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Конспект урока английского языка в 4 классе на тему "Животные"

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Урок по английскому языку «Животные» для 4 класса  проводится с использованием игровых технологий. В начале для привлечения интереса к занятию учащиеся находят следы животных и их письмо, в котором они  приглашают ребят к себе в гости, но просят выполнить определенные задания с целью узнать, что дети знают о жизни животных. На уроке учащиеся отгадывают загадки о животных,  играют в игры  «Правильный и неправильный стул», «Изобрази и угадай животное», работают с интерактивной доской, слушают звуки, которые издают животные. Применяются здоровье сберегающие технологии, дети на уроке имеют возможность двигаться, проводится физ. минутка.

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«Конспект урока английского языка в 4 классе на тему "Животные"»

Урок английского языка в 4 классе.

Тема: Животные.

Цель: обобщить знания учащихся по теме «Животные»,

развивать устную речь, навык аудирования, артистичные способности,

прививать любовь к животному миру и интерес к изучению английского языка

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, картинки с изображениями различных животных,

следы зверей, изображения животных: льва, гориллы и тигра для рефлексии, тесты, письмо от зверей, музыкальное сопровождение: голоса животных, звуки леса, карта мира.

Ход урока.

I. Орг. момент.

Good morning, dear guests and children. I am very glad to see you and hope that you are well today. Let’s greet each other.

Good morning, good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning, dear children!

I am glad to see you!

Good morning, good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning, dear teacher!

We are glad to see you!

II. Сообщение темы урока. Введение в сюжет.

Look! Children! What is there on the floor? Oh, these are footsteps of different animals! They were here at night. They wanted to see you but you were at home. Look! They left a letter. Let’s read it.

Animals’ letter.

Dear children!

We, animals, want to invite you to our kingdom. We left our footprints all over the floor to help you to find the way to our place . But we wonder what you know about us and our life, so you must do your teacher’s tasks.

Good luck! We hope to see you soon.

So, children, I think that you have guessed what we shall speak about. What is the theme of our lesson?

Of course, ANIMALS. (interactive board)

III. Речевая разминка.


But first of all let’s train our tongues.

Look at the board. You can see a rhyme on it. Listen to me.

I can roar like a lion.

I can fly like a bird.

I can swim like a penguin.

I can jump like a frog.

Now listen to me and repeat after me.

Now I’ll replace some words by the suitable pictures and you should pronounce them from memory.

So read a rhyme yourself.

IV. Аудирование.

Now let’s start doing the animals’ tasks.

Listen to the stories of different animals and try to guess what animals these are.

  1. We live in Africa, Asia, Australia and America. We live in rivers. We eat frogs, fish and big animals. (Crocodiles)

  1. We are brown. We eat leaves and bananas. We can run, jump and climb the trees. (Gorillas)

  1. We are brown or yellow. We live in Africa. We eat meat, zebras. (Lions)

  1. We live in Africa. We are brown. We have got very long necks. We eat leaves. (Giraffes)

  1. We live in Africa. We have got black and white stripes. We eat grass. We have got four legs. (Zebras)

  1. We are big birds. We live in Antarctica. We eat fish. We can swim. We have got wings but we can’t fly. (Penguins)

  1. We have got orange and black stripes. We live in Asia. We eat meat. We can run, swim and climb trees. (Tigers)

  1. We are grey. We have got long noses (trunks).We live in Africa and Asia. We eat grass, leaves and fruit. (Elephants)

V. Определение места обитания животных.

We know that animals come from different continents. And our animals wonder if you know where they live.

So, look at the interactive board. You can see a map of the world and different animals. You should match the animals and the continents.

Drag the animal into the continent where it comes from.

Black Bears are from North America.

Flamingos are from Europe. ( But they also live in Asia and Africa)

Tigers are from Asia.

Ostriches are from South America (They also live in Africa)

Zebras are from Africa.

Penguins are from Antarctica.

