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Урок в 7 классе "Friend and Friendship"

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Урок обобщения и ситематизации знаний учащихся по теме "Friend and Friendship". На данном уроке учащиеся знакомятся с различными высказывания известных людей на данную тему, говорят о различных качествах, которые должен иметь настоящий друг. Также в ходе у урока учащиеся повторяют грамматическую структуру "as...as". Учащимя предлагается текс для аудирования и интересная групповая работа. В качестве разминки в уроке представлена песня "The more we get together, together...".

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«Урок в 7 классе "Friend and Friendship" »


Friend and Friendship

Oksana Karpiuk, 7 form

Viktoria Sinichich,

a teacher of English,

school # 68,

Kryvyi Rih,

Dnipropetrovska region


  • Перевірити рівень опанування учнями теми “We are different”, повторити й активізувати ЛО теми.

  • Розвивати і удосконалювати граматичні навички учнів. Навчити порівнювати людей, предмети та явища за допомогою конструкції asas.

  • Продовжувати розвивати навички спілкування за темою, навички письма та аудіювання.

  • Розвивати культуру мовлення і письма.

  • Виховати усвідомлення важливості дружби в житті людини.

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, картки для індивідуальної роботи, для роботи в парах, комп’ютер, мультимедійний проектор, презентаційні слайди.


І. INTRODUCTION. ( 4 minutes)

T → S; S ↔ T; T ↔ S.

T: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you!

T: How are you?

S: We are fine and you?

T: I’m fine too, thanks a lot. Sit down, please.

Today we have a lesson which is not quite ordinary, try to guess what the title of our lesson…But at first look at the blackboard and tell me who are they?

( Slide 2)

-Do you know these people?

T: You quite right. You can see the heroes of a serial “Friends”. And I have a surprise for you. They sent us a letter where ask us some questions. During our lesson we’ll try to answer these questions. Now let’s read the questions. ( Slide 3)


What do you think:

- Who is a friend?

- What is a friendship?

- How can you describe a real friend?

- Can you make a portrait of an ideal friend?

– So, children, what is the topic of our lesson?

– You are right; our lesson is devoted to one of the greatest human feelings – friendship. That is why the topic of it is “Friends and friendship”. The symbol of friendship is two linked hands. ( Slide 4-5)

– Children, our aim is to make a portrait of an ideal friend to the end of lesson summing up all the facts we will discuss during it.

Warming up (2 minutes)

T: Now, please, look at the blackboard, there are some proverbs about friendship, which will be useful for you at the lesson, let’s read and try translate them together to remember. (Slide 7-9)

- Friendship is love without wings . Byron

- Better a new friend than an old foe. Washington, George 

- A man is known by the company he keeps. Proverb

Vocabulary Practice (5 minutes) (Slide 9)

T.: How can you describe a friend? Let’s remember some words on this theme. I have an interesting idea; let’s remember the list of words and phrases which based on the character of human being. I have an interesting idea; let’s remember the list of words and phrases which based on the character of human being.

Pay attention to remember: appearance, talkative, kind, patient, ugly, beautiful, weak, strong, sociable, boring, to make friends with, to get along with, to be in good (bad) mood, to keep a promise, to have a sense of humor, to be around people, to live next door, to keep a secret, to make a surprise, to quarrel.

If we speak about character so we use the following adjectives.

-Character (kind, true, gentle, optimistic, realistic, loving, shy, devotedly, generously, lonely, pleasant, …)

-Appearance (straight, curly, small, handsome, slim, attractive, pretty, fat…)

2. T: Now, please open your book at page 27 and let’s do exercise 6. Read it? Then agree or disagree. (3 minutes)

Exercise 6, page 27

Read, then agree or disagree.

1)People are both different and alike.

2)Good-looking people are always kind and friendly.

3)Teachers and parents are never good friends to children.

4)It doesn’t matter what people think of you.

The only person who matter is you.

5)Only people who like and dislike the same things can understand each other.


T: And today we are going to speak on lots of topic: (5 minutes)

  • What is friendship?

  • Why do we like our friends?

  • Friends and free time.

  • Friendless? It’s a problem.

  • Why is it great to have pen-friends?

  • And what are you going to do at the lesson?

