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Short term plan. Relationships. 11 grade.

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                                                                                       Confirmed __________________                                                                  

             I term, # 1                  Short Term  Plan 

The teacher of the subject:  

    Yerzhanova  Rima  Anuarovna

Grade /   Date

 11 A, ?, Б –   03/IX.                   2015

 The theme of the lesson:

 Module IRelationships.       Topic talk p 5

The reference:

M. Harris, A. Sikorzynska.  Choices – 11, Пирсон баспасы, 2014.


*All learners will be able to:

Give their own sentences using of tenses with personal relationships  make their own questions to the given sentences.

come up with a definition of the new words and  their meanings

The result of learning:

* Most learners will be able to:

say why they think the statements about talking about relationships given are  wrong/right in their opinion

give example with  tenses, own questions

* Some learners will be able to:

critically analyse a statement about  personal relationships

say whether it is justified or scaremongering.

* Students  can make own sentences & questions which have studied today’s  and previous lessons

Key words:

* uncles, cousins, half -brothers, relations


 English tenses and types of questions

The basic ideas:

 * Module  I.      Relationships.    Topic talk p 5

* Ex 1. Talk to your partner. Make a list of personal relationships.

*Ex 2. You are going to read an article about relationships.

 Try to predict. What is the most important relationships in your life will you find in the text?

* Ex 3. Listen to Fiona. Complete the information in the network below p 5.

* Ex 4. Read the article again & put own questions.

*Learners critically analyze the following   questions.

- What are the relationships   of modern society?

Methods of the lesson:

1. New approaches to teaching and learning.

2. Learning to think critically

3. Assessment for and of learning

4. Using ICT in teaching

5. Teaching talented and Gifted children

6. Management and leadership of learning

7. Responding to age related differences in children in teaching and learning,   

*Venn diagram, KLWK Chart,  Association, INSERT, Brainstorming


Ex /s 1-6 pp 5-6


S1-S2-S3 etc


Find out:

What did they learn during the lesson: e.g. new vocabulary, similar words in English, facts and opinions about relationships

What skills did they develop? e.g. critical analysis, reflecting on relationships  problems

Has this made them look at relationships  in a new light? (reflection)


Relationships (essay)

1.The organization     


Divide them in groups & have a warm-up to get their attention, to get their interests for the English language, to make the warm atmosphere (conducive )  


2. Application.

    Work with new words:

Work with textbooks, work on new words.

Ex/s 1-6 p 5


3.  Main part.

 To make up own story, describe relationships, give  own opinions and other activities   

Project work.  Work with pictures. Work in pairs. etc.

Ex 1 p 5

Ex  4 p 5

Ex  5 p 5


4. Role-playing.

 Work with dialogues:

Ex 2 p 5. Interview one of your group mates.

Express your opinion & find the reasons to prove it.


5. Conclusion:

Self-assessment and to write own reflection.

KLWK, What have I learnt? What do I want to know?


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«Short term plan. Relationships. 11 grade.»

Confirmed __________________

I term, # 1 Short Term Plan

The teacher of the subject:

Yerzhanova Rima Anuarovna

Grade / Date

11 A, Ә, Б – 03/IX. 2015

The theme of the lesson:

Module I. Relationships. Topic talk p 5

The reference:

M. Harris, A. Sikorzynska. Choices – 11, Пирсон баспасы, 2014.


*All learners will be able to:

Give their own sentences using of tenses with personal relationships make their own questions to the given sentences.

come up with a definition of the new words and their meanings

The result of learning:

* Most learners will be able to:

say why they think the statements about talking about relationships given are wrong/right in their opinion

give example with tenses, own questions

* Some learners will be able to:

critically analyse a statement about personal relationships

say whether it is justified or scaremongering.

* Students can make own sentences & questions which have studied today’s and previous lessons

Key words:

* uncles, cousins, half -brothers, relations


English tenses and types of questions

The basic ideas:

* Module I. Relationships. Topic talk p 5

* Ex 1. Talk to your partner. Make a list of personal relationships.

*Ex 2. You are going to read an article about relationships.

Try to predict. What is the most important relationships in your life will you find in the text?

* Ex 3. Listen to Fiona. Complete the information in the network below p 5.

* Ex 4. Read the article again & put own questions.

*Learners critically analyze the following questions.

- What are the relationships of modern society?

Methods of the lesson:

1. New approaches to teaching and learning.

2. Learning to think critically

3. Assessment for and of learning

4. Using ICT in teaching

5. Teaching talented and Gifted children

6. Management and leadership of learning

7. Responding to age related differences in children in teaching and learning,

*Venn diagram, KLWK Chart, Association, INSERT, Brainstorming


Ex /s 1-6 pp 5-6


S1-S2-S3 etc


Find out:

What did they learn during the lesson: e.g. new vocabulary, similar words in English, facts and opinions about relationships

What skills did they develop? e.g. critical analysis, reflecting on relationships problems

Has this made them look at relationships in a new light? (reflection)


Relationships (essay)

1.The organization


Divide them in groups & have a warm-up to get their attention, to get their interests for the English language, to make the warm atmosphere (conducive )


2. Application.

Work with new words:

Work with textbooks, work on new words.

Ex/s 1-6 p 5


3. Main part.

To make up own story, describe relationships, give own opinions and other activities

Project work. Work with pictures. Work in pairs. etc.

Ex 1 p 5

Ex 4 p 5

Ex 5 p 5


4. Role-playing.

Work with dialogues:

Ex 2 p 5. Interview one of your group mates.

Express your opinion & find the reasons to prove it.


5. Conclusion:

Self-assessment and to write own reflection.

KLWK, What have I learnt? What do I want to know?


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Short term plan. Relationships. 11 grade.

Автор: Ержанова Рима Ануаровна

Дата: 29.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 300673

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