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«Упражнения по теме: "Одежда" для 8 класса»
Одежда Shoppingforclothes. Покупаем одежду.
Полезные выражения.
Useful phrases
Полезные выражения
Are you being served?
Вас же кто-нибудь обслуживает?
I’m looking for…
Я ищу…
What size are you?
Какой у Вас размер?
Have you got this shirt in blue?
Есть ли у вас такая рубашка в голубом цвете?
Can I help you, madam?
Чем могу помочь?
Can I try it/ them on?
Можно это/эти вещи примерить?
Where are the changing rooms?
(Where’s the fitting room?)
Где у вас примерочные/примерочная?
Does it fit?
Как (на мне) сидит (вещь)?
It’s a bit too big/ small?
Это немного великовато/ маловато.
It’s a nice combination.
Это красивое сочетание.
It matches my skirt.
Это подходит к моей юбке.
OK. I’ll take it/them.
Я это беру.
Can I pay by card?
Могу я оплатить карточкой?
It’s suits you.
Вам идет.
Размеры одежды.
Женская одежда- Women’s clothes
38 40 42 44 46 48 50
10 12 14 16 18 20 22
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Мужская одежда- Men’s clothes
94-97 99-102 104-107 109-112
37-38 39-40 41-42 43-44
38 40 42 44
Упражнение 1.
Прочитайте диалоги и вставьте подходящие слова из таблицы.
Jill: “Tina, do you think these 1) ___ are OK for tonight?”
Tina: “Oh, yes, sure. What else are you wearing?”
Jill: “I am not sure/ Perhaps the red 2) ___ T-shirt. And you?”
Tina: “Well. I don’t know. Something 3) ___ , of course. Perhaps a 4) ___ and a 5) ___ shirt. The yellow and green 6) ___ one. Something comfortable so I can dance.
Jill: “ Yeah. Right. And it’s always hot in there.”
Shop assistant: “Can I help you, madam?”
Customer: “Yes. I’m 1) ___ for a shirt.”
Shop assistant: “What colour would you like?”
Customer: “Something to 2) ___ these blue jeans” I’d like a 3) ___ shirt.”
Shop assistant: “We have this nice red and yellow one.” Do you like the colours?”
Customer: “Yes, it’s a nice 4) ___.”
Shop assistant: “5) ___ size are you?”
Customer: “Size 14. How 6) ___ is the shirt?”
Shop assistant: “ 12”
Customer: “OK. I’ll take it.”
Упражнение 2.
Расположите реплики диалога в правильной очередности.
Customer: “Yes. I like these trousers. Do you have them in size 42?”
Shop assistant: “Of course. The changing rooms are over there.”
Shop assistant: “Can I help you, sir?”
Customer: “Well, it wouldn’t matter too much. Can I try them on?”
Shop assistant: “Just a minute, sir. I’ afraid this is the last pair. We have the same trousers in size 42, but in different colous. They are grey, not black.”
Customer: “Yes, perfectly. How much are they?”
Customer: “Can I pay by credit card?”
Shop assistant: “So, do they fit?”
Shop assistant: “Certainly, sir.”
Shop assistant: “ 35”
Упражнение 3.
Соедините вопросы с соответствующими ответами.
What size are you?
Certainly, sir.
Where are the changing room?
I’m afraid we only have it in blue.
Can I try them on?
Does it fit?
Over there, in the corner.
Have you got this jumper in black?
Yes, perfectly.
Дополните диалог фразами из таблицы.
Customer: “Do you have this dress in blue as well?”
Shop assistant: “I’m afraid 1) ___ in green.”
Customer: “What a pity. And this one?”
Shop assistant: “Yes, we have this dress in blue What 2) ___ ?”
Customer: “Size 14. Can 3) ___?”
Shop assistant: “Certainly. The 4) ___ over there.”
Shop assistant: “Does 5) ___?”
Customer: “ Yes, I’ll take it.”
Упражнение 4.
Прочитайте текст о Джейн и ее стиле и выполните задания.
Hello, my name is Jane. I work in a bank in London and I like wearing smart clothes. I often wear suits to work – and my favourite are my blue woolen, black velvet and velvet and red cotton suits. I don’t like pink, spotted or flowery clothes.
I usually wear skirts, but sometimes I wear black trousers. I love high-heeled shoes, and I usually wear black ones.
When I am not at work? I often wear sports clothes/ I have jeans, T-shirts, sweatshirts and trainers in my wardrobe.
Today is a special day. I am being interviewed on TV and I want to look smart. I am wearing my red suit and high-heeled shoes and I have put on my pearl necklace and flesh-coloured tights. When I came into work, my colleagues said,” Oh, you look so smart today, Jane!”
What do you think?
Where does Jane work?
What is she wearing today?
When does she wear sports clothes?
Why does she want to look smart today?
Does she only wear skirts to work?
Jane is wearing a green T-shirt and jeans for her interview.