T: We are going to work with proverbs and the first exercise is also based on proverbs . Look at the screen; I have some new proverbs for you. Your task is to match them! (Slide 12)

A man is known…

buy friendship

Money can’t…

by the company he keeps

A true friend…

is to be one

The only way to have a friend…

is the medicine of life

Writing. Grammar Practice. (5 minutes)


T.: Read the helpful Tips on page 27 box and answer my questions.

How can we make the description more vivid and lively? What do we join the words with in a simile? Give some examples (Slide 13)

(Students have the cards with the text and it’s written on the multimedia board)

Complete the similes with the adjectives from the box.

Stubborn clear slippery cunning old

Busy fresh light quiet

As____________________as a bat.

As____________________as a bee.

As____________________as a bell.

As____________________as a daisy.

As____________________as an eel.

As____________________ as a feather.

As________________as a fox.

As_________________as a hills.

As_____________________as a mouse.

Listening (6 minutes) (Slide 14)

T.: Students we have a text about friendship and be ready to do some exercise after listening the text.

Adriana and Ryan

Ryan finds a new job in New York and is about to move there. He doesn't want his friendship with Adriana to drift apart. He wants to keep in touch.

Adriana: I heard you're moving to New York.

Ryan: Yes. I've got an offer in upstate New York.

Adriana: Oh, that's great! But I'm going to miss you.

Ryan: Me, too. Let's keep in touch.

Adriana: Yeah. Don't forget to drop me a line when you settle down.

Ryan: Trust me. I won't. I'll keep you posted.

Adriana: You have my address?

Ryan: Well, I have your e-mail address.

Adriana: All right! I look forward to hearing from you soon. Good luck!

After-listening activity.

T: Tell me, please, is the sentence true or false?

  • Ryan finds a new job in Washington.

  • His friend’s name is Ann.

  • Ryan doesn’t want to keep in touch.

  • Ryan is going to keep posted to Adriana.

  • Ryan has Adriana e-mail address.

  • Adriana doesn’t look forward to hearing from you soon.

Group Work (5 minutes)

Sample answers:

Group1- What is a friendship?

P1: Friendship is great and beatiful and it last forever etc.

II группа - What is a friend?

Group2-A friend is a person who is responsible, supportive and brainy etc.

P2: A friend is a person who keeps your secrets and cheers you up, when you are in trouble.

P3: A friend is a person who tries to understand etc.

Group3- What is a false friend?

P1: A false friend is a person who is not loyal and you can’t rely on him.

Group4- What is an ex- friend?

An ex-friend is a person who was not a good friend, who did not stand by you no matter what.

T.: Now you can share your opinions. What do you think about friendship and your friends?

S1: I have a lot of friends and I think we have much in common: we like sport …we understand each other.

S2: I like to be around my girl-friend because she knows a lot of interesting stories and she is fond of reading as me.

S3: I believe a friend is one who will come where I ask him to anytime if I ask.

S4: Friendship is about helping each other.

S5: Many people believe friendship means complete trust and openness in relations.

Relaxation Break. Singing a song “The more we get together, together, together” (2 minute)

(Slide 14)

The more we get together,

Together, together,

The more we get together,

The happier we'll be

Â'Cause your friends are my friends,

And my friends are your friends

The more we get together,

The happier we'll be

Oh, the more we get together,

Together, together,

The more we get together,

The happier we'll be

ThereÂ's Chris and Tanya

And Jason and Jusitn

The more we get together,

The happier we'll be

Write a sinquane about friends and friendship. (3 minutes)

(Slide 15)

Sample answers:


Old and strong.

To respect, understand, appreciate it.

We're the same blood - you and me.


III. Summing-Up. (5 minutes)

– So, today we have known who is our ideal friend! He’ll never betray you and always cheer you up in trouble. It is so important to have only true friends because we just can’t do without them.

Method “Press”. Complete the sentences:

  1. Friends are important to me because…

  2. I need a friend when…

  3. Friends think that I am…

  4. Friends like me because…

  5. I feel happy when a friend…

  6. I feel unhappy when a friend…

  7. I know such words as …

  8. The lesson was (wasn’t) interesting because…

IV. Home Assignment.

Prepare your own letter to the heroes of a serial “Friends”, write them about your real friend.

T: I liked your work at the lesson, you were very active and full of energy! Our work was really fruitful!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Урок в 7 классе "Friend and Friendship"

Автор: Синичич Виктория Викторовна

Дата: 20.10.2014

Номер свидетельства: 120805

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