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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 5 класса по чтению за 1 четверть по УМК М.З. Биболетовой

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 5  класса за I четверть (чтение по  УМК М.З. Биболетовой)

Variant 1

Read the text:

Ann is my classmate. She is English. Ann  is eleven years. She is in the fifth  form at East Square School in London. She  has a lot of new subjects: Science, Information Technology and Drama  at school this year. At Drama they  sing and dance, sometimes they act out short plays. Usually French is the first foreign language they learn at school. Sometimes they also learn second foreign languages: German, Spanish, Russian. Her favourite subject at school is English. At the lessons they read and discuss texts, learn English poems by   heart, play games and answer questions . She likes Maths best of all.  Students wear a school uniform at Ann's school .The favourite colours for school uniform are blue, grey, black and green. Her  hobbies are reading and music. Her favourite sport is tennis.

  1. Find in the text and write down sentences:

    1. Она англичанка.
    2. Она в пятом классе.
    3. Её увлечения - чтение и музыка.
    4. Её любимый предмет в школе - английский язык.
  2. True or (+ ) false (-) 

  3. Ann is my friend.

  4. She is eleven years old.

  5. She is in the sixth form.

  6. She is from Chester School.

  7. She has a lot of new subjects: Russian and English.

  8. At drama they sing and dance.

  9. Her favouritesubject isEnglish.

  10. Her hobby is singing.

  11. She likes tennis.

  12.    Answer the questions:

    1. What  form is Ann in?
    2. What new subjects does she study this year?
    3. Ann is English, isn't she?

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 5  класса за I четверть (чтение по  УМК М.З. Биболетовой)

Variant 2

Read the text:

David is my friend. He is from the UK. His  surname is Black. He  is twelve years old. He is in the sixth  form at Green School in London. He  has a lot of new subjects: Science, Information Technology and Drama  at school this year. At Science they  ask and answer questions, do experiments and discuss problems. He studies 2 foreign languages: Spanish and Russian. His favourite subjects at school are PE and English. At English they read and discuss texts, learn new words  by  heart and answer questions. At Physical Education they play games, run and jump. Students at David's school  wear a school uniform. The favourite colours for school uniform are grey, black, blue and green.  His  hobby is playing computer games. His favourite sport is football.

  1. Find in the text and write down sentences:

    1. Давид мой друг.

    2. Ему 12лет.

    3. Он изучает 2 иностранных языка.

    4. Ученики в школе Давида носят школьную форму.

  2. True or (+ ) false (-) 

    1. David is my friend.
    2. He is eleven years old.
    3. He is in the fifth form.
    4.  He is from America.
    5. He has a lot of new subjects: Science, Information Technology and Drama.
    6. His favourite subjects at school are Maths and  English.
    7. At PE they dance, listen to music and draw.
    8.  Students  wear a school uniform at David's school.
    9. His hobby  is singing.
    10. He  likes to play football.
  3.    Answer the questions:

    1. Where is David from?

    2. What new subjects does he study this year?




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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 5 класса по чтению за 1 четверть по УМК М.З. Биболетовой »

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 5 класса за I четверть (чтение по УМК М.З. Биболетовой)

Variant 1

Read the text:

Ann is my classmate. She is English. Ann is eleven years. She is in the fifth form at East Square School in London. She has a lot of new subjects: Science, Information Technology and Drama at school this year. At Drama they sing and dance, sometimes they act out short plays. Usually French is the first foreign language they learn at school. Sometimes they also learn second foreign languages: German, Spanish, Russian. Her favourite subject at school is English. At the lessons they read and discuss texts, learn English poems by heart, play games and answer questions . She likes Maths best of all. Students wear a school uniform at Ann's school .The favourite colours for school uniform are blue, grey, black and green. Her hobbies are reading and music. Her favourite sport is tennis.

  1. Find in the text and write down sentences:

    1. Она англичанка.

    2. Она в пятом классе.

    3. Её увлечения - чтение и музыка.

    4. Её любимый предмет в школе - английский язык.

  1. True or (+ ) false (-)

  1. Ann is my friend.

  2. She is eleven years old.

  3. She is in the sixth form.

  4. She is from Chester School.

  5. She has a lot of new subjects: Russian and English.

  6. At drama they sing and dance.

  7. Her favourite subject is English.

  8. She wears a school uniform.

  9. Her hobby is singing.

  10. She likes tennis.

  1. Answer the questions:

    1. What form is Ann in?

    2. What new subjects does she study this year?

    3. Ann is English, isn't she?

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 5 класса за I четверть (чтение по УМК М.З. Биболетовой)

Variant 2

Read the text:

David is my friend. He is from the UK. His surname is Black. He is twelve years old. He is in the sixth form at Green School in London. He has a lot of new subjects: Science, Information Technology and Drama at school this year. At Science they ask and answer questions, do experiments and discuss problems. He studies 2 foreign languages: Spanish and Russian. His favourite subjects at school are PE and English. At English they read and discuss texts, learn new words by heart and answer questions. At Physical Education they play games, run and jump. Students at David's school wear a school uniform. The favourite colours for school uniform are grey, black, blue and green. His hobby is playing computer games. His favourite sport is football.

  1. Find in the text and write down sentences:

    1. Давид мой друг.

    2. Ему 12 лет.

    3. Он изучает 2 иностранных языка.

    4. Ученики в школе Давида носят школьную форму.

  1. True or (+ ) false (-)

    1. David is my friend.

    2. He is eleven years old.

    3. He is in the fifth form.

    4. He is from America.

    5. He has a lot of new subjects: Science, Information Technology and Drama.

    6. His favourite subjects at school are Maths and English.

    7. At PE they dance, listen to music and draw.

    8. Students wear a school uniform at David's school.

    9. His hobby is singing.

    10. He likes to play football.

  1. Answer the questions:

    1. Where is David from?

    2. What form is he in?

    3. What new subjects does he study this year?

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Удалова Ирина Владимировна

Дата: 30.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 149070

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