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Plan of the lesson 5 grade

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Grade-5 «A» 5 «B»

Date-12.12.16 -08.12.16             

                       Lesson Theme: Pronouns- Indefinite pronouns

The aims of the lesson

Educational: to enrich vocabulary, to pay attention to pronunciation and use subject and Possessive pronouns.

Developing: to develop reading, speaking critical thinking skills memory and creative working.

Brining up: to bring up students to respect and love their parents and always help them at home.

Type:  mixed.

Methods: explaining, questions, answers, matching.

Form: individual, pair work, work with class.  

Materials: a book. pictures.cards

Technical means: Interactive board, personal computer

I.Procedure of the lesson

  1. Introduction:
  2.  Good morning!
  3.  I’m very glad to see you.
  4. Who is on duty to day?
  1.  What date is it to day?

     6   What day is it to day?

7  What season is it now?



Grade-5 «A» 5 «B»

Date-12.12.16 -08.12.16             

                       Lesson Theme: Pronouns- Indefinite pronouns

The aims of the lesson

Educational: to enrich vocabulary, to pay attention to pronunciation and use subject and Possessive pronouns.

Developing: to develop reading, speaking critical thinking skills memory and creative working.

Brining up: to bring up students to respect and love their parents and always help them at home.

Type:  mixed.

Methods: explaining, questions, answers, matching.

Form: individual, pair work, work with class.  

Materials: a book. pictures.cards

Technical means: Interactive board, personal computer

I.Procedure of the lesson

  1. Introduction:
  2.  Good morning!
  3.  I’m very glad to see you.
  4. Who is on duty to day?
  1.  What date is it to day?

     6   What day is it to day?

7  What season is it now?



Grade-5 «A» 5 «B»

Date-12.12.16 -08.12.16             

                       Lesson Theme: Pronouns- Indefinite pronouns

The aims of the lesson

Educational: to enrich vocabulary, to pay attention to pronunciation and use subject and Possessive pronouns.

Developing: to develop reading, speaking critical thinking skills memory and creative working.

Brining up: to bring up students to respect and love their parents and always help them at home.

Type:  mixed.

Methods: explaining, questions, answers, matching.

Form: individual, pair work, work with class.  

Materials: a book. pictures.cards

Technical means: Interactive board, personal computer

I.Procedure of the lesson

  1. Introduction:
  2.  Good morning!
  3.  I’m very glad to see you.
  4. Who is on duty to day?
  1.  What date is it to day?

     6   What day is it to day?

7  What season is it now?

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«Plan of the lesson 5 grade»



Grade-5 «A» 5 «B»

Date-21.11.16 -28.11.16


Lesson Theme: Numerals-cardinal and ordinal numerals

The aims of the lesson

Educational: to enrich vocabulary, to pay attention to pronunciation and use subject and Possessive pronouns.

Developing: to develop reading, speaking critical thinking skills memory and creative working.

Brining up: to bring up students to respect and love their parents and always help them at home.

Type: mixed.

Methods: explaining, questions, answers, matching.

Form: individual, pair work, work with class.

Materials: a book. pictures.cards

Technical means: Interactive board, personal computer

I.Org. mom.

Good afternoon, dear boys, girls and guests of our lesson. I’m very glad to see you. How are you? Well, let’s begin our lesson. Today we will speak about the numerals.


II. Warm-up.

Six, silly, sisters, sell, silk, sickly, senior, citizens

  • There are ten desks in our classroom.

  • There are three pictures in our classroom.

  • There are two windows in our classroom.

  • There are eleven plants in our classroom.

  • There are seventeen bags in our classroom.

III. Explaining a new lesson:

Сан есім (The Numeral)

Сан есімдер есептік және реттік сан есімге бөлінеді: есептік

сан есім қанша? (how many?) деген сұраққа жауап береді (бір, екі,

үш),реттік сан есім қай? (which?) қайсысы? нешінші? деген сұраққа жауап береді (the first бірінші, the second екінші, the third ушінші).

Өзінің құрылысы бойынша сан есімдер жай (one бір, two екі)

туынды (sixteen он алты, fifty елу) жэне құрама болып белінеді (two

hundred екі жүз, forty five цырыц бес).

Есептік сан есімдер (Cardinal Numerals)

1-12 13-19 20-90

1-one 13-thirteen 20-twenty

2-two 14-fourteen 21-twenty-one

3-three 15-fifteen 30-thirty

4-four 16-sisteen 40-fourteen

5-five 17-seventeen 50-fifteen

6-six 18-eighteen 60-sixteen

7-seven 19-nineteen 70-seventeen

8-eight 80-eighteen

9-nine 90-nineteen




Есептік сан есімде 20-дан 90-ға дейін ty деген жұрнақ қосылады.

