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Открытый урок еда

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итоговый урок на тему еда во втором классе для закрепления проиденной темы
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«открытый урок еда»

Subject: English


19. 02 2016

Form: 2 d


Unit 7 . Revision lesson .Food and drinks.

The task

To summarize pupils’ knowledge of the theme” Food and drinks.”

Aims Educational: To practice using of the lexic with countable and uncountable nouns.


Develop pupil’s skills and habits in reading, writing mental activities. .

Upbringing :

Bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other.

Inter subject connection:

English, Russian, Music.

The type of the lesson:

A revision lesson

Method of teaching:

Individual and group work.

The equipment of the lesson:

a)visual aids :cards with words. Pictures. b) Technical means: interactive board.


Can work in groups, know new words.

The procedure of the lesson




Teacher’s activity

Pupil’s activity


Organization moment

a)Good morning , dear children. I am glad to see you. How are you?

I’m all right. Thank you. Sit down, please Today at the lesson we’ll generalize your knowledge of the theme “Food and Drinks”

We ‘ll take a train. You have start and finish. There are some stations and in every stations we’ll have tasks . for right answer I ‘ll give the sweets. At the finish you ‘ll have presents. What is it.?

Now let’s begin our lesson.

Good morning teacher.

We are fine. And you?


Let’s remember

Let’s remember the words of the theme Food and drinks. Look at the board and repeat.

Bread, water, pizza, oranges, sandwiches, cheese, egg, milk, apple, butter, juice.ice – cream, bread, honey.



Put the letters in the correct order to make up words. Tubetr, naanab, melon, etn, yohen, draeb, sehcee, uijce, oodf, kdrin

I ‘ ll give you 5 minutes. For each right answer I ll give you sweets. They will be your scores.

One of the pupils come to the blackboard and read the words . if you have mistakes I’ll not give you scores.

  • butter

  • banana

  • lemon

  • tea

  • honey

  • bread

  • cheese

  • juice

  • food

  • drink


Check up pupil’s reading

1 team

An apple

A big apple

A big red apple

A big red tasty apple

A big red tasty nice apple

A big red tasty nice sweet apple

2 team

A cake

A nice cake

A nice sweet cake

A nice sweet tasty cake

A big nice sweet tasty cake

A big nice sweet tasty birthday cake

3 team

A melon

A big melon

A big round melon

A big yellow round melon

A big nice yellow round melon

A big nice yellow round tasty melon

You should read without mistakes I ‘ll give you sweets.


Let’s sing the song

Do you like …?

Sing together.


Writing skills.

Find the words in the word- snake.


Look and find the words.


Group the words into 3 categories: fruit, drinks, food.

Bananas, cheese, coffee, oranges, bread, tea, apples, milk, meat, lemon, water, soup, kiwi, biscuit, juice.

Fruit: banana, orange, red apple, yellow apple, lemon, .

Drinks: coffee, tea, milk, water, juice.

Food: cheese, bread, egg, butter, biscuit.


Let’s play

You should draw one picture and others must find . they put the questions :do you like…?

Group answer yes I do\no , I don’t.


What is it ?

1 team.

I’m white and you can drink me. I come from a cow.(Milk)

2 team.

I’m sweet. You can eat meat your birthday party.(A CAKE)

3 team

I”m a fruit . I am green and red . you can eat me. (an apple)

that’s the end of the lesson. Who is the winner. Let’s count your sweets . Who has the most sweets.

Then you are the winners. I’ ll give you your marks.

We have.



Show me your smile’s. Do you like the lesson.

The lesson is over Good bye.

Good bye, teacher.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс

открытый урок еда

Автор: Мурзакаримова Гулбану Галимовна

Дата: 03.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 323990

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