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Конспект урока «Путешествия. Загадки нашей планеты».

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«Путешествия. Загадки нашей планеты».

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«Конспект урока «Путешествия. Загадки нашей планеты».»

МКОУ «Ирганайская СОШ им. М. А. Заргалаева»

Конспект урока

«Путешествия. Загадки нашей планеты».

Класс: 9

Учитель: Дибирмагомедова А. Г.

Цели урока: введение новой страноведческой информации;

знакомство с новыми географическими названиями;

закрепление навыков чтения и аудирования;

формирование навыков монологической речи;

активизация грамматических навыков

Оборудование: картинки для введения новых географических единиц, карточки с заданиями по грамматике.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

- Good – morning, students. How are you? (We are fine, thank you. And you?)

- I’m fine, thank you. Sit down, please.

- Today we shall have a talk about travelling and some mysterious places in the world.

2. Речевая разминка

Игра «Снежный ком»

  • Let’s play the game Snowball. We shall remember the means of travelling. The winner is the pupil who will repeat the chain of all the words.

Примерная цепочка слов:

- Airplanes

- Airplanes and trains

- Airplanes, trains and cars

- Airplanes, trains, cars and ships

- Airplanes, trains, cars, ships and bikes etc.

3. Активизация грамматических навыков (видовременные формы глагола Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Indefinite).

Учащимся предлагаются разноуровневые задания на карточках с целью активизации и

закрепления грамматических навыков.

Card 1☻

Use Past Simple, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous and open the brackets:

1. What you (to do) here since morning?

2. He (to run) for ten minutes without any rest.

3. You (to find) your notebook? – No! I already (to look) for it for two hours, but I (not yet to find) it.

Card 2☼

Оpen the brackets and translate one of them

1. I (to wait) for you since three o’clock. Present Perfect Continuous

2. Ann (to read) for an hour already. She already (to read) sixty pages. Present Perfect Continuous, Present Perfect

3. My uncle (to buy) his bike three years ago. Past Simple

Card 3♦

Определи время (Past Simple, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous), выдели его признаки, переведи предложения

1. I have been writing a letter since I came home.

2. Where are your gloves? – I put them into my pocket.

3. We have known each other for four years.

3. Развитие навыков устной речи по теме «Путешествия»

-Now I want you to answer my questions. Be active and give the full answers.

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя по теме урока. Учитель побуждает учеников давать развернутые ответы.

1. When do you usually travel?

2. Where do you go?

3. Do you collect information about the places you would like to travel?

4. Do you find it useful or not?

5. Do you like to take pictures of different places you pass through?

6. What is the idea behind taking pictures?

7. Do you think that travelling broadens one’s mind?

8. Some people travel to far away places not to see people, while others travel to meet people. What about you?

9. What do you think is the point of travelling?

10. What is better- to travel alone or in group? Why?

11. Do you know anything about great travellers of the past? What do you know about them?

12. What places would you like to visit?

13. What kind of transport do you prefer and why?

4. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

- And now you shall work in pairs and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of transport.

Работа в парах. Учащимся предлагаются разноуровневые задания-ситуации на карточках, затем они представляют свои диалоги перед одноклассниками.

Card 1

You are friends. You are going to travel to St. Peterburg. Discuss advantages or disadvantages of travelling by train, bus, car. Chose the best one.

Remember to:

1. discuss all the options

2. take an active part in the conversation and be polite.

3. come up with the ideas

4. give good reasons

5. find out your friend”s attitudes and take them into account.

6. invite your friend to come up with your ideas

7. come to an agreement ☻

Card 2

You are friends. You are going to travel to St. Peterburg. Discuss advantages or disadvantages of travelling by train, bus, plane. Chose the best one.

Remember to:

1. discuss all the options

2. take an active part in the conversation and be polite.

3. come up with the ideas

4. give good reasons

5. find out your friend”s attitudes and take them into account.

6. invite your friend to come up with your ideas

7. come to an agreement

Card 3

You are friends. You are going to travel to St. Peterburg. Discuss advantages or disadvantages of travelling by train, car. Chose the best one.

Remember to:

1. discuss all the options

2. take an active part in the conversation and be polite.

3. come up with the ideas

4. give good reasons

5. find out your friend”s attitudes and take them into account.

6. invite your friend to come up with your ideas

7. come to an agreement

Card 5

You are friends. You are going to travel to St. Peterburg. Discuss advantages or disadvantages of travelling by train, plane. Chose the best one.

Remember to:

1. discuss all the options

2. take an active part in the conversation and be polite.

3. come up with the ideas

4. give good reasons

5. find out your friend”s attitudes and take them into account.

6. invite your friend to come up with your ideas

7. come to an agreement

Задания для слабоуспевающих детей - выстроить фразы так, чтобы получился диалог, затем озвучить его.

-Hello, Mark! How were your holidays?

- By the way, where have you been?

-I agree. My Mum ‘s different on holidays. She is nicer and more friendly. And she always buys me more treats.

-Oh! Great, thanks! My family and I spent a month in America.

-That’s really nice. Isn’t it wonderful to discover new places? It’s much better than sitting round doing nothing. The best thing in America is Disney Land, I think. I “d like to visit it some day.

-Yes, Disney land is fantastic! This is the life! My parents are fun on holidays. And they don’t get cross with me. My Dad went swimming with me.

-Fantastic! You really had a lot of fun!

-This summer I spent 2 weeks with my brother in Nottingham. The weather, people, everything was wonderful. We met some new friends there. We went rock climbing together and visited some old castles…Now I’m sure there are a lot of places to discover in your own country.

5. Введение новой страноведческой информации по теме «Географические названия». Тренировка произносительных навыков.

- Discoverers and tourists visit different countries every year. Some of them are in ex. 7,p.63. Listen to the speaker and learn the geographical names. Have you ever visited them? Let’s repeat these words after the speaker. Who can read these words?

Учащиеся повторяют за диктором слова (хором, в парах, индивидуально). Во время введения новой страноведческой информации учитель использует соответствующие картинки.

6. Закрепление навыков чтения и монологической речи.

-The say that there is a very strange place in the Atlantic Ocean. You will read the text about it. You will have 2 minutes to read the text. На доске:Successful spaceflights, to be known completely, to be puzzled, to suggest, various explanations, unpredictable с переводом. Ученики читают текст про себя и отмечают информацию, которая оказалась новой для них. Затем учащиеся читают и подбирают вероятные причины для существования Бермудского треугольника. Для этого они делятся на группы по 3-4 человека.

Your time is up. What new information have you learnt? Look through the text again and say which of the statements can explain the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle?

После текста учащиеся должны ответить на вопросы

When is the Bermuda Triangle situated?

Why is it called dangerous and mysterious? Give your reasons

7. Подведение итогов урока

- It brings us to the end. What new information have we learnt today? What new facts were interesting for you? Thank you for your work

Домашнее задание: составить рассказ о Бермудском треугольнике (пересказ текста) (1 группа)

выбрать любую версию по Бермудскому треугольнику и привести по 3 аргумента «за» (2 группа),

придумать и доказать свою версию существования Бермудского треугольника (3 группа)


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Конспект урока «Путешествия. Загадки нашей планеты».

Автор: Дибирмагомедова Азима Гаджимурадовна

Дата: 07.11.2019

Номер свидетельства: 526118

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