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The plan of the lesson: '"At the hospital"

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Short term plan

Lesson plan

Long-term plan unit:   Healthy life.

School: № 10  Kostanay

Date: 29.09.16

Teacher name:  Yeskaliyeva A.K.

Grade: 6А

Number present: ______


Theme of the lesson:  

At the hospital.


  • Share your impressions, opinions about the topic.
  • Read  and comprehend the text in different parts between two groups.

Give a feedback on the topic

  1. to develop communicative skills in reading, listening, speaking;
  2. to develop memory, attentions and mental activities;
  3. to develop students’ skills and habits in monologue, dialogue speech through asking (answering) questions;
  4. to learn to look after students’ health
  5. To think critically;
  6. To develop spoken fluency;
  7. Talking and asking about health;

Value links

Respect and concern

Cross curricular links


ICT skills


Teaching aids

  • handouts – cards with exercises
  • worksheets
  • students’ books

Previous learning

Health habits.

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)


  1. Organizational moment :
  1. Greeting.

- Good morning children!

- Sit down please.

- I’m glad to see again.

- How are you today?

- What is the weather like today?

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent today?

 Ok thank you. And now let’s begin our lesson.

  1. To introduce students with the aims of the lesson.

Today students you will be able to:

1. read and understand the text;

2. think critically;

3. enrich lexis;

4. work in pairs, in groups;

  1. The procedure of the lesson.
    1. Checking up the homework.

Teacher will check the words by dictation.

  1. The main part of the lesson.

Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.

Activity #1:  Starter:

Students will complete the following sentences:

(eye, wrist, ear, ankle, neck)

                                 I   can’t walk. My_______ hurts.

                                 I   can’t turn my head. I have a sore________.

                                 I   can’t write. My ______hurts.

                                 I   can’t see. There’s something in my ______.

                                 I   can’t hear. My _______is very sore.

Activity #2:   Warm –up:

Students will Matching:

Write when people do the following:

1) go to the dentist

2) drink warm milk with honey

3) go to bed early and rest 

4) call a doctor

5) take some aspirin

6) don`t drink coffee or tea

Example: People take medicines when they are ill. 

a) when they are tired

b) when they have insomnia

c) when they have a temperature

d) when they have a toothache

e) when they have a cough

f) when they have a headache

The key: 1-d; 2-e; 3-a; 4-c; 5-f; 6-b

Activity #3:   Listening

Students will listen the conversation between the doctor and patient and then they should complete the conversation.

throat, feeling, come, hurts, flu, weak, temperature, cough, headache, fever, tired, terrible, well, medicine,  doctor

D: How are you ______________ today?

P: Not very __________, doctor.

D: Tell me about it.

P: Well I have a terrible ____________.

D: How about your __________.

P: It _________ a little.

D: Do you have a ________?

P: Yes, I have a cough, too.

D: Do you feel _________?

P: Yes, I get _________ very quickly.

D: Let me take your _________________.

    Your temperature is 39.1 degrees ‘C.

    You have a _________.

    It seems that you have the _________.

P: Oh, that’s _______________.

D: Don’t worry. Take this _____________ and rest.

P: Ok. I understand.

D: Please____________ back next week for a checkup.

P: I will. Thank you, _____________.

  1. The end of the lesson.
    1. Conclusion.

Teacher will ask about the topic of the lesson. She will ask some questions. What have you learnt from the lesson today?    

  1. Feedback

Students will give feedback. They should write about their opinions and  give feedback on the sticky.

Home Task

Learn the words by heart.

Make up the dialogue.

Learn the dialogue by heart.


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«The plan of the lesson: '"At the hospital"»

Short term plan

Lesson plan

Long-term plan unit: Healthy life.

School: № 10 Kostanay

Date: 29.09.16

Teacher name: Yeskaliyeva A.K.

Grade: 6А

Number present: ______


Theme of the lesson:

At the hospital.


  • Share your impressions, opinions about the topic.

  • Read and comprehend the text in different parts between two groups.

Give a feedback on the topic

  1. to develop communicative skills in reading, listening, speaking;

  2. to develop memory, attentions and mental activities;

  3. to develop students’ skills and habits in monologue, dialogue speech through asking (answering) questions;

  4. to learn to look after students’ health

  5. To think critically;

  6. To develop spoken fluency;

  7. Talking and asking about health;

Value links

Respect and concern

Cross curricular links


ICT skills


Teaching aids

  • handouts – cards with exercises

  • worksheets

  • students’ books

Previous learning

Health habits.

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)


  1. Organizational moment :

  1. Greeting.

- Good morning children!

- Sit down please.

- I’m glad to see again.

- How are you today?

- What is the weather like today?

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent today?

Ok thank you. And now let’s begin our lesson.

