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Открытый урок "Школьные предметы"

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Открытый урок для коллег в рамках методической темы "«Формирование ключевых компетенций учащихся на уроках иностранного языка».

Обучение иностранному языку сегодня рассматривается как одно из приоритетных направлений современного школьного образования. Специфика иностранного языка как учебного предмета в его интегративном характере, а также в его способности выступать и как цель, и как средство обучения для ознакомления с другой предметной областью (гуманитарной, естественно-научной, технологической).

В старшей школе предметные результаты освоения базовых курсов должны быть ориентированы на освоение обучающимися систематических знаний и способов действий, присущих данному учебному предмету, и решение задач освоения основ базовых наук, поддержки избранного обучающимися направления образования, обеспечения академической мобильности.

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«Открытый урок "Школьные предметы" »

Предмет Английский язык

Класс 10

Тема:School English

Наименование учебника, авторы учебника: EnjoyEnglish – 10, М.З.Биболетова, Е.Е. Бабушис, Н.Д. Снежко

Автор: Малинова Юлия Ивановна, учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №21 Г. Шарья

Цель урока:

Расширение возможностей учащихся в общении на английском языке и использование его в дальнейших академических и профессиональных целях.

Ход урока

Орг. момент

I. Warming up.

А. When I was a student my favourite subjects were.. Can you guess what was my favourite subject at school? Yes, it was English. And it became my profession. Now I am a teacher of English. Tell me please, what is more difficult to teach or to study?

We start with a dialogue. Look at the slide.

Read the dialogue and comment it on.

- I taught my dog how to speak.

- I never heard him talking.

- I said I taught, I didn’t say he learned.

( students comment the dialogue. The main idea of the dialogue is that you will never teach somebody if he doesn't want to learn)

Teacher: So we all agree that we should learn and what is more important – want to learn. Education plays an important role in our life. Surelyall students have different skill and abilities to study. What subjects are you good at? ( students give their answers)

Today we are going to apply our skills to different subjects – Math, Literature and History

Let's start with History. Recently you have done the research on your Stories from the Past, I mean your family stories. And in my opinion the best project was made by Nastya Atakhanova

(the student present her project)

Teacher: Thank you Nastya. And who is good at Math? Let's check it.

I'm sure you know these signs + (plus) and – (minus) in English and you can solve the simpliest mathematic expressions like 2+2 or 5-3, for example. But do you know how to say in English - сложение, вычитание, умножение, деление? Now try to match these basic mathematical operations and the signs to express them. (Слайд 1) Use your worksheet

addition -

subtraction :

multiplication +

division x

now check yourself (Слайд2)

addition +

subtraction -

multiplication x

division :

And now read the expressions, translate them and find the most general one (Слайд3)

To multiply something by something

To divide something by something

To subtract something from something

To add something to something

To calculate something

Let's practice.

a) Find the mathematical expression described in the left column (now check yourself (Слайд4)

1.twelve divided by four gives three

a) 120 : 20 = 6

2 twenty multiplied by six is one hundred and twenty

b) 20 x 6 = 120

3 one hundred and twenty divided by twenty gives six

c) 12 : 4 = 3

4 four subtracted from twelve makes eight

d) 2 = 4

5 if we square two, we'll get four

e) 3² = 9

6 if we square three, we'll get nine

f) 12 – 4 = 8

b) Say the following in words (now check yourself (Слайд5)

45 + 50 = 95

3 x 9 = 27

64 – 6 = 58

36 : 6 = 6

Teacher: Well done. Look at the slide and try to translate the following words (Слайд 6)

Teacher: Do you remember how to solve a system of linear equations? It was your home task (учебник М.З.Биболетова, 10 класс, стр. 161, упр. 9) to study the example of solving it. So, try to do it now. Solve this system of linear equations ( . You may work in pairs but I want someone to do it on the blackboard. Who wants to?

Teacher: OK, Sergey, well done.

And at last – Literature. Have you ever written poems? I want you to make up a “Five-line stanza”. In Russian it sounds like“Синквейн”. "Сinq" in French means “5”. Синквейн is a five-line poem.

Teacher: Here are the rules what a five-line stanza consists of: (слайд)

  1. The first line has got one word consisting of one syllable. It can be the title of the poem.

  2. The second line has gotthree words. They describe the subject, topic.

  3. The third line consists of three words. They describe actions.

  4. The fourth line consists of two words. They describe something special about the topic, some feelings.

  5. The last line consists of one word consisting two syllables. It should give the description.

1. Первая строка содержит одно двуслоговое слово. Это может быть названием стихотворения.

2. Вторая строка содержит три слова (описывает предмет, тему стихотворения)

3. Три слова (действие)

4. Два слова (что-нибудь о предмете: чувства, что-либо особое)

5. одно двуслоговое слово (описание)


1) Hobby

2) Interesting, popular, favourite.

3) To collect, to play, to read.

4) Tastes differ.

5) Free time.

1. School

2. New, interesting, important

3. Write, read, create.

4. The second house

5. Splendid!

Teacher: Now work in groups, I give you five minutes for making your own poems up. Then you will read them aloud.

The end of the lesson: our lesson is over. Everyone worked hard at the lesson. But the most active pupils were …, their answers were quite correct so that they get excellent marks.

For the next lesson I’d like you to make a “Five-line stanza”. If you liked or didn't like our lesson, tick the appropriate smile in your work sheet

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Открытый урок "Школьные предметы"

Автор: Малинова Юлия Ивановна

Дата: 25.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 191146

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