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Конспект урока "Природные особенности континентов"

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Класс: 5

Тема урока: Природные особенности континентов. Чтение

Коммуникативная ситуация урока: обсуждение природных особенностей континентов

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цель (прогнозируемый результат): рассказать про природные особенности континентов


- развитие умений говорения и употребления новых лексических единиц по теме “Природные особенности континентов”;

- совершенствование навыков монологической речи

- совершенствование навыков чтения, расширение общего и лингвистического кругозора.

- развитие памяти, внимания, логического мышления, познавательного интереса, развитие умений работы в команде

- воспитание уважительного отношения к различным странам мира, воспитание культуры общения, воспитание усидчивости и ответственности.

Методы: коммуникативный, интерактивный

Оборудование урока:

•         Интерактивная доска

•         Компьютер

•         Раздаточный материал

•         УМК: Английский язык / Англiйская мова : учеб. пособие для 5-го кл. гимназий с белорус. и рус. яз. обучения : (с электрон. прил.). В 2 ч. Ч.2 / Н. В. Демченко [и др.] ; пер. с рус. Е. В. Бельской. — Минск : Адукацыя i выхаванне, 2017. — 152 с. : ил. + 1 электр.опт.диск.


Ход учебного занятия

I Организационно-мотивационный этап

Good morning, students. How are you today? All of you are present, aren’t you?

- Today we’ll start a new topic. The name of our new topic is “Hot and cold, dry and wet”.

How many continents do you know? Enumerate them, please. Which bird is a symbol of Belarus? What is the most popular sport in Canada?  What languages do people speak in South America? Which continent is the biggest/ the smallest?

II Основной этап

- Now look at the board. Here you can see some pictures. Let’s find out what can you see there. Look at the first picture. Do you know what is it? It’s an ocean. Right you are. Now repeat after me “an ocean” … (Приложение 1)

Look at the board please. Let’s match these words with their definitions. (Приложение 2)

Are you good at geography? Let’s check it. Your task is to make up sentences using our new words.                    















- Please, open your books at page 74.

- Now we are going to read a text about the continents of our planet. But before we start let’s remember the facts we’ve already learnt about them. Can you tell me the name of the coldest/hottest, biggest/smallest continent? Do you know the difference between rainforests and forests?

- I want you to split into 3 groups. I’ll give you colored pieces of paper. Those of you who have red ones, you are going to read about North America and South America, and about Australia. If you have a green piece of paper you should read about Africa, and students who have yellow pieces of paper you are to read about Antarctica, Europe and Asia. You have 5 min to do that.

- Time is up. Now you should split into expert groups. Those of you who had text about Africa, please, seat together over here, you are going to be the first expert group. The others should do the same.

- Now you have 10 min to discuss your texts. If you have any questions, or you don’t understand some words – ask your groupmates. Start working!

III Здоровьесберегающая пауза

Now we will watch a short video with children from all around the world. Let’s sing the song “Hello! Clap your hands” and repeat their actions.

- It’s time to come back to your home groups. And now, when each of you is an expert in your text, tell your groupmates all the information you know about the continents. At the end each of you should be ready to tell me about all the continents. Please, start!

Now, let’s check what do you know about the continents. S1, tell the class some facts about Africa. S2…etc

III Рефлексивно-оценочный этап

Our lesson has come to the end. Open your record-books and put down your homework. Be ready to speak about the continents.

 Now it’s time to revise the information which you have learnt today by making up our own map. Take a card with a word and place it on the map.

Good job. Your marks for today are…

Now you can be free! Good bye! See you later!


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«Конспект урока "Природные особенности континентов"»


Класс: 5

Тема урока: Природные особенности континентов. Чтение

Коммуникативная ситуация урока: обсуждение природных особенностей континентов

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цель (прогнозируемый результат): рассказать про природные особенности континентов


- развитие умений говорения и употребления новых лексических единиц по теме “Природные особенности континентов”;

- совершенствование навыков монологической речи

- совершенствование навыков чтения, расширение общего и лингвистического кругозора.

- развитие памяти, внимания, логического мышления, познавательного интереса, развитие умений работы в команде

- воспитание уважительного отношения к различным странам мира, воспитание культуры общения, воспитание усидчивости и ответственности.

Методы: коммуникативный, интерактивный

Оборудование урока:

• Интерактивная доска

• Компьютер

• Раздаточный материал

• УМК: Английский язык / Англiйская мова : учеб. пособие для 5-го кл. гимназий с белорус. и рус. яз. обучения : (с электрон. прил.). В 2 ч. Ч.2 / Н. В. Демченко [и др.] ; пер. с рус. Е. В. Бельской. — Минск : Адукацыя i выхаванне, 2017. — 152 с. : ил. + 1 электр.опт.диск.

Ход учебного занятия

I Организационно-мотивационный этап

Good morning, students. How are you today? All of you are present, aren’t you?

- Today we’ll start a new topic. The name of our new topic is “Hot and cold, dry and wet”.

How many continents do you know? Enumerate them, please. Which bird is a symbol of Belarus? What is the most popular sport in Canada?  What languages do people speak in South America? Which continent is the biggest/ the smallest?

II Основной этап

- Now look at the board. Here you can see some pictures. Let’s find out what can you see there. Look at the first picture. Do you know what is it? It’s an ocean. Right you are. Now repeat after me “an ocean” … (Приложение 1)

Look at the board please. Let’s match these words with their definitions. (Приложение 2)

Are you good at geography? Let’s check it. Your task is to make up sentences using our new words.














- Please, open your books at page 74.

- Now we are going to read a text about the continents of our planet. But before we start let’s remember the facts we’ve already learnt about them. Can you tell me the name of the coldest/hottest, biggest/smallest continent? Do you know the difference between rainforests and forests?

- I want you to split into 3 groups. I’ll give you colored pieces of paper. Those of you who have red ones, you are going to read about North America and South America, and about Australia. If you have a green piece of paper you should read about Africa, and students who have yellow pieces of paper you are to read about Antarctica, Europe and Asia. You have 5 min to do that.

- Time is up. Now you should split into expert groups. Those of you who had text about Africa, please, seat together over here, you are going to be the first expert group. The others should do the same.

- Now you have 10 min to discuss your texts. If you have any questions, or you don’t understand some words – ask your groupmates. Start working!

III Здоровьесберегающая пауза

Now we will watch a short video with children from all around the world. Let’s sing the song “Hello! Clap your hands” and repeat their actions.

- It’s time to come back to your home groups. And now, when each of you is an expert in your text, tell your groupmates all the information you know about the continents. At the end each of you should be ready to tell me about all the continents. Please, start!

Now, let’s check what do you know about the continents. S1, tell the class some facts about Africa. S2…etc

III Рефлексивно-оценочный этап

Our lesson has come to the end. Open your record-books and put down your homework. Be ready to speak about the continents.

Now it’s time to revise the information which you have learnt today by making up our own map. Take a card with a word and place it on the map.

Good job. Your marks for today are…

Now you can be free! Good bye! See you later!

Приложение 1

Dry [draɪ] wet [wet] high [haɪ] deep[diːp] thick [θɪk] a desert [ˈdezət] a mountain [ˈmaʊntɪn] an island [ˈaɪlənd] a plant [plɑːnt] grassland [ˈgrɑːslænd] an ocean [ˈəʊʃən] rainforest [ˈreɪnˌfɒrɪst]

Приложение 2

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Конспект урока "Природные особенности континентов"

Автор: Абрамович Мария Андреевна

Дата: 01.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 544938

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