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«Открытый урок по теме "Еда"»
Тема урока: «Еда» 02.02.2020 г.
Цели: 1. Повторить и закрепить лексический материал по теме «Еда».
Задачи: 1. Развитие навыков речевой деятельности, чтения, говорения.
2.Умение работать в группах.
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I.Организационный момент: - Goodmorning, children! Nice to see you.
- Nice to see you too. ( 1 минута)
II. Today we’ll begin our lesson with the rhyme “We are hungry” e. 3 p. 29. Read and translate it.
I’d like some chicken and rice,
I think it’s very nice.
He’d like some bread and cheese,
Can he have it, please?
She’d like some tea and cakes,
She likes the cakes mum makes.
We’d like some veg and fish, /vegetables/
The fish from that big dish.
They’d like some porridge and jam, (5 минут)
They live on them.
Вы поняли, что тема нашего урока…- «Food». У всех людей разные вкусы абсолютно во всем и в еде тоже. Каждая группа представляет собой «Маленькое кафе», в результате совместной работы каждое «кафе» должно составить и представить жюри меню завтрака для нашей школьной столовой.
III. Guess the riddles:
1.In the morning people usually have …..
2.People like to drink tea with …
3.This fruit is orange. What is it?
4.We eat soup with…..
5.White and sweet and makes tea tasty. ( 3 минуты)
IV. Each group has four questions and one of you will ask pupils from another group to answer them.
/На каждом столе у вас есть вопросы, которые надо задать другим группам/
A) 1.Do you like sweets or fruit? B) 1. Do you like fruit or vegetable salads?
2.Do you like soup or fish? 2.Do you like apples or plumps?
3.Do you like sandwiches or cakes? 3.Do you like bread and butter?
4.Do you like tea or juice? 4.Do you like cornflakes with milk?
5.Do children like ice cream? 5.Do you like tomato juice?
C) 1.Do you like tomatoes or cucumbers? D) 1.Do you like porridge or omelette for breakfast?
2.Do you like smash potatoes? 2.Do you like bacon and eggs?
3.Do you like milk or juice? 3.Do you like omelette in the morning?
4.Do you like fish or meat ? 4.Do you like bananas or grapes?
5.Do you like fried potato? 5. Do you like smashed potato?
(10 минут)
V. Прочитайте ресторанное меню и обведите нужное слово. /листочки с меню/ (3 минуты)
VI.VII.Чтение у. 4 (а) с. 29 - readthetextanddothetasks. / Прочитайте текст и выполните задания/ . В тексте вам встретятся незнакомые слова, их легко понять: meatballs, milkshake.
1.What does Margaret make for breakfast?
2.What does her husband like for breakfast?
3.Does John like cornflakes with milk?
4.What do the Barkers drink?
5.Do the Browns like pizza?
6. What sandwiches do they like? (15 минут)
When I name a fruit, you clap your hands. When I name some drink, you tap. When I name a vegetable, you turn round: a tomato, an apple, grapes, a cucumber, a potato, coffee, mineral water, a plump, a banana
VIII. You have a list of food . Your task is to write a menu for breakfast and dinner for our school dining room and read it. /Cоставитменюдляшк. столовойназавтракиобедиозвучить/
Hot food Desserts
Ham and eggs Chocolate cake
Chicken Vanilla ice cream
Pizza Banana ice cream
Fish Chocolate ice cream
Rice Apples
Vegetables Bananas
Soup / fish, borsch, potato/ Oranges
Cold Food Drinks
Tomato and cucumber salad Mineral water
Cheese salad Apple juice
Chicken salad Orange juice
Green salad Tomato juice
Fish salad Milk
Bread Coffee, tea (4 минуты)
IX. Рефлексия: 1. Что мы делали на уроке?
2.Что вам понравилось на уроке?
3.Чему вы научились? 4.Как вы оцениваете свою работу? 1 минута)
X. Д/З: Составить праздничное меню на 8 марта. (1 минута)
XI.Сейчас я прочитаю вам стихотворение.
Пищу называют_____food_____.
Масло нужно всем ребятам.
Масло по-английски __butter_______.
Так и лезет ко мне в рот
Этот вкусный бутерброд.
Сверху ____butter_____
Приходите на обед.
Всегда ты сладкий ждешь сюрприз:
Конфетки по-английски ____sweets_______. Это вовсе не каприз.
Сыр мы называем ____cheese________.
Молоко иначе ____milk_______
Рыбу ловишь – не шумишь.
Рыба по – английски ___fish_________
Ham and eggs Chocolate cake
Chicken Vanilla ice cream
Pizza Banana ice cream
Fish Chocolate ice cream
Rice Apples
Vegetables Bananas
Soup / fish, borsch, potato/ Oranges
Cold Food Drinks
Tomato and cucumber salad Mineral water
Cheese salad Apple juice
Chicken salad Orange juice
Green salad Tomato juice
Fish salad Milk
Bread Coffee, tea
Hot food Desserts
Ham and eggs Chocolate cake
Chicken Vanilla ice cream
Pizza Banana ice cream
Fish Chocolate ice cream
Rice Apples
Vegetables Bananas
Soup / fish, borsch, potato/ Oranges
Cold Food Drinks
Tomato and cucumber salad Mineral water
Cheese salad Apple juice
Chicken salad Orange juice
Green salad Tomato juice
Fish salad Milk
Bread Coffee, tea
Hot food Desserts
Ham and eggs Chocolate cake
Chicken Vanilla ice cream
Pizza Banana ice cream
Fish Chocolate ice cream
Rice Apples
Vegetables Bananas
Soup / fish, borsch, potato/ Oranges
Cold Food Drinks
Tomato and cucumber salad Mineral water
Cheese salad Apple juice
Chicken salad Orange juice
Green salad Tomato juice
Fish salad Milk
Bread Coffee, tea
Hot food Desserts
Ham and eggs Chocolate cake
Chicken Vanilla ice cream
Pizza Banana ice cream
Fish Chocolate ice cream
Rice Apples
Vegetables Bananas
Soup / fish, borsch, potato/ Oranges
Cold Food Drinks
Tomato and cucumber salad Mineral water
Cheese salad Apple juice
Chicken salad Orange juice
Green salad Tomato juice
Fish salad Milk
Bread Coffee, tea
A) 1.Do you like sweets or fruit? B) 1. Do you like fruit or vegetable salads?
2.Do you like soup or fish? 2.Do you like apples or plumps?
3.Do you like sandwiches or cakes? 3.Do you like bread and butter?
4.Do you like tea or juice? 4.Do you like cornflakes with milk?
5.Do children like ice cream? 5.Do you like tomato juice?
C) 1.Do you like cucumbers? D) 1.Do you like porridge for breakfast?
2.Do you like smash potatoes? 2.Do you like bacon and eggs?
3.Do you like milk or juice? 3.Do you like omelette in the morning?
4.Do you like fish or meat ? 4.Do you like bananas or grapes?
5.Do you like fried potato? 5. Do you like smashed potato?