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Конспект урока английского языка My father's hobby

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Урок английского языка в 4 классе "My father's hobby"

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«конспект урока английского языка My father's hobby»


Form: 4

Theme: My father’s hobby


- Educational: learn to read the words with [ei] sound, work on your pronunciation. Besides we’ll continue speaking about different hobbies, review the words connected with it, learn the grammar Past Simple Positive sentences.

- Correctional developing: to promote the development of reading, writing and speaking skills of the pupils;

- Brining up: to promote instilling of interest in English

Equipment: textbooks, notebooks of pupils, CD disk, pictures, table

Modules used at the lesson: ИКТ, ООиОдО, ВО

Activity at the lesson

  1. Org. moment. Aims of the lesson:

Good afternoon, children! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. How are you today?

Today at the English lesson we’ll learn to read the words with [ei] sound, work on your pronunciation. Besides we’ll continue speaking about different hobbies, review the words connected with it, learn the grammar Past Simple Positive sentences.

  1. English sounds

Well, let’s start our lesson with working on your pronunciation. We have already known the sounds [æ], [e], [i], [o], [Λ] . Let’s read the words with these sounds

[æ] – cat, fan, apple, bat, hat, rat, van, pan

[e] – pet, bed, pen, desk, test, egg, bell, nest

[i] – kid, pig, fish, big, his, six, milk, little

[o] – frog, fox, box, rock, hot, dog, clock, hospital

[Λ] – sun, jump, duck, bug, run, cup, fun, mug

Today we’ll get acquainted with the sound [ei] (a, ay, ai).

Open your books at p. 24 ex. 1. Listen and repeat.

(rain, day, plane, play, train, Jane)

Look at the board; here you can see the pictures with the [ei] sound. Who can read the words?

(картинки со словами со звуком [ei]

Ex. 2. p. 24 – read and translate.

  • individual

  • in pairs

  • sentence by sentence

The next task is to read and choose the words with a long [ei] sound. Do it in pairs.

May, cat, paint, stay, apple, play, rain, hat, lady, lake, day, bat, main, Kate, plate.

Check up: reading the words with [ei] sound (word by word)

May, paint, stay, play, rain, lady, lake, day, main, Kate, plate.

  1. Speaking

Today we’ll continue speaking about your hobby. What hobbies do you know?

Well, answer my questions:

  1. What hobby is in the picture 1?

  2. What do you like doing in your free time?

  3. What is your friend’s hobby?

  4. What do you think about mountain climbing?

  5. Do your parents have any hobby?

Today we’ll speak about your fathers’ hobbies. Now I offer you to read the text.

My father’s name is Arman. He likes collecting stamps. He likes his hobby very much. He started collecting stamps when he was 10. I think his hobby is interesting.

Tell me about your father’s hobby. Complete the sentences below:

  1. My father’s name is ______________

  2. He likes ________________

  3. I think his hobby is _______________


Stand up! Clap, clap

Hands up! Clap, clap

Step, step. Hand down

Clap, clap and sit down.

  1. Grammar (p. 26)

Today we’ll get acquainted with the grammar Past Simple Tense. We use it to speak about actions in the past. We used –ed (-d) to make Past Simple.

Example: like- liked, work- worked, start – started.

My father worked in the garden yesterday.

Ex. 6 p. 26 – put the verbs in the past simple.

Watched, liked, loved, looked, danced, collected, played, helped.

  1. Homework

Ex. 7 p. 26 – Put the verbs in the past. Tell about your father’s hobby. The words lesson 1 p. 132 –learn by heart.

  1. Reflection

  • Какие слова со звуком [ei] вы знаете?

  • What do you like doing in your free time?

- Подари смайлик другу!

- Лестница успеха.

The lesson is over! Your marks are … You may be free! Good bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

конспект урока английского языка My father's hobby

Автор: Гибадуллина Майра Сагандыковна

Дата: 31.10.2016

Номер свидетельства: 353931

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