’t built in a day. Москва не сразу строилась.

400 The maple leaf is the emblem of this country.


400 This historic town is known as William Shakespeare’s birthplace .

Stratford on Avon.

400 A famous Italian painter , inventor, engineer, architect and sculptor. When people hear his name they think of his famous painting, Mona Lisa. Who is it?

Leonardo da Vinci

400 This ocean means” Peaceful”, but it is known for its terrible storms. The Pacific ocean


Where does the President of the USA live and work? The White house

400 How many stripes & stars does the flag of the USA combine?

13 /50

400 Honesty is the best policy.

Честность-лучшая политика.

500 It is an island state.

The UK

500 It is famous for its skyscrapers and or Statue of liberty. New York)


He is the eldest son of Queen II .

Prince Charles

500 In the aboriginal language this word means” roaring water”

The Niagara river

500 A place which is known as a centre of the American film industry.


500 It’s a British company which makes chocolate. It is especially famous for its Dairy Milk Chocolate.


500 Talk of the devil and he will appear..Легок на помине.


This country Italy upside down.

New Zealand

600 In what city is there Hollywood?

( Los-Angeles)

600 She was a Roman Catholic nun. She worked in India and helped the poor and the sick. She started the Society of the Missionaries of Charity. Mother Teresa

600 In the aboriginal language this word means” big river”. Americans gall it “ Father of waters ”The Mississippi river

600 A group of very large, tall stones in England. It is a popular tourist attraction.


600 the business and cultural center of New York City


600Bad news travels fast.

Плохие вести не лежат на месте.

700 Sometimes It is called “ the Lucky country”


700 In the aboriginal language this word means “meeting place” ( Canberra)

700 He was a Swedish engineer and chemist who invented dynamite. He established the Prize which is given in Sweden to people for important work in science, medicine, economics, literature .and world peace.Alfred Nobel

700 In the aboriginal language this word means” a place for trade”

The Potomac river

700 The longest street in the world in Manhattan ,New York. It is famous for its theaters. Broadway

700 Business before pleasure.

Сделал дело- гуляй смело.( Делу время –потехе час)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Своя игра

Автор: Луцева Светлана Владимировна

Дата: 12.08.2014

Номер свидетельства: 111713

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