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Конспект урока на тему "Еда"

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«Конспект урока на тему "Еда"»

Тема: Food.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цель урока: повторить и систематизировать лексический материал по теме: "Еда".

Задачи урока: 1) учебные: активизировать использование учащимися изученного лексического материала по теме; практиковать учащихся в составлении монологических и диалогических высказываний по темам: "Здоровая пища.", "Еда, что вредит здоровью.", "Британская кухня.", "Вегетарианство."; ознакомить учащихся с новыми лексическими единицами, тренировать в их использовании ; тренировать навык изучающего чтения у учащихся;

2) развивающие: развивать навыки самостоятельной работы, работы в группах, парах;

формировать навыки исследовательской культуры при подготовке проектных работ, создании презентаций;

3) воспитательные: воспитывать стремление к здоровому образу жизни и внимательное отношение к кулинарным традициям других народов и наций.

Оборудование урока: доска, ноутбук, экран, Power Point презентации, карточки с фразами для диалогов, текст для чтения, мультфильм, карточки для работы с мультфильмом, изображение солнышка для создания позитивного настроя для урока.

Ход урока.

I. Вступительная часть.

1) Оргмомент. Приветствие.

T: Good morning, dear pupils!

Cl: Good morning, dear teacher!

T: How are you today?

CL: We are fine, thank you! And you?

T: I'm fine, thank you! So, we shall start our lesson.

2) Создание положительного настроя к уроку.

T: Now, boys and girls! Look at the blackboard. What can you see there? Yes, "The Funny Sun". It will bring us good mood and good luck. It is smiling! Let's smile at it ,too! And smile at each other!

3) Сообщение цели урока.

T: Today at our lesson we will discuss the item which is an important part of our daily life for each of us. Today we will talk about food. Most people love it. Some get too much of it. While others get too little. It can be both good and bad for you. And we need it to servive. Let's go on.

4) Введение учеников в англоязычную среду.

T: People of different nations have proverbs about food which underline the importance of it. Let's remember some of them:

P1: Eat to live, not live to eat.

P2: All happiness depends on the leisurely breakfast.

P3: Vegetables from your neighbour's garden are always the best.

P4: Bread today is better than cake tomorrow.

P5: A hungry belly has no ears.

P6: If you laugh before breakfast you will cry before supper.

P7: The darker berry, the sweeter juice.

T: What proverb can we choose as a motto of our today's lesson?

( дети выбирают девиз урока, один из учеников выходит к доске и записывает пословицу)

T: Now, I'd like you to explain the meaning of this proverb. I will write some expressions on the blackboard which can help you to do it.

important for people to survive;

the source of energy;

to pay too much attention to food;

the only goal in life

T: Read the expressions and translate them.

P1,2,3,4: (читают выражения и переводят их)

T: So, how do you understand this proverb?

Pn: (Ученики объясняют значение пословицы своими словами)

II. Основная часть урока.

5) Активизация употребления изученного материала по теме.

T: Now, children, read the words which you can see on the blackboard after me:

carbohydrates крупы

fats жиры

fluid углеводы

fibre жидкость

cereals творог

buckwheat клетчатка

millet гречневая крупа

sweet pepper сладкий перец

curd пшено

(дети читают за учителем слова)

T: Match the English words with their translation.

( дети выходят к доске и соединяют слова с переводом)

T: Now, I'd like to see how you can use these words. Let's make up sentences with them.

( дети составляют предложения с лексикой)

T: And now you will see the presentation and answer my questions, try to use these words in your speech.

( показ презентации о группах продуктов)

T: What food group do you see in slide one?

What products does this group сonsist of?

Are they good for our health? Why?

(дети отвечают на вопросы учителя)

6) Работа в парах.

T: Now you will make up dialogues about food. Your tasks will be different.

The first row - You came to the Russian restaurant and want to have dinner there. One of you is a waiter and the other is a customer.

The second row - You came to the British restaurant. You will get a card with the beginning of the dialogue and your task will be to finish it.

The third row - Your situation is next: one of you is a child who wants to eat pizza for breakfast and the other is his parent who is against it.

(образцы карточек смотреть в первом приложении)

(контрольный опрос 3 пар)

7) Работа с отрывком текста:" Three men in a boat" by Jerome K. Jerome. Thank you very much for your dialogues. Now you will read the extract from the book: "Three men in a boat" by Jerome K. Jerome. but before, please look at the blackboard. These are the words from the text you are going to read. Read them after me.

to scrape соскабливать

half a dozen полдюжины

potted salmon консервированный лосось

to empty высыпать

odds and ends остатки

the size of a peanut величиной с арахис

( ученики читают слова за учителем)

(P1,P2-читают слова)

T: Now make up sentences with these words.

( учащиеся составляют предложения с новыми словами)

T: Now, open your vocabularies and write down these words.

( дети записывают слова в словари)

T: Now, you will get the sheets of paper with the text.

(учитель раздает ученикам листочки с текстом)

T: Look through the text and find the sentences with new words in it.

( дети находят в тексте предложения с новыми словами , читают их и переводят)

T: Now let's read the text one by one.

