I. Начало урока. (1мин.)
- Good morning, boys and girls!
- Good morning!
- I’m glad to see you! Today I’m your teacher. My name is …
- Sit down, please.
II. Организационный момент. (2 мин.)
Беседа с классом.
- Now let’s begin our lesson.
- I have a secret. Guess it, please. It is a key for our lesson…. It may be different colours. We can open and close it. You can see it here in the classroom. What is it?
- It is a door.
(картинка двери)
- Yes. Wonderful!
How do you think what is there behind the door? (When you open the door you are in the……)
III. Основной этап урока.
- Yes. Well done! How do you think what is the topic of our lesson? (слайд с темой урока my city, my flat, my classroom)
Yes, today we’ll speak about our flats again.
1). Фонетическая зарядка (1 мин.)
- Let’s open this door. Look, here are some words. Let’s read them. (2-3 чел читают).
- [a:] – bathroom, carpet, armchair, [?] – lamp, flat pantry [o:] – floor, wall, door, hall, wardrobe [e] – desk, shelf
2). Отработка лексического и грамматического материала (7 мин.)
- Well done! Our door is magic. Now we are in Jim’s and Jill’s house. What rooms are there in the house? Use There is/are.(Отвечают)
Kitchen, bedroom, pantry, window….
Слайд с картинкой
3) Аудирование.
- Well done! Let’s go to the Jim’s and Jill’s room. What can you see there? (описание комнаты повторение предлогов) Картинка слова, предлоги
- And where are Jim and Jill? Are they in the room? (ответ) Where are they? Listen the text and guess.
-which room are they in now?
In Jim’s and Jill’s room.
Написать слова
4) Физминутка (1 мин)
- Go upstairs. Stand up, please. Repeat after me and do what I do:
- Look the window, the door, the pictures, the floor. Fine!
5) Проектная деятельность.
- Let’s make a room of your dream. Группы по 3 чел.
III. Заключительный этап урока (2 мин.)
1). Рефлексия (1мин.)
- And now take a smile and steak it on the window. If you like our lesson, put it here. If you don’t like our lesson, here.
2). Подведение итогов занятия (1 мин.)
- Your homework. The lesson is over. Оценки.Thank you for your work. Goodbye
- Goodbye!
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«Home sweet home »
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