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“Hobbies”. английский язык,

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Цель урока: закрепление языкового материала по теме “Hobbies”.

Задачи урока:

  1. Образовательные:

– Закрепление языкового материала по теме “Hobby”.

– Совершенствование грамматических навыков (общие и альтернативные


– Совершенствование речевых навыков (аудирование, чтение, говорение).

  1. Развивающие:

– Формирование коммуникативных способностей.

– Развитие способности к сравнению, сопоставлению, догадке.

– Развитие памяти, логического мышления.

– Использование компьютера на уроке английского языка.

  1. Воспитательные:

– Воспитание культуры общения, умение выслушать собеседника.

– Формирование потребности в коллективной работе.

Оборудование урока: иллюстрации по теме,  раздаточный материал (карточки с заданиями, карточки с текстами, речевые фразы)

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«“Hobbies”. английский язык,»

Аннотация урока

с использованием инновационных

коммуникативных технологий

Предмет: английский язык

Тема: «Мое свободное время»

Продолжительность: 45 минут

Класс: 5-Б

Технологии: Подготовлены тестовые задания, раздаточный материал.

Целью обучения в 5 классе является формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.

Цель этого урока – закрепление языкового материала по теме “Hobbies”. Уроку предшествовал «мозговой штурм» в ходе которого рассматривалась тематика возможных проектов. Дети, разбившись на микрогруппы, определили проблемы, которые им предстояло решить; цели, направления и содержание деятельности и исследований, структуру проекта, его ресурсное наполнение. На этом уроке происходит последний этап – открытая защита проекта. Результат защиты – награждение разработчиков наилучших проектов

Поставлены следующие задачи:

1. Образовательные:

- Совершенствование грамматических навыков (общие и альтернативные вопросы).

- Совершенствование речевых навыков (аудирование, чтение, говорение).

- Взаимообучение и взаимоконтроль в процессе работы в группе.

2. Развивающие:

- Формирование коммуникативных способностей.

- Развитие способности к сравнению, сопоставлению, догадке.

- Развитие памяти, логического мышления.

3. Воспитательные:

- Воспитание культуры общения, умение выслушать собеседника.

- Формирование потребности в коллективной работе.

Методы обучения: объяснительно-иллюстративный, проблемный, коммуникативный.

Приемы: парная, групповая и индивидуальная работа

Технологии обучения: личностно-ориентированная (технология взаимообучения, сотрудничества), здоровьесберегающая технология.

Средства обучения: картины по теме, раздаточный материал (карточки с заданиями, речевые фразы), учебник.

Тип урока: обобщающий

Форма урока: проектный урок

Цель урока: закрепление языкового материала по теме “Hobbies”.

Задачи урока:

  1. Образовательные:

– Закрепление языкового материала по теме “Hobby”.

– Совершенствование грамматических навыков (общие и альтернативные


– Совершенствование речевых навыков (аудирование, чтение, говорение).

  1. Развивающие:

– Формирование коммуникативных способностей.

– Развитие способности к сравнению, сопоставлению, догадке.

– Развитие памяти, логического мышления.

– Использование компьютера на уроке английского языка.

  1. Воспитательные:

– Воспитание культуры общения, умение выслушать собеседника.

– Формирование потребности в коллективной работе.

Оборудование урока: иллюстрации по теме, раздаточный материал (карточки с заданиями, карточки с текстами, речевые фразы)

Ход урока

I. Warming up activities


Teacher: I wake up in the morning

Ready for the day –

Hello, hello! Good morning!

What a lovely day!

Pupils: I wake up in the morning

Ready for the day –

Hello, hello! Good morning!

What a lovely day!

2. Improving phonetic skills

Teacher: - Look at the board. There are some sounds on it. Repeat after me.

[d] – do, does, dance, do sports. Do you like gardening or cooking?

[t] - tell, talk, travel. Do you like to travel?

[r] – read, roller-skate, crazy. I am crazy about it.

And now listen to the poem.

I like…

I like to read.

I like to play.

I like to study every day

I like to sing.

I like to run.

You know, it is fun.

Read the poem one by one.

P1: I like to read.

P2: I like to play.

P3: I like to study every day.

3. Improving speech skills.

T: - Now, ask and answer the questions. I’ll start. Tell me, please…

1. Do you have free time?

2. Does your mother have free time? P1 – P2

3. Do you play badminton? P3 – P4

4. Does your father play football? …

5. Does your mother play computer games?

6. Do you like music?

II. Main part of the lesson

  1. Introduction the Topic


Teacher: Have you guessed the topic of our lesson? Of course, it is” Time for leisure”. We’ll be listening, reading, speaking and writing about friends and hobbies. We’ll try to make up dialogues about friends and speak about your hobbies.

2.Vocabulary Practice

Teacher: There are lots of proverbs about friends. For example:

`A friend to all - is a friend to none` or

`A friend in need - is a friend indeed`

Do you agree with these proverbs? Do you have a true friend?

Do you trust your friend all your secrets?