Kangaroos are from Australia.

VI. Физ. минутка.

I see you are tired. Let’s have a rest. Please, stand up.

Can you hop like a rabbit?

Can you jump like a frog?

Can you walk like a duck?

Can you run like a dog?

Can you fly like a bird?

Can you swim like a fish?

And be still, like a good child,

As still as you wish?

VII. Чтение текста о кенгуру с выбором правильных глаголов.

Now we can continue our work. A kangaroo asks us to read the text about it and choose the correct verb.

Click on the correct words.

Kangaroos comes/come from Australia. (interactive board)

They are /is orange and white.

They can/can’t jump.

They can/can’t run.

Kangaroos am/are big.

VIII. Игра «Правильный и неправильный ряд»

A game “True or False rows”.

Let’s play a game “True or False rows”

Everybody! Stand between the first and the second rows. The first row is True, the second row is False.

I have the pictures with animals. Now I’ll say some sentences about these animals. If my sentence is True - you must sit down on the “True” row, if my sentence is false – you should sit down on the second row- a “False row”. If you don’t understand me and sit on the wrong row, you will be out of the game and go to the third row.

Is it clear? Let’s start.

  1. Crocodiles are green. T

  2. Flamingos are from North America. F

  3. Tigers can roar. T

  4. Birds can hop. F

  5. Kangaroos can run. F

  6. Elephants have got a trunk. T

  7. Bears can fly. F

  8. Giraffes have got very long necks. T

  9. Ostriches can swim. F

  10. Rhinos have got orange and black stripes. F

  11. Lions are birds. F

IX. Чтение вопросов о пингвинах и нахождение правильных ответов.

Now a penguin asks us to find suitable answers to the questions.

Read. Match the questions and the answers. (interactive board)


Questions Answers

Where do they come from? They are black and white.

What do they eat? Yes, they can.

What colour are they? They come from Antarctica.

Can they swim? No, they can’t

Can they fly? They eat fish.

X. Физ. минутка.

Let’s imagine that we are animals. We are crocodiles.

What can crocodiles do?

Swim! OK. We are crocodiles. Let’s swim.

Now we are zebras. We can hop!

Lions can roar.

Kangaroos can jump.

Ostriches can run.

Gorillas can climb a tree.

Bears can walk.

Birds can fly.

XI. Игра «Изобрази и угадай животное»

Let’s play a game “Guess an animal”.

Now I’ll distribute the pictures of different animals among you. You will be this animal. You must not show your picture to other pupils.

Imagine that you are this animal. You should go to the blackboard, imitate the animal and say what you can do. Other pupils must guess what animal you are. They must ask you yes/no questions.

Are you a lion?

Are you a penguin?

XII. Индивидуальный тест.

Are these sentences True or False?

Variant I Variant II

1. Zebras are black and white. (T) 1. Penguins are black and white.

2. Crocodiles can swim. (T) 2. Kangaroos are from Australia. (T)

3. Ostriches are from Antarctica. (F) 3. Zebras can hop. (T)

4. Penguins eat fish. (T) 4. Giraffes can roar.(F)

5. Kangaroos can fly. (F) 5. Tigers are from Antarctica.(F)

6. Black Bears live in Africa. (F) 6. Crocodiles are green. (T)

XIII. Итог урока. Рефлексия.

Now we coped with the tasks which animals told us to do and they are very glad to see us. (interactive board)

At the beginning of the lesson you got three snouts of different animals.

If you liked the lesson very much, go to the blackboard and attach a lion to the blackboard. If you liked the lesson – attach a gorilla to the blackboard and if you didn’t like the lesson – attach a tiger to the blackboard.

XIX. Оценивание и домашнее задание на дом.

Draw the pictures of three animals and tell about these animals.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Конспект урока английского языка в 4 классе на тему "Животные"

Автор: Крючкова Ольга Анатольевна

Дата: 25.04.2022

Номер свидетельства: 605713

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