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Конспект урока английского языка по теме What would you like to order?

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Задача учащихся заранее подготовить пословицы и стихотворения по теме еда. Конспект урока относиться к теме еда. Основной упор делается на новые слова и составление диалога и кластера по теме "Еда". Учащимся предстоит прочитать и выполнить небольшое тестовое задание по тексту. Также учащимся предстоит отгадать загадки на английском языке. Работа проводиться в группах, в которых ребята обсуждают.

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«Конспект урока английского языка по теме What would you like to order? »

Theme: What would you like to order?

Цели урока. систематизировать знания по теме “Meal”.

Задачи урока:

- пополнить и активизировать лексический запас по тематике урока;
- отработать навыки и умения построения монологических и диалогических высказываний по данной проблеме;
- приобщение к иноязычной культуре;
- формирование уважительного отношения к иностранному языку как средству  межкультурного государственного общения;
- стимулировать желание учащихся общаться, высказывать свои мысли на английском языке;
Техническое сопровождение:-презентация , computers
Procedure of the lesson


Good morning. Dear friends , I’m glad to see you!

Эмоциональный настрой

Dear children, I hope that you are in a good mood today, but you can evaluate your mood yourself.

  • And now look each other and to smile and ask each other How are you?

Первый: Внимание! Внимание!

Жители ближние и дальние!

Праздник начинается!

Сюда все приглашаются!

Второй: Ой, сколько вас наехало!

Ой, сколько привалило!

10 смеющихся, 10 рыдающих,

10 в платок сморкающих!

Первый: Мы шуты и балагуры!

Второй: Любим мы шутить, кривляться!

Первый: Бегать прыгать, забавляться!

Второй: Подходи ,ребятня,

Да послушай меня!

Первый: И меня! И меня!

Ради нынешнего дня!

Teacher: - Извините, вы наверно что-то перепутали. Вы попали на урок английского языка, где учащиеся стараются говорить на английском языке.

Второй: Мы тоже умеем говорить на английском языке

Первый: Да, и я могу. А что вы сегодня будете делать на уроке?

Teacher: Today we have unusual lesson and we’ll travel to healthy city. Today we’ll speak about food, repeat the grammar material Plural of nouns, listen the text and doing some exercises.

Второй: А можно нам с вами to healthy city?

Teacher: Yes of course.

Первый: - Ребята а вы умеете говорить на английском языке? Сейчас мы проверим.

Teacher: At the first may be you are introduce yourself.

Первый: Yes, of course

  1. Речевая зарядка.

Clown 1- Hi

Clown 2 Hello, friends!

Clown 1- I’m Pete

Clown 2 And I’m Pat. How are you?

Clown 1- Are your mood very good?

Children- Yes we have very good mood!

-And now our gests Pete and Pat. They are clowns and they want you to be happy at our lesson. You are welcome!

Clown 2 Oh, We have a new task for you.

Clown 1 – We hope you remember many words on theme ”Food”.

Clown 2 Are you ready?


– Let’s see!

– Я буду читать рифмовки, а вы продолжение.

  1. Вкуснотища-very good! Пищу называют …(food )

  2. Винни Пуха нет ли с вами? А то спрячу я свой … (Honey)

  3. Это вовсе не каприз, сыр мы называем …(cheese)

  4. Масло нужно всем ребятам. Масло по -английски…(butter)

  5. Арбуз предпочитаю сливам, арбуз иначе -…(Water-melon)

  6. I like apples on the tree. I like coffee, I like …(tea)

  7. Two little boys: Billy and Sam like to eat bread with…(jam)

Clown 1- Very good!

Clown 2 And now answer our questions, will you?

1. Do you like fruit (meat, vegetables)?

2. Which fruit (vegetables) do you like?

3. What do you ask when you come to a cafe ?

4. What is your favorite food?

5. What do you usually have for breakfast?

6. Which drinks do you like and which don't you like?

(Учащиеся, правильно ответившие на вопросы клоунов, получают жетоны. Выполненные из картона в форме яблока или помидора).

Check up a poems and proverbs

Ведущий: Dear children! Your homework we’ll be some poems about food and proverbs on English. Are you ready?

And now let us listen to a funny poem about these tasty things.

I love you more than applesauce,

Than peaches and a plum,

Than chocolate hearts,

And cherry tarts,

And berry bubble- gum.

I love you more than lemonade,

And seven –layer cake,

Than lollipops

And candy drops

And thick vanilla shake.

I love you more than marzipan,

Than marmalade on toast,

For I love pies

Of any size

But I love you the most

I like bananas

I don’t like your peaches,

They are full of stones,

I like bananas because they have no bones.