  1. To introduce students with the aims of the lesson.

Today students you will be able to:

1. read and understand the text;

2. think critically;

3. enrich lexis;

4. work in pairs, in groups;

  1. The procedure of the lesson.

    1. Checking up the homework.

Teacher will check the words by dictation.

    1. The main part of the lesson.

Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.

Activity #1: Starter:

Students will complete the following sentences:

(eye, wrist, ear, ankle, neck)

I can’t walk. My_______ hurts.

I can’t turn my head. I have a sore________.

I can’t write. My ______hurts.

I can’t see. There’s something in my ______.

I can’t hear. My _______is very sore.

Activity #2: Warm –up:

Students will Matching:

Write when people do the following:

1) go to the dentist

2) drink warm milk with honey

3) go to bed early and rest 

4) call a doctor

5) take some aspirin

6) don`t drink coffee or tea

Example: People take medicines when they are ill. 

a) when they are tired

b) when they have insomnia

c) when they have a temperature

d) when they have a toothache

e) when they have a cough

f) when they have a headache

The key: 1-d; 2-e; 3-a; 4-c; 5-f; 6-b

Activity #3: Listening

Students will listen the conversation between the doctor and patient and then they should complete the conversation.

throat, feeling, come, hurts, flu, weak, temperature, cough, headache, fever, tired, terrible, well, medicine, doctor

D: How are you ______________ today?

P: Not very __________, doctor.

D: Tell me about it.

P: Well I have a terrible ____________.

D: How about your __________.

P: It _________ a little.

D: Do you have a ________?

P: Yes, I have a cough, too.

D: Do you feel _________?

P: Yes, I get _________ very quickly.

D: Let me take your _________________.

Your temperature is 39.1 degrees ‘C.

You have a _________.

It seems that you have the _________.

P: Oh, that’s _______________.

D: Don’t worry. Take this _____________ and rest.

P: Ok. I understand.

D: Please____________ back next week for a checkup.

P: I will. Thank you, _____________.

  1. The end of the lesson.

    1. Conclusion.

Teacher will ask about the topic of the lesson. She will ask some questions. What have you learnt from the lesson today?

    1. Feedback

Students will give feedback. They should write about their opinions and give feedback on the sticky.

Home Task

Learn the words by heart.

Make up the dialogue.

Learn the dialogue by heart.

Exercise № 1

(eye, wrist, ear, ankle, neck)

I can’t walk. My_______ hurts.

I can’t turn my head. I have a sore________.

I can’t write. My ______hurts.

I can’t see. There’s something in my ______.

I can’t hear. My _______is very sore.

Exercise № 2

Match the sentences

1) go to the dentist

2) drink warm milk with honey

3) go to bed early and rest 

4) call a doctor

5) take some aspirin

6) don`t drink coffee or tea

a) when they are tired

b) when they have insomnia

c) when they have a temperature

d) when they have a toothache

e) when they have a cough

f) when they have a headache

Exercise № 1

(eye, wrist, ear, ankle, neck)

I can’t walk. My_______ hurts.

I can’t turn my head. I have a sore________.

I can’t write. My ______hurts.

I can’t see. There’s something in my ______.

I can’t hear. My _______is very sore.

Exercise № 2

Match the sentences

1) go to the dentist

2) drink warm milk with honey

3) go to bed early and rest 

4) call a doctor

5) take some aspirin

6) don`t drink coffee or tea

a) when they are tired

b) when they have insomnia

c) when they have a temperature

d) when they have a toothache

e) when they have a cough

f) when they have a headache

Exercise № 1

(eye, wrist, ear, ankle, neck)

I can’t walk. My_______ hurts.

I can’t turn my head. I have a sore________.

I can’t write. My ______hurts.

I can’t see. There’s something in my ______.

I can’t hear. My _______is very sore.

Exercise № 2

Match the sentences

1) go to the dentist

2) drink warm milk with honey

3) go to bed early and rest 

4) call a doctor

5) take some aspirin

6) don`t drink coffee or tea

a) when they are tired

b) when they have insomnia

c) when they have a temperature

d) when they have a toothache

e) when they have a cough

f) when they have a headache

D: How are you feeling today?

P: Not very well, doctor.

D: Tell me about it.

P: Well I have a terrible headache.

D: How about your throat.

P: It hurts a little.

D: Do you have a cough?

P: Yes, I have a cough, too.

D: Do you feel weak?

P: Yes, I get tired very quickly.

D: Let me take your temperature.

Your temperature is 39.1 degrees ‘C.

You have a fever.

It seems that you have the flu.

P: Oh, that’s terrible.

D: Don’t worry. Take this medicine and rest.

P: Ok. I understand.

D: Please come back next week for a checkup.

P: I will. Thank you, doctor.

D: How are you feeling today?

P: Not very well, doctor.

D: Tell me about it.

P: Well I have a terrible headache.

D: How about your throat.

P: It hurts a little.

D: Do you have a cough?

