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Friends and Friendship

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Цель: контроль уровня обученности учащихся по теме «Дружба» и подготовка к выполнению творческого проекта.

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«Friends and Friendship»

Открытый урок по английскому языку. 7-й класс. Тема "Друзья и дружба"

Ломова Валерия Валерьевна  учитель английского языка

Школа-гимназия № 118 г. Алматы

Цель:  контроль уровня обученности учащихся по теме «Дружба» и подготовка к выполнению творческого проекта.


  • Социокультурный аспект – закрепить понятия и реалии: a true friend, a false friend, childhood friends, Tom Soyer and Heckle Berry Finn, Sherlock Holmes and Dc. Watson.

  • Развивающий аспект – развивать способности к целеустремленной работе, к самостоятельному труду, импровизации, способности осуществлять репродуктивные речевые действия, выражать свое мнение по теме.
    Учебный аспект – развивать речевые умения на основе творческого использования усвоенного раннее материала в новых ситуациях общения, развивать грамматические навыки говорения (relative clauses with who\that\which) в качестве подлежащего и прямого и косвенного дополнения; развивать умение аудировать с целью извлечения информации, подготовить учащихся к выполнению самостоятельного творческого задания – составлению проекта по данной теме.

  • Воспитательный аспект – воспитывать потребность выбирать друзей по положительным качествам личности.

Оборудование:  плакат с изображением символа дружбы, эмблемы, карточки с заданиями (ситуации для диалога), схематичное изображение идеального друга, технические средства обучения.

Структура урока:

– Introduction (организация начала урока и сообщение задач).
– Warm-up activities (фонетическая и речевая зарядка, развитие рфографических навыков).
– Checking homework (проверка домашнего задания).
– Practice in making up dialogues according to the situation (практика в составлении ситуационных диалогов).
– Listening for the specific information (аудирование текста с извлечением информации).
– Summation (итоги).
– Homework and marks (домашнее задание и выставление оценок).


– наглядный (плакат с изображением символа дружбы, эмблемы, карточки с заданиями – ситуации для диалога, схематичное изображение идеального друга);
– ТСО (магнитофон);
– игровой (создание «идеального друга»);
– проблемно-поисковый метод (на этапе обучения аудированию – выбор подходящего варианта ответа из предложенных в соответствии с заданной ситуацией; на этапе проверки домашнего задания – подобрать пословицы по данной теме, сделать литературный перевод четверостиший).
– элементы интенсивной методики Warming up, частичная суггестия (для быстрого погружения  в иноязычную среду применяется нестандартное начало урока – чтения стихотворения о дружбе, после которого обучающиеся самостоятельно определяют тему урока);
– элементы проектной методики (составление и представление диалогов обучающимися);
– элементы КСО – самоконтроль и взаимоконтроль;
– метод стимулирования интереса к изучению иностранного языка (при выполнении заданий творческого характера).

 Виды речевой деятельности:

– аудирование;
– чтение;
– говорение;
– письмо.

Режимы работы:

– P1 –– P2 –– P3
– Р1 –– P2;
– T –– Cl,
то есть имели место такие формы организации учебной деятельности как групповая работа, парная работа и фронтальный опрос.

Виды контроля: 

– самоконтроль; 
– взаимоконтроль; 
– контроль учителя.

Домашнее задание:

– Сделать творческий проект по теме «Друзья и дружба» и подготовиться к его защите.


I. Introduction.

– Good morning, children. Sit down, please. Today we have a lesson which is not quite ordinary. Children, I want you to determine the topic of the lesson yourselves after listening to the poem I shall read.

Once upon a time
There lived a funny guy.
He always lived next door to me
With him was very fun to be.
I often turned to him for help –
He always gave a helping hand.
He stood by me no matter what,
We both were going in for sport.
We talked our problems through together
And found what to do in any weather.
I knew that he’d betray me never
And that it would be so forever.

– So, children, what is the topic of our lesson?
– You are right, our lesson is devoted to one of the greatest human feelings – friendship. That is why the topic of it is “Friends and friendship”. The symbol of friendship is two linked hands.
– Children, our aim is to make a portrait of an ideal friend to the end of lesson summing up all the facts we will discuss during it.

II. Warm-up activities

– First of all I ask you to say what you think about friends and friendship in 1-2 sentences starting like this “A true friend is a person…”, “A false friend is a person …”, “Friendship is a thing…” and so on.
(A true friend is a person who is responsible and who can keep secrets.
A real friend is a person who worries about you and tries to understand you.
Friendship is a thing that lasts forever.
A true friend is someone who stands by you till the end).