Pupils answers: …

Teacher: Well done! Let us make a Mind-map about your friends answering the question `What kind of а boy/girl is your friend?`

Pupil 1. My friend is clever.

Pupil 2. My friend is polite.

Pupil 3. My friend is kind.

Pupil 4. My friend is talented.

Pupil 5. My friend is imaginative.

Pupil 6. My friend is …

Teacher: You and your friends are different.

You like doing different things and have different hobbies.

What is a hobby?

Pupils answers: …

Teacher: Hobby is a thing people like doing in their free time.

All the hobbies are divided into 4 groups.

What are they? Let us make a Mind-map

Pupil 1. Learning things.

Pupil 2. Doing things.

Pupil 3. Making things.

Pupil 4. Collecting things.

reading gardening drawing stamps

going to the theatre cycling painting coins

going to the museum travelling handicrafts badges

going to the cinema playing chess cooking books

going to the art galleries playing computer games CDs, toys,

Teacher: Who doesn`t like parties?

Do you like to visit parties?

Pupil 1. Yes, I do.

Teacher: What parties do you like?

Pupil 2. I like birthday parties.

Teacher: What are the most favourite parties? Let’s answer this question with the help of the mind-map


Teacher: And now, open your books at page 70 and read the text about an English girl called Emily.

Emily and Her Friend.

Hi, I am Emily. I`m ten and a half.

I`ve got curly brown hair and brown eyes. I`m not very tall.

I am good at Music and Gymnastics. I`m bad at Maths because I don`t like doing sums.

I like listening to music and playing the piano.

My best friend is Lolly.

She`s got long fair hair. Lolly is polite and helpful.

She`s good at Maths and History. She is a computer wizard.

Lolly has two interesting hobbies - reading books and writing poems.

She is my true friend and I can trust her all my secrets.

Teacher: You have cards on your desks. Read the sentences bellow and tick if the statements are true or false (T/F).

  • Emily is ten and a half (T).

  • She is tall (F).

  • Emily is good at Maths (F).

  • She likes music and gymnastics (T).

  • Her best friend is Lolly (T).

  • Lolly is boring (F).

  • Emily is a computer wizard (F).

  • Lolly is a true friend (T).

Teacher: Now, let`s check your answers.


Teacher: So I see that you know a lot about hobbies people have. The other day I received a letter from Great Britain.. Susan, an English girl wrote me about hobbies of English children. So I made some copies of Susan’s letter. The task for you is to listen the letter carefully . Be ready to discuss it Work in groups. You have three minutes for this task. 

Hello, my friends. My name is Susan White. I am 13 years old. I live in Oxford, Great Britain. My family is not large. I have got a mother, a father and a sister. My mother is an artist. My father is a computer programmer. We live in a big house with a small garden. When I have free time I go for a walk, read books or watch TV.I enjoy reading different books: historical, detective and fairy- tales. 
My favorite book is Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. This book is about American

Boy, his aunt and his friends. Tom is kind and funny. This book teaches us to be kind and friendly. I enjoy reading such books and you? My best friend Kate plays the piano and the guitar in a group with her friends. By the way she keeps two pets: a kitten and a puppy.

Please write me a letter about your hobbies. 
Best wishes. Susan. 

Teacher: Now look at the task, read the statements and using your flash cards show me “True” or “False” 
1. . Susan has got a big family. 
2. There are four people in her family. 
3. Susan’s family lives in a big house. 
4. She is fond of reading fairy-tales. 
5. Susan’s favourite writer is Dickens. 
6. Tom Sawyer is a kind and funny boy. 
7. Susan enjoys gardening. 
8. Her friend Kate likes sports. 
9. Susan’s hobby is reading. 

Teacher: Now tell Susan about your hobbies. Please, use the phrases: 
My hobby is… 
I am interested in… 
I am fond of… 
As for me I really like… 
I am good at… 

5. Physical activity
Teacher: And now let’s have some rest. Pupil on duty come to the blackboard, please. Let’s do our morning exercises.
PP: OK, let’s do it!
1,2-1,2,3 — I like boxing. Look at me!
1,2-1,2,3 — I enjoy watching TV.
1,2-1,2,3 — I like dancing. Look at me!
1,2-1,2,3 — I like swimming in the sea.


Teacher: Some children asked you to write down them an e-mail about your friends and your hobbies. Can you write e-mails in English? So, you`ve got the form of e-mails on your sheets but some words are missing. Take your pens and complete them with necessary information about yourselves and your friends.

Message Edit Search Utilities Spell Checker Privacy View Options




My friend and our hobbies

Hello ………..,

My name is ……………….

I am……….

I am good at …………… and ……………, but I`m not very good at ……………..

My hobby is …………………………..I like visiting parties very much.

My favourite are ………… and ……………parties.

My best friend is………………. He/She is my classmate.

My friend is ……………and…………………….

My friend`s hobby is……………….. My friend likes………………….parties.

Hope 2 hear from u,


Teacher:Let`s read and listen to your e-mails.