(дети читают текст цепочкой)

T: Now, find the following word combination in the text:

бродили по красивому Соннингу;

расположились на ночь;

прекрасная возможность попробовать хороший ужин;

остатки холодной говядины;

собрал дрова и зажег костер;

начали чистить картошку;

так не годится;

более сложная работа;

половина поросячьего пирога;

Остатки холодного вареного бекона

T: Now you have to do the task that you can see under the text.

( дети выполняют задания после текста - смотреть приложение второе)

8) Практика устной речи.

T: Now you will watch a cartoon. You have to be very attentive because then you will have to name all the food you will see in it and you must know that this cartoon has no words and your second task will be to voice this cartoon in groups.

(на протяжении мультфильма учитель делает паузы и учащиеся должны прогнозировать его события)

T: So what kind of food have you just seen?

What vegetables have you seen?

Now you will form the groups of 4. You must decide who of you will speak for the gopher, squirrel, raven and the truck.

( дети получают карточки со словосочетаниями - смотреть приложение третий, готовятся и одна из групп озвучивает мультик)

9) Контроль выполнения домашнего задания.

T: Our pupils have done a great work preparing for our today's lesson. They have prepared their projects and the first to perform group is number 1 that has prepared work about Russian cuisine.

GR.1 ( группы учащихся по очереди представляют свою презентацию, после презентации обсуждение увиденного, учащиеся задают вопросы классу)

1) What is your favourite Russian dish?

2) What is Russian Cuisine rich in?

3) What Russian dish can you cook?

GR.2 "British cuisine"

1) What do the British usually have for breakfast?

2) What does the British lunch consist of?

3) What food do the British like?

4) What kinds of food is the British cuisine rich in?

5) What restaurants are popular in Britain?

GR.3 "Vegetarians"

1) What kind of food do vegetarians eat?

2) Why don't they eat meat?

GR.4 "Healthy food."

1) What healthy food do you know?

2) Why is it important to eat healthy food?

3) Do you eat healthy food?

GR.5 "Junk food"

1) Why is junk food bad for people?

2) What junk food do you know?

3) Do you often eat junk food?

III Заключительная часть урока.

10) Итоги урока.

T: All of you have done a great amount of work. I liked your projects very much. And what about you, did you enjoy our work today? What have we done today?

P1: We have voiced the cartoon.

P2: We have read a very funny story.

P3: We have made up the dialogues.

P4:We have learned new words.

P5: We have presented our projects.

T: ( оценивание работы учащихся)

11) Домашнее задание

"А" - написать объяснение пословицы - девиза урока.

"В" - составить письменно диалог " At the reastaurant."

"С" - составить предложения с новыми словами.

Приложение 1

I row

Waiter: Would you like something?

Are you ready to order?

Anything else?

Can I help you?

Customer: I would like...

Can you show me the menu, please!

II row

- Waiter, i'd like the menu, please!

- Here you are.

- Thanks.

- I'd like some soup.

- Tomato soup?

- Yes, please and i'd like a steak.

- Rare, medium or overdone?

- Overdone, please.

- Which vegetables would you like?

III row

Child: I'd like to eat...for...; will not eat....; delicious.

Parent: not healthy, it contains..., junk food, healthy food

Приложение 2

Three men in a boat.

by Jerome K. Jerome.

An Irish Stew.

We got out at Sonning, and went for a walk round the village. We roamed about sweet Sonning for an hour or so, and then we decided to go back to one of the Shiplake islands, and put up there for the night. It was still early when we got settled and George said that, as we had plenty of time it would be a splendid opportunity to try a good supper. He said he would show us what could be done up the river in the way of cooking, and suggested that, with the vegetables and the remains of the cold beef and general odds and ends we should make an Irish Stew.

George gathered wood and made a fire, and Harris and I started to peel the potatoes. George came and had a look at it - it was about the size of a peanut.

He said," Oh, that won't do!" You are wasting them! You must scrape them! So we scraped them and that was harder work than peeling. We worked steadily for five-and- twenty minutes, and did four potatoes. George said it was absurd to have only four potatoes in an Irish Stew, so we washed half a dozen or so more and put them in without peeling. We also put a cabbage and some peas, half a pork pie and a bit of cold boiled bacon left. Then George found half a tin of potted salmon and he emptied it into the pot.

I forget the other ingredients, but I know nothing was wasted.

Put the sentences in the correct order according to the text.

Two men started peeling the potatoes.

Three men decided to put up for the night near the river.

George gathered wood and made a fire.

We started scraping the potatoes.

We decided to back to one of the Shiplake islands.

We put many different products into our stew.

It was a wonderful opportunity to try good supper.

Nothing was wasted.


Gopher - What's this? Wow, tomatoes! Ouch! Hey, you! Leave it for me! It's mine! Hands away! I don't believe my eyes!

Squirrel - Oh, a carrot! A big tasty carrot! Don't dream, Gopher!

Raven - Wow, what a juicy tomato!

Truck - rrrrr-rrrrr

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Конспект урока на тему "Еда"

Автор: Баранникова Инна Александровна

Дата: 16.07.2020

Номер свидетельства: 554811

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