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Помогаешь ли ты по дому?

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Урок по английскому языку "Помогаешь ли ты по дому?" проводится с использованием игровых технологий. По грамматике проверяется знание темы "Present Simple"

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«Помогаешь ли ты по дому?»

Form 5

Unit 6

Lesson Plan

Lesson 36 (4)

Lesson title: Do you help in the house?

Student level: Grade 5

Equipment: Power Point Presentation, a ball, a cube with time markers, cards for the game “Living words”, points for correct answers, colorful cards (four colours) for self-assessment for each pupil, magnets, cards with the names: Ann, Stella, Kate ,Tom, Ben, Bill for listening

Goals: To encourage SS’s imagination, to develop their speaking, listening, writing, reading habits, to teach them to evaluate themselves.

Objectives: students will be able to

  • ask and answer the questions “Do you help your mother?” , “How often do you…?”

  • make up their own sentences with time markers of Present Simple

  • to collaborate in groups

  • to put words in the correct word order in Present Simple

Outline of the Lesson:

  1. Greeting

  2. Warming up.

  3. Checking up the hometask.

  1. Matching English and Russian words

(time markers of Present Simple)

  1. Reading the text with translation (P.104, ex.2)

  1. Listening. A game “Mime the text”

  2. Action rhyme

  3. Practice. Working in groups.


  1. “A game with the ball”

  2. Living words

  3. A game with the cube.

  4. “Miming game” (P. 106, ex. 8,9)

  1. Conclusion

  2. Lesson evaluation, pupils’ self assessment

  3. H/t explanation (P. 107, ex. 14)


I. Evocation.

1. Greeting.

Good morning, dear children. I am very glad to see you and hope that you are well today. Let’s greet each other.

Good morning, good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning, dear children!

I am glad to see you!

Good morning, good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning, dear teacher!

We are glad to see you!

Today we shall continue learning the theme “Do you help in the house?”You will ask and answer the questions on the theme of the lesson, put the cards with different words in the correct word order.

2. Warming up

But first of all let’s train our tongues. Look at the screen. You can see a rhyme on it. Listen to me.

Andy helps his mother

Sandy makes his bed

Eddy takes the rubbish out

Teddy does the washing up.

-Listen to me and repeat after me.

… Read the first line and translate it (the second…)

- Now I’ll replace some words by the suitable pictures you should pronounce them from memory.

So read a rhyme yourself.

3. Checking up the home task

At home you had to learn time markers of Present Simple by heart, read and translate the text.

I have cards with Russian and English time markers of Present Simple. One pupil will match English and Russian words: time markers of Present Simple. Other pupils will read and translate the text.

  • Who wants to match Russian and English equivalents?

  • Go to the blackboard and match them.

And we shall read and translate the text. One pupil will start reading the text. Then one of you will be Omar, another pupil will be Colin.

… Start reading the text and translate it.

P. 106, ex.5

Now let’s check how… has matched the words.

Is it correct?

4. Action rhyme

Hands up.

Hands up, Stand up! Hands on hips

Hands down. Hands to the sides. One, two, three, hop.

Hands on hips. Bend left. One, two, three, stop.

Sit down! Bend right. Stand still!

II. Realization of meaning.

5. Listening. A game “Mime the text”

Now you will listen to the text and your task will be to mime this text. I need six pupils: three girls and three boys to mime the text.

I have six cards with the names.

Please, draw one of these cards. Read it. So, what is your name? It means that you will be Ann in this text. (Six pupils draw the cards and read their names)

Very well. Your task is to listen to the text very attentively and mime it, do actions which are written in this text. Other pupils should also listen to the text very attentively. I shall ask you questions after reading.

When you hear your name, please, show us your card, when you hear an action, move accordingly. Try to remember how often you do something.

Let’s start.

The text.

Mother has six children: three daughters and three sons. The daughters’ names are Ann, Stella and Kate. The boys’ names are Tom, Ben and Bill.

All the children are very nice. Ann, Ben and Tom always make their beds and help their mother. Kate often tidies the rooms, Stella seldom lays the table but she usually does the washing up. Bill sometimes takes the rubbish out but he never lays the table.

Answer the questions:

- Who always makes their beds?

- How often do you make your bed and help your mother?

- Who tidies the rooms? (Kate)

- How often do you tidy the rooms, Kate?

- Who lays the table? (Stella)

- How often do you lay the table, Stella?

- Who takes the rubbish out? (Bill)

- How often do you take the rubbish out?

- Who does the washing up?

-How often do you do the washing up, Stella?

  1. Practice.Fixation of Grammar and lexical material.

Our class is divided into three groups (three rows) Now we shall play different games in groups.


  1. A game with a ball”

Open your books at page106, ex. 10.

Let’s change the task a little bit. We shall work in groups.

I’ll give you a ball. You should throw this ball to each other asking a question beginning with “How often do you…?” A pupil who has caught a ball should answer the question using time markers of Present simple.

You will receive points for every correct question and every correct answer.

  1. A game “Living words”

Now I’ll give you cards with different words. You should put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

Work in groups.Have you finished? Stop doing the task.

Rearrange yourselves until you have put together a sentence that makes sense. Now go to the blackboard and stand in the correct order with your cards. Read your sentence.

-Is it right?

Let’s write these sentences in our exercise-books.

  1. A game with the cube

I have a cube. Time markers of Present Simple are written on its sides. One representative from each group should throw this cube, read the time marker and make up a sentence in Present Simple with this time marker. You will receive one point for every correct sentence.

  1. An extra game “Miming game”

Let’s play a miming game. One pupil from each group will go to the blackboard and show us one action without any words, but using gestures. Other pupils try to guess what you are doing asking you questions

-Do you ever …

(P. 106, ex. 9)

Let’s check how many points you have got.

The first group, how many points have you got? (the second, the third)

III. Reflection.

7. Conclusion.

-What have you learnt doing at the lesson?

- What time markers of Present Simple do you know?

- How often do you help your mother?

8. Evaluation

I would like you to evaluate your own work during the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson you received the colorful stripes of paper. If you liked very much how you worked during the lesson (if you think that your work was excellent) – show me a green colour, if you liked your work, but not so much (if you think your work was good – show me a yellow colour, if you could work better, show me a blue colour (your mark is a “three”) and if you didn’t like your work at the lesson at all (if you are not satisfied with your work and think that your mark is “a two”) – show me a red colour.

Your marks for the lesson are …

Give me your diaries.

9. Homework assignment

P. 107, ex. 14 (in a written form)

Write what work you do in the house and how often you do it.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Помогаешь ли ты по дому?

Автор: Товкалова Ольга Анатольевна

Дата: 11.05.2020

Номер свидетельства: 549293

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