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Разработка урока

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«Разработка урока»

1. Lesson Plan

Course-book: I.N. Vereshchagina, O.V. Afanasyeva “English 4” part 2 / Unit “My country” / Lesson 53

Aim: By the end of the lesson the children will be able to describe the symbols of Russia

Skills: reading for specific information, followed by speaking and writing

New language: “to flow, at the bottom, Motherland“, pronunciation of some geographic names

Revision: vocabulary “bank“, “between“, “enemy“, “noble“, “honest“, “devoted“, “brave“, “bravery“, “birch“

grammar “Articles with geographic names“

Activity / Time



Teacher does / says

Pupils do / say

Introduction / 5 min

“What date is it today? “ “What day is it today? “

“Who is absent today? “

“Today is….“

“…, … are absent today. “

Pre-stage / 10 min

To introduce the topic of the lesson

To revise the vocabulary that they will meet in the text, to practise the pronunciation

To present geographic names that they will meet in the text, to revise the grammar rule about using the articles with geographic names

Shows the pictures of Russian nature, flag, etc.:

“What country is it? Is it Great Britain? Is it the USA? … It is our Motherland, Russia. Today we’ll read the text and speak about Russia and its symbols.“

Give their opinions trying to guess what country they see in the pictures.

“Let us revise the words that you got to know at the previous lesson. You’ll need them to understand the text about Russia. Repeat after me and mind the pronunciation.“

Pronounces the words loudly.

“Now let us check if you remember the words.“

Gives short definitions of these words in English.

Repeat the words in chorus after the teacher.

Try to remember the words saying their guesses.

The books are opened

The books are closed

“Now open you books, p. 164, ex. 11. Here you can see some geographic names. You’ll need them to speak about Russia. Let us read them.“

“Why do we use some geographic names with the definite article “THE” and the other – without any article? You may look at p. 163”

Read the geographic names one by one.

Remember and tell the grammar rule about using the articles with geographic names

Physical activity / 5 min

To have some fun, to do some physical exercises 

“Now it’s time for playing! Stand up and get ready!”

Explains the rules of the game: if the pupils hear the name of some land (a country or a continent) – they put their hands as widely as possible, if the pupils hear the name of some mountain – they stretch and put their hands as high as possible, if the pupils hear the name of some water (a river, a sea or an ocean) – they squat down.

Says the geographic names at random, at first slowly, then faster and faster.

Make appropriate gestures.

At first the teacher may help the pupils making the appropriate gestures together with them. Then they perform the movements themselves. And finally the teacher may even make the wrong gestures so that to make the game more challenging.

While-stage / 5 min

To develop reading for specific information

“Now open you books, p. 164, ex. 12. You are to read the text “I LOVE RUSSIA” and say what symbols of Russia you can name. While reading you may notice the unknown words: for example to flow, at the bottom“. What do they mean? Use the reference, please!”

Read the text to find the necessary information about the symbols of Russia

The new words and the question the pupils must answer may be written on the blackboard

Post-stage / 15 min

To develop speaking skills

To develop writing skills

To develop speaking skills

Asks questions:

“So what symbols of Russia can you name?

What can you say about the flag? What does it look like? What colour are the stripes? What do these colours mean? What is another symbol of Russia? Where can we see these trees? What do they look like? Why do Russian people love them? How do they show their love?”

Answer the teacher’s questions using the text

“Now draw these symbols of Russia. Write some sentences to describe your pictures.“

Monitors the pupils and helps the weak ones

Draw the symbols of Russia.

Write some sentences to describe their pictures.

Weak pupils may draw only one symbol.

Besides, the beginnings of the clue sentences may be written on the blackboard

“Let us look at your beautiful pictures and listen to your descriptions. Who is ready with the pictures? Who wants to tell us about the symbols of Russia?“

Listens to the pupils’ monologues.

Show their pictures and describe the symbols of Russia

While speaking the pupils may use their notes

Conclusion, assessment / 5 min

“You worked hard today. You helped each other. You drew beautiful pictures. What did we learn at the lesson? What was the most interesting for you? Will you be able to tell the foreigners who do not know much about our country about the symbols of Russia? I think, you will.

Your marks are: ….

Your homework is p. 164, ex. 13. You are to read the text and answer the questions.“

Give their feed-back

Write down the homework.

2. Post-lesson Reflection Note

  1. My group is quite a strong and motivated one. Most students love our lessons. They have 5 lessons a week and have been learning English for 3 years. They are about 10 years old and like moving, playing, drawing and colouring. They have mostly kinaesthetic and visual types of intelligence. We use the course-book by I.N. Vereshchagina, O.V. Afanasyeva.

  2. At the lesson we used the text “I love Russia”. It tells us about our motherland, its nature and geography. The main Russian symbols are also described

  3. At the pre-stage I introduced the topic using the pictures and questions. We revised the vocabulary, practised the pronunciation. We also revised the rule about the articles with geographic names.

  4. As for the while-stage, it was not difficult for them to find the necessary information. Though some students tried to read the text properly and they didn’t have enough time to answer the initial question.

  5. The children liked the post-stage because they love drawing.

  6. I think they liked the lesson as they were active all the time.

  7. I’m satisfied with the lesson. Next time I would prepare some black-and-white pictures for those who usually draws too slowly.

  1. The group of my students is quite a strong and motivated one. Most of them love our lessons. Besides, they have English lessons 5 times a week and they have been learning English for 3 years. That is why they know enough to communicate with me and with each other and use good English. All of them are about 10 years old, they like moving, playing, watching, drawing and colouring. To my mind they have mostly kinaesthetic and visual types of intelligence. At our lessons we use course-book “English 4” by I.N. Vereshchagina, O.V. Afanasyeva.

  2. At the lesson we used the text “I love Russia” from our usual course-book for reading. It tells us about our motherland, its nature and geography. Russian seas and oceans, mountains and animals are described. Besides, we can read there about main symbols of our country: the Russian national flag and the birch tree.

  3. At the pre-stage I introduced the topic of the lesson using the pictures and trying to help them to guess with the questions. We revised the vocabulary necessary for the text, practised the pronunciation. Moreover, we revised the grammar rule about using the articles with geographic names as the text contains many of them.

  4. As for the while-stage, it was not so difficult for them to find the necessary information. Though some students tried to read all the text properly and they didn’t have enough time to answer the initial question (the information about symbols was just at the end)

  5. The children liked the post-stage because they love drawing so much.

  6. I think they liked the lesson as they were active and ready to work. Crafting is their favourite type of activity.

  7. I’m quite satisfied with the lesson. The only thing I’d do differently next time is that I would prepare some black-and-white pictures (colouring papers) for those who usually draws too slowly (for them just to colour without drawing).

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Разработка урока

Автор: Кузнецова Олеся Александровна

Дата: 16.08.2018

Номер свидетельства: 475936

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