Pupil 1. Hello Nastia,

My name is …

Pupil 2. Hello Sasha,

My name is …

Pupil 3. Hello Kate,

My name is …


Teacher: Now let`s work in pairs and interview each other about your friends and your hobbies. (Microphone) Ask your friend:

  1. Have you got a friend?

  2. What is his/her name?

  3. How old is he/she?

  4. What form is he/she in?

  5. What kind of a boy/girl is your friend?

  6. What is his/her favorite subject?

  7. What is his/her least favorite subject?

  8. What is he/she good at?

  9. What is he/she bad at?

  10. What is his/her hobby?

Teacher: Role-play your dialogues.

Pupil 1. Have you got a friend?

Pupil 2. Yes, I have.

Pupil 1. …

Pupil 2. …

8.Project work

Teacher: At home you have made posters about your hobbies

Go to the blackboard and show your project work to your classmates

Pupil 1. Hello!

My name is … I`m …

I like……

… is my hobby. …

Pupil 2. …

ІІІ. Еnd of the lesson


Teacher: You home task for the next lesson is to read the story about Winnie-the-Pooh (ex.1p.86) and do exercises 2 and 3 on page 87.


Teacher: Today we have learned a lot about your friends and hobbies. I hope you had a good practice in reading, listening, writing and speaking about your friends and hobbies. You were very active at the lesson.

Now let's sum up and check the knowledge we have by the end of the unit `Time for Leisure`.

Let`s tick what is true for you in your Learning Diary for your Portfolio.


My Learning Diary

  • After the unit I can:

(tick what is true for you)


  • name hobbies

  • build word maps

  • say what I / my friend can / can`t do

  • describe my friends

  • ask and answer about likes and dislikes

  • read and understand about kids` clubs

  • talk about interests with my friends

  • speak on the ways I spend my free time

  • interview people

  • describe a party

  • share recipes on making party surprises

  • make party invitations

  • do a questionnaire or a quiz

  • understand e-mails from friends

  • write e-mails to my friends


Handout Material А

Task 1 Mind-maps

Handout Material B

Task 2 Reading

Listen and read about an English girl called Emily.

Emily and Her Friend.

Hi, I am Emily. I`m ten and a half.

I`ve got curly brown hair and brown eyes. I`m not very tall.

I am good at Music and Gymnastics. I`m bad at Maths because I don`t like doing sums.

I like listening to music and playing the piano.

My best friend is Lоlly.

She`s got long fair hair. Lolly is polite and helpful.

She`s good at Maths and History. She is a computer wizard.

Lolly has two interesting hobbies - reading books and writing poems.

She is my true friend and I can trust her all my secrets.

Read the sentences bellow and tick if the statements are true or false (T/F).

  • Emily is ten and a half.

  • She is tall.

  • Emily is good at Maths.

  • She likes music and gymnastics.

  • Her best friend is Lolly.

  • Lolly is boring.

  • Emily is a computer wizard.

  • Lolly is a true friend.

Task 3 Listening

Now look at the task, read the statements and using your flash cards show me “True” or “False” 
1. . Susan has got a big family. 
2. There are four people in her family. 
3. Susan’s family lives in a big house. 
4. She is fond of reading fairy-tales. 
5. Susan’s favourite writer is Dickens. 
6. Tom Sawyer is a kind and funny boy. 
7. Susan enjoys gardening. 
8. Her friend Kate likes sports. 
9. Susan’s hobby is reading. 

Now tell Susan about your hobbies. Please, use the phrases: 
My hobby is… 
I am interested in… 
I am fond of… 
As for me I really like… 
I am good at…

Handout Material C

Task 4 Writing

Read and complete the missing words in an e-mail to one of the children.

Message Edit Search Utilities Spell Checker Privacy View Options




My friend and our hobbies

Hello ………..,

My name is ……………….

I am……….

I am good at …………… and ……………, but I`m not very good at ……………..

My hobby is ………………. I like visiting parties very much.

My favourite are ………… and ……………parties.

My best friend is………………. He/She is my classmate.

My friend is ……………and…………………….

My friend`s hobby is….. My friend likes…………………….parties.

Hope 2 hear from u,


Task 5 Speaking

Now let`s work in pairs and interview each other about your friends and your hobbies.


Ask your friend:

  1. Have you got a friend?

  2. What is his/her name?

  3. How old is he/she?

  4. What form is he/she in?

  5. What kind of a boy/girl is your friend?

  6. What is his/her favorite subject?

  7. What is his/her least favorite subject?

  8. What is he/she good at?

  9. What is he/she bad at?

  10. What is his/her hobby?

Handout Material D


My Learning Diary

  • After the unit I can:

(tick what is true for you)


  • name hobbies

  • build word maps

  • say what I / my friend can / can`t do

  • describe my friends

  • ask and answer about likes and dislikes

  • read and understand about kids` clubs

  • talk about interests with my friends

  • speak on the ways I spend my free time

  • interview people

  • describe a party

  • share recipes on making party surprises

  • make party invitations

  • do a questionnaire or a quiz

  • understand e-mails from friends

  • write e-mails to my friends


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

“Hobbies”. английский язык,

Автор: Михеева Ольга Александровна

Дата: 22.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 269305

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