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Презентация "Sports in our school"

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Тема: Sports in our school


Развивающий аспект:

  • развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся;
  • учить детей делать презентации творческих проектов;
  • проводить интерактивный опрос;
  • обрабатывать полученные данные;

Воспитательный аспект:

  • воспитывать здоровые привычки;
  • показать учащимся важность здорового образа жизни.

Учебный аспект:

  • активировать изученную лексику по теме “Спорт”;
  • развивать у учащихся умение творчески использовать усвоенный материал в новых ситуациях общения.

Сопутствующие задачи:

  • скрытый контроль развития речевых умений;

Тип урока: урок коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения.

Методы: интерактивный, словесный, наглядный, практический.

Оборудование и оснащение урока:

  • таблицы
  • дидактический раздаточный материал: карточки-задания; 
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«Презентация "Sports in our school"»

 Healthy  lifestyle



Useful and healthy habits

Useful and healthy habits

Training your organism  It helps you not to be ill. You can avoid many problems.

Training your organism

It helps you not to be ill. You can avoid many problems.

Keeping of a day regime  Makes your life more regular. It helps you to organize yourself. You have more time for rest and leisure activities. Especially you need it during your exams.

Keeping of a day regime

Makes your life more regular. It helps you to organize yourself. You have more time for rest and leisure activities. Especially you need it during your exams.

Going in for sport  It is very useful for us. Sport helps to relax. For example, jogging is good for your heart, swimming is good for your arms, cycling is good for your legs and so on.

Going in for sport

It is very useful for us. Sport helps to relax. For example, jogging is good for your heart, swimming is good for your arms, cycling is good for your legs and so on.

Water procedures  You should do it every day. It makes you feel clean, better and healthier.

Water procedures

You should do it every day. It makes you feel clean, better and healthier.

Morning exercises  Morning exercises are useful for you. It helps you to keep your fitness and to be in a good form.

Morning exercises

Morning exercises are useful for you. It helps you to keep your fitness and to be in a good form.

Walking  Helps you to relax, to loose your weight, to breath the fresh air. It’s very healthy to do it after dinner and before going to bed.


Helps you to relax, to loose your weight, to breath the fresh air. It’s very healthy to do it after dinner and before going to bed.

1 . Жить не для того,  чтобы есть, а есть  для того чтобы жить  a ) Early to bed and early to rise makes a man  healthy wealthy and wise 2. Кто рано ложиться и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет  b) Money can buy a  tonic, but not health 3 . Здоровье за деньги не купишь c) Live not to eat  but eat to live

1 . Жить не для того, чтобы есть, а есть для того чтобы жить

a ) Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise

2. Кто рано ложиться и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет

b) Money can buy a tonic, but not health

3 . Здоровье за деньги не купишь

c) Live not to eat but eat to live

Working on a computer, watching TV

Working on a computer, watching TV

  • When you do it one or two hours it’s not bad. You can get a lot of new information, it helps to do you homework etc. But it ‘s bad for your eyes, brains, nerves system. Other result your sight becomes worth, you can’t sleep well and so on.
Inactive way of life

Inactive way of life

  • You forget to do exercises every morning, you do not go in for sport, you go by car or transport instead of working. Stop do it and start to move.


  • is bad first of all your stomach and liver. It can be a cause of some diseases and get a lot of problems.
Mobile phones

Mobile phones

  • can be harmful because electric waves which make bad influences on your health. Try not to spend all days long with your mobiles.
Should / Shouldn't  You _________________eat vegetables and fruit. You _________________drink hot milk and honey. You _________________eat unfresh food. You _________________sleep 8 hours a day. You _________________get wet in rainy weather. You _________________do morning exercises. You _________________walk too much in cold weather. You _________________drink cold water. You _________________air the room. You ________________consult a doctor every 3 months. You _________________drink much coffee. You _________________eat a lot of sweets (salt). You _________________watch TV too much.

Should / Shouldn't

You _________________eat vegetables and fruit.

You _________________drink hot milk and honey.

You _________________eat unfresh food.

You _________________sleep 8 hours a day.

You _________________get wet in rainy weather.

You _________________do morning exercises.

You _________________walk too much in cold weather.

You _________________drink cold water.

You _________________air the room.

You ________________consult a doctor every 3 months.

You _________________drink much coffee.

You _________________eat a lot of sweets (salt).

You _________________watch TV too much.

Pupils attitude towards health

Pupils attitude towards health

Sports in our school.

Sports in our school.

Our best sportsmen .

Our best sportsmen .

Our school canteen.

Our school canteen.

Many children of our school have dinner in school canteen.

Many children of our school have dinner in school canteen.

Our school cooks take care about our balanced diet.

Our school cooks take care about our balanced diet.

Chicken soup Good food Fruit Vegetables Eggs Meat

Chicken soup

Good food





Meat is rich in iron

Meat is rich in iron

Fish contains many protein.

Fish contains many protein.

Milk contains many protein and useful minerals

Milk contains many protein and useful minerals

Chips Bad food Salt Bacon Mayonnaise


Bad food




In our school canteen children give tasty and useful meal.

In our school canteen children give tasty and useful meal.

Thank you for your attention.

Thank you for your attention.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Презентация "Sports in our school"

Автор: Сичкарь Марина Ивановна

Дата: 19.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 295840

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