III. Checking homework

– Well, thank you, children. I agree with your opinions on this subject. Of course, friendship is a perfect feeling and a lot of Russian and foreign poets sang the praise of friendship and true friends in their poems. Besides, there are plenty of songs and proverbs about friendship. At the previous lesson I asked you to find a proverb on this topic, interpret it and give the Russian equivalent. Let’s check how well you have coped with this task. Who wants to start?

(Proverbs: А man is known by the company he kept.
He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our back.
False friends are worse than open enemies.
A joke never gains an enemy but often looses a friend.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. 
A friend to all is a friend of none.
The friends you choose help you win or loose.

– Thank you. The other task of your homework was to make a literature translation of two English poems in pairs. And now you will be poets-translators. Who will start? Please, (names).
– Well, thanks. Children, whose translation do you like more?
– Can you give the examples of literature characters that may be called true friends?
(Tom Soyer and Heckle Berry Finn, Sherlock Holmes and Dc. Watson, Kay and Gerda, D’Artanian and three musketeers).

1). Friendship is a thing for two,
Three or four, even more,
Like a song that made to sing
Friendship is a doing thing.

2). A friend is a person, who shares,
A friend is a person who cares. 
He tries to understand
And gives a helping hand.

IV. Practice in making up dialogues according to the situation

– Well, children. I see you remember the vocabulary and now I want you to divide into 2 groups. The 1st group is the 1st row and those who are sitting in the second row are the next group. You must make up short dialogues according to the suggested situations.

The situation for the 1st group:

1) Your family has just moved to another city and you are a newcomer at a school. You have butterflies in your stomach (feel nervous) because you are alone and have no friends there so far. You are trying to meet somebody and maybe to make friends with this person.

The situation for the second group:

2) You are an excellent pupil and carefully prepare your homework every day. Your friend is having trouble in class and is asking your work.
- I’ll give you 5 minutes for preparation and then each pair of each group will act out the dialogues at the blackboard.

V. Listening for the specific information

– Children, now you will listen to the text where Ted, an English boy, is telling about his friends. You task is to answer the questions: 
– How many friends has Ted got?  What are their names? (listening)
– So, answer the questions, please.

– And now, answer some more questions, please.

1) What do Ted and his friends like doing together? (They like to go out and play games. They have a lot of fun)
2) Do Ted’s friends help him?
3) When does Ted go to Jane? (When he has problems at home)
4) When does he go to Phil? (When his homework is difficult)
5) What does Ted do together with Peter and Jessica? (Play computer games)
6) What connects him with Bob? (He has the same hobby with Bob – they collect stamps and badges)
7) What subject is Ted good at? (English)
8) What subject is his week point? (Maths)
9) What are the friends talking about when they meet together? (They are talking about films they’ve seen lately and about they did)
10) Do the friends often quarrel with each other? (They sometimes quarrel but make up quickly)

VI. Summation

– Now it’s time for groups to present the portrait of an ideal friend. I’ll give each group the sheets of paper where you must write some words or phrases characterizing an ideal friend. After that you will come to the blackboard in turns, stick the sheet near this portrait and say what a true friend looks like.
– So, here he is, our ideal friend! You see that he is loyal, reliable and supportive. He’ll never betray you and always cheer you up in trouble. It is so important to have only true friends because we just can’t do without them.

VII. Homework and marks

– For the next lesson I want you to make a project on the topic “Friendship” in which you should express your own opinion on this matter and tell about your true friends. Besides, you may draw pictures or stick photos of your friends.
– Children, our lesson is finishing and I’d like to thank you because you were active and worked hard at the lesson. Now each of you will get the card with a symbol of friendship. On the back side of it you’ll see your mark for the lesson.
– In conclusion let’s sing a song called “The more we are together”.


Translate into English

1) Мой друг – это человек, на которого я всегда могу положиться. (My friend is a person who I can always rely on).
2) Друзья детства – это люди, которые хранят твои секреты. (Childhood friends are people who keep your secrets).
3) Дружба – это такое чувство, для которого требуется время, что оно окрепло. (Friendship is a thing that makes time to grow).
4) Настоящий друг – это тот, с кем ты можешь обсуждать свои проблемы. (A true friend is someone who you can talk your problems through with).
5) Ненастоящий (фальшивый) друг – это человек, который предаст тебя в трудной ситуации. (A false friend is a person who betrays you in trouble)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Friends and Friendship

Автор: Lomova Valeriya

Дата: 13.10.2016

Номер свидетельства: 348861

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