P: Yes, I have a cough, too.

D: Do you feel weak?

P: Yes, I get tired very quickly.

D: Let me take your temperature.

Your temperature is 39.1 degrees ‘C.

You have a fever.

It seems that you have the flu.

P: Oh, that’s terrible.

D: Don’t worry. Take this medicine and rest.

P: Ok. I understand.

D: Please come back next week for a checkup.

P: I will. Thank you, doctor.

D: How are you feeling today?

P: Not very well, doctor.

D: Tell me about it.

P: Well I have a terrible headache.

D: How about your throat.

P: It hurts a little.

D: Do you have a cough?

P: Yes, I have a cough, too.

D: Do you feel weak?

P: Yes, I get tired very quickly.

D: Let me take your temperature.

Your temperature is 39.1 degrees ‘C.

You have a fever.

It seems that you have the flu.

P: Oh, that’s terrible.

D: Don’t worry. Take this medicine and rest.

P: Ok. I understand.

D: Please come back next week for a checkup.

P: I will. Thank you, doctor.

D: How are you feeling today?

P: Not very well, doctor.

D: Tell me about it.

P: Well I have a terrible headache.

D: How about your throat.

P: It hurts a little.

D: Do you have a cough?

P: Yes, I have a cough, too.

D: Do you feel weak?

P: Yes, I get tired very quickly.

D: Let me take your temperature.

Your temperature is 39.1 degrees ‘C.

You have a fever.

It seems that you have the flu.

P: Oh, that’s terrible.

D: Don’t worry. Take this medicine and rest.

P: Ok. I understand.

D: Please come back next week for a checkup.

P: I will. Thank you, doctor.



throat, feeling, come, hurts, flu, weak, temperature, cough, headache, fever, tired, terrible, well, medicine, doctor

throat, feeling, come, hurts, flu, weak, temperature, cough, headache, fever, tired, terrible, well, medicine, doctor

D: How are you ______________ today?

P: Not very __________, doctor.

D: Tell me about it.

P: Well I have a terrible ____________.

D: How about your __________.

P: It _________ a little.

D: Do you have a ________?

P: Yes, I have a cough, too.

D: Do you feel _________?

P: Yes, I get _________ very quickly.

D: Let me take your _________________.

Your temperature is 39.1 degrees ‘C.

You have a _________.

It seems that you have the _________.

P: Oh, that’s _______________.

D: Don’t worry. Take this _____________ and rest.

P: Ok. I understand.

D: Please____________ back next week for a checkup.

P: I will. Thank you, _____________.

D: How are you ______________ today?

P: Not very __________, doctor.

D: Tell me about it.

P: Well I have a terrible ____________.

D: How about your __________.

P: It _________ a little.

D: Do you have a ________?

P: Yes, I have a cough, too.

D: Do you feel _________?

P: Yes, I get _________ very quickly.

D: Let me take your _________________.

Your temperature is 39.1 degrees ‘C.

You have a _________.

It seems that you have the _________.

P: Oh, that’s _______________.

D: Don’t worry. Take this _____________ and rest.

P: Ok. I understand.

D: Please____________ back next week for a checkup.

P: I will. Thank you, _____________.



throat, feeling, come, hurts, flu, weak, temperature, cough, headache, fever, tired, terrible, well, medicine, doctor

throat, feeling, come, hurts, flu, weak, temperature, cough, headache, fever, tired, terrible, well, medicine, doctor

D: How are you ______________ today?

P: Not very __________, doctor.

D: Tell me about it.

P: Well I have a terrible ____________.

D: How about your __________.

P: It _________ a little.

D: Do you have a ________?

P: Yes, I have a cough, too.

D: Do you feel _________?

P: Yes, I get _________ very quickly.

D: Let me take your _________________.

Your temperature is 39.1 degrees ‘C.

You have a _________.

It seems that you have the _________.

P: Oh, that’s _______________.

D: Don’t worry. Take this _____________ and rest.

P: Ok. I understand.

D: Please____________ back next week for a checkup.

P: I will. Thank you, _____________.

D: How are you ______________ today?

P: Not very __________, doctor.

D: Tell me about it.

P: Well I have a terrible ____________.

D: How about your __________.

P: It _________ a little.

D: Do you have a ________?

P: Yes, I have a cough, too.

D: Do you feel _________?

P: Yes, I get _________ very quickly.

D: Let me take your _________________.

Your temperature is 39.1 degrees ‘C.

You have a _________.

It seems that you have the _________.

P: Oh, that’s _______________.

D: Don’t worry. Take this _____________ and rest.

P: Ok. I understand.

D: Please____________ back next week for a checkup.

P: I will. Thank you, _____________.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

The plan of the lesson: '"At the hospital"

Автор: Yeskaliyeva Anar Kairbayevna

Дата: 12.12.2016

Номер свидетельства: 368933

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