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At the table

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Subject English

Theme At the table

Type Innovative

Method: AL ( due to the Age), GSt (individual work with the gifted students), CT (critical thinking), New methods (Dialogue), Assessment, Leadership; ICT, Age training.

Aim:To be able to use  first conditional in practice

Task:To enrich students` vocabulary

to develop the students` reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

 to encourage  the students to feel free and autonomous

Results:They recognize the meaning of the new words.

Learn when and how to use first conditional

Make a conversation in a restaurant

Resourse:Messages SB, WB, TB. Diana Goodey, Noel Goodey, Interactive Board, the Internet.

                                             Lesson procedure

Stage                                           Teachers activities                  

1. Organization moment        Greeting with  the students             

                                          Good morning, dear children!

                                          Sit down! Who is on duty today?

                                          What date is it today?

                                           Who is absent today?

                                           Who can tell me, what day is it today?

                                           Ok, you are right! What season is it now?

                                          Are you ready for this lesson? That’s great!

2. Divide into three groups    Giving cards to divide into group      

  3Phonetc drill     Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.        

                          A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.

                          If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

                          How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?

                                                        To arise interest

To arise interest   Try to arise interest / to encourageIllustration           

Photo slide    Look at the slide please. What can you see in these   pictures?

How do you think what is our today`s theme?

 To explain (use, analyze, discuss) meaning

Recognize the  meaning:

I`ve got some riddles for you. You should guess. Now look at the screen.

Ex-2 a. You should  listen to the conversation  then correct the false sentences in your cards.

Now change your  paper  with your classmate. Now you should check your  classmate. And give cards to your leader.

Now I give you some cards with words. You should make sentences with these words and translate it please. You`ve got 1 min.

If you eat too much, you will get fat.

 If I know her name, I will tell you.

If I have a car, I will be absolutely happy

Can you  find formula  in these sentences?

If + Present simple + Future simple. 

To explain  first conditional

Watch the video

Reflection/ Consolidation

Work in groups

1 group Imagine you are waiters. The owner of the restaurant  ask you to decorate the restaurant and lay the table. You should  decorate the restaurant and lay the table. Use first conditional sentences.

2- group. You have got  your own restaurant. That`s why you should invent  your  own menu.  Use First conditional

3 group. You are friends and you are very hungry. That`s why you `re having a meal together at a restaurant.  You should make a conversation

Assessment: Formative and summative

Reflection: The pupils are given sticker-papers

Home Assignment WB p 34-35






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«At the table »



Date 10.12.2014




At the table




AL ( due to the Age), GSt (individual work with the gifted students), CT (critical thinking), New methods (Dialogue), Assessment, Leadership; ICT, Age training.


To be able to use first conditional in practice


To enrich students` vocabulary

to develop the students` reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

to encourage the students to feel free and autonomous


They recognize the meaning of the new words.

Learn when and how to use first conditional

Make a conversation in a restaurant


Messages SB, WB, TB. Diana Goodey, Noel Goodey, Interactive Board, the Internet.

Lesson procedure



Teachers activities

Students activities

5 min

1. Organization moment

2. Divide into three groups

3Phonetc drill

Greeting with the students

Good morning, dear children! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today? Who can tell me, what day is it today? Ok, you are right! What season is it now?

Are you ready for this lesson? That’s great!

Giving cards to divide into groups

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?

Greeting with the teacher

Students are divided into groups

Students should quickly reads it one by one paying attention to the correct pronunciation of the sounds.

To arise interest

2- min

To arise interest

Photo slide

Try to arise interest / to encourageIllustration

Look at the slide please. What can you see in these pictures?

How do you think what is our today`s theme?

Students interested pay attention to the lesson.

They answer the questions

New theme





To explain (use, analyze, discuss) meaning

Pair work

Recognize the meaning:

I`ve got some riddles for you. You should guess. Now look at the screen.

Ex-2 a. You should listen to the conversation then correct the false sentences in your cards.

Now change your paper with your classmate. Now you should check your classmate. And give cards to your leader.

Now I give you some cards with words. You should make sentences with these words and translate it please. You`ve got 1 min.

If you eat too much, you will get fat.

If I know her name, I will tell you.

If I have a car, I will be absolutely happy

Can you find formula in these sentences?

If + Present simple + Future simple.

To explain first conditional

Watch the video

Recognizing meaning:

Do vocabulary exercises

Students match the words

Students find the false sentences then correct the false sentences.

Students make sentences and translate

Reflection/ Consolidation

10- min

3 min

2 min





Home Assignment

Work in groups

1 group Imagine you are waiters. The owner of the restaurant ask you to decorate the restaurant and lay the table. You should decorate the restaurant and lay the table. Use first conditional sentences.

2- group. You have got your own restaurant. That`s why you should invent your own menu. Use First conditional

3 group. You are friends and you are very hungry. That`s why you `re having a meal together at a restaurant. You should make a conversation

Formative and summative

The pupils are given sticker-papers

WB p 34-35

Have some ideas

Make dialogue

Act out

they write their names and their opinion about the lesson and stick them to the “table”

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

At the table

Автор: Боксенова Анар Габитовна

Дата: 11.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 171332

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    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
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