Don’t give me tomatoes, can’t stand ice-cream cones,

I like bananas because they have no bones.


  • The first pancake is always lumpy. (Первый блин комом).

  • No song, no supper. (Под лежачий камень и вода не течет).

  • An apple a day keeps a doctor away. (По яблоку в день и доктор не нужен).

  • Appetite comes with eating. (Аппетит приходит во время еды).

  • Every day brings its bread. (Будет день, будет пища).

  • Еverything is good in its season. (Каждому овощу своё время).

  • A spoon is dear when lunch is near. (Хороша ложка к обеду).

Listen text

-And now we are working on the computer, listen the text and doing some exercises

Find the right translation for the each word (самостоятельно)

a cook


a restaurant


to be proud of something/somebody



to buy (bought/bought)

to celebrate


собственный, свой



гордиться чем-то/кем-то

гордый, надменный


блюдо, кушанье


TEXT LISTEN читать – переводить

Diana is a cook. She has got her own restaurant. And she is proud of it. Every day she goes to the market. And buy a lot of vegetables and fruits and tastes for dishes. She buys tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, apples, vegetables and other food and vegetables. She likes her profession very much.

Task 1. Say true or false

1. Diana is a teacher.

a. true

b. false

2. She has got her own restaurant.

a. true

b. false

3. Every day she goes to the school.

a. true

b. false

4. She buys cakes, bread and tomatoes.

a. true

b. false

5. She doesn't like her profession.

a. true b. false

Task 2. Find the pair (работа у доски)






a tomato

a carrot

an apple

a potato

an orange


Звучит музыка. Реклама кафе и ресторанов

Clown 1 You have come to our annual Food Fair. You see some booth. Each booth

represents its meal. It's worth trying.

Clown 2 They give their food for free. Let's listen to their advertisements.

(2 ученика-хозяева представляют рекламу своего кафе).

1. The booth of England' Smiley Hot Dog' café.

Only today! Only once a year! We are here to invite you to visit our cafe. The tastiest hamburgers and cheeseburgers, hot dogs and all kind of soft drinks.

In our menu you can to order

: hamburgers


different kinds of pudding

fresh juice

You can also have a cup of English tea with milk, lemon or cream.

Bon appétit!

Come on. We give out samples of our food for free.

2. Welcome to our Kazakh cafe '' Dastarkhan" .

In our menu you can to order: horse meat





You can also have a cup of Kazakh tea with milk or koumiss.

We are sure you will like them and come to our restaurant some day.

T. -Thank you very much. And now put your meat, Baursak and hamburgers on the main table and sit on the table. But don’t forget about politeness and good manners at the table and treat your friends and our guests to your Baursak and hamburgers.

We say altogether: “Bon appetite!”

Clown 1. Thank you. The owners of all booths have represented their cafes. It's time to taste their food.

Look at the blackboard (просматривание ролика в кафе)

Разыгрывание диалога

Waiter: Hello! Can I help you? What would you like to order?

Customer: Yes, I’ like cheeseburger, please.

Waiter: What would you like to drink?

Customer: I’d like a coke, please.

Waiter: What size would you like?

Customer: Medium.

Waiter: Anything else?

Customer: What kind of dessert do you have?

Waiter: Ice-Cream




Customer: Vanilla Ice-Cream, please.

Waiter: How would you like to pay?

Cash or credit card?

Customer: Cash, please.

Play the game Puzzles (Загадки, пословицы)

  1. What is white outside and yellow inside (An egg)

  2. The small green house is full of little people. But there is not any window and door in it. (A cucumber).

  3. You eat t when you are hungry. It’s made of milk. There are many small holes in it. Every mouse likes it. (Cheese).

  4. I am yellow like a moon. I grow on a palm. I’m a favorite desert for monkeys.

(A banana)

  1. I like to eat it very much. I think you like it too. All children in the world buy this desert because it’s cold. (An ice-cream).

6. It’s round, red and sweet. It’s fall on Njuton’s head. (An apple)

Play the game СИТУАЦИЯ “IN THE SHOP”

1)Собрать в сумку «ПРОДУКТЫ» - слова, которые ученик может назвать по-английски.

Хлеб , бензин, мясо, овощи, салат, веник, машину, часы, обезьяна, рыба,

Bread, sandwich, fresh juice, vegetables, meat,

Total: Кластер- Полезная еда

And in the end of our lesson let’s we compose the diagram “I must eat only Healthy Food”. And what are healthy food for you?

What would you like to order in café?”

Homework: compose 5 sentences about health food

Your marks….

The lesson is over Good Bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Конспект урока английского языка по теме What would you like to order?

Автор: Павлова Юлия Александровна

Дата: 10.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 141953

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