21- twenty -one, 22- twenty - two деген есептік сан есімдер дефис

арқылы жазылады.

100- a (one) hundred, 200 - two hundred.

Hundred, thousand, million деген сан есімдердің алдында белгісіз (а)

артикль немесе one деген сан есім қойлады.

Реттік сан есім (Ordinal numerals)

Реттік сан есімде (1,2,3 қоспағанда) th жұрнағы қосылады.

Мысалы: 1 -1 2 13- 19

1st -the first - бірінші 13th- the thirteenth

2nd-the second - екінші 14th- the fourteenth

3rd-the third - үшінші 15th- the fifteenth

4lh-the fourth - төртінші 16th- the sixteenth

5th-the fifth - бесінші 17th- the seventeenth

6lh-the sixth- алтыншы 18th- the eighteenth

7tb-the seventh-жетінші 19th- the nineteenth

8lh-the eighth-сегізінші

9m-the ninth-тоғызыншы

10lh-the tenth-оныншы

1 l th-the eleventh-он бірінші

12th-the twelfth-он екінші

20 - the twentieth

21 - the twenty-first

22nd- the twenty-second

30th- the thirtieth

40tb- the fortieth

50th- the fiftieth

60th- the sixtieth

70th- the seventieth

80th- the eightieth

90lh- the ninetieth

Сан есімдерге th жұрнагы қосылганда ең соңғы эріп -у - іе

әріптеріне өзгереді. 100th-the hundredth

101sl-the hundred and first

200th- the two hundredth

Work in group

Let’s make two teams.

I have two cards with tasks.

1. Count 10 – 20

Name 5 hobbies or 5 sports

2. Count  20-30

Name 5 professions ( a doctor, a dentist, a teacher, a driver, a worker)


" Numerals


1.Выбери правильный ответ:

One hundred and one minus fourty- six is...

a)      sixty

b)      fifty-four

c)      fifty-five

2.Выбери правильный ответ:

Fifty-three plus sixty-eight is ...

a)      one hundred

b)      a hundred and twenty

c)      one hundred and twenty-one

3.Лишним в данной группе числительных является:

a)      sixteen

b)      third

c)      nine

4.Прочитай телефонный номер.

235 677 105

a)      two three five six double seven oh five

b)      two five three six double seven one

c)      two three five six double  seven one oh five

5.Реши пример.

Seventy minus nineteen is...

a)      fifty

b)      fifty-one

c)      fourty- eight

6.Выбери правильный ответ:

One hundred and one minus fourty- six is...

d)     sixty

e)      fifty-four

f)       fifty-five

7.Выбери правильный ответ:

Fifty-three plus sixty-eight is ...

d)     one hundred

e)      a hundred and twenty

f)       one hundred and twenty-one

8.Лишним в данной группе числительных является:

d)     sixteen

e)      third

f)       nine

9.Прочитай телефонный номер.

235 677 105

d)     two three five six double seven oh five

e)      two five three six double seven one

f)       two three five six double  seven one oh five

10.Реши пример.

Seventy minus nineteen is...

d)     fifty

e)      fifty-one

f)       fourty- eight

11.  Выбери правильный ответ:

One hundred and one minus fourty- six is...

g)      sixty

h)      fifty-four

i)        fifty-five

12.Выбери правильный ответ:

Fifty-three plus sixty-eight is ...

g)      one hundred

h)      a hundred and twenty

i)        one hundred and twenty-one

13.Лишним в данной группе числительных является:

g)      sixteen

h)      third

i)        nine

14.Прочитай телефонный номер.

235 677 105

g)      two three five six double seven oh five

h)      two five three six double seven one

i)        two three five six double  seven one oh five

15.Реши пример.

Seventy minus nineteen is...

g)      fifty

h)      fifty-one

i)        fourty- eight

 Answer the questions

How many boys are there in your class?  - There are .... boys in my class.

How many girls are there in your class? – There are .... girls in my class.

How many books are there in your bag? – There are ....

IV. Home task: Дұрыс жауабын тап!

30+50   ( thirty and fifty is eighty)        51+8         43+3                                                      23+12

22+4                                                      90+10

V. Finalization of the lesson: Well, our lesson is over. Today we have spoken a lot about numerals. Thank you for the lesson. You have worked very hard today. Good-bye.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Plan of the lesson 5 grade

Автор: Ажибаева Айгерім Адилханқызы

Дата: 22.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 382250

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