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Тестирование 11 класс

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данный материал включает тестирование по таким темам, как множественное число, словообразование и употребление артикля

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«Тестирование 11 класс»

Приложение 2

1) Выберите правильную форму слова. (7 points)

1. Our maths teacher asked us to bring ______________ for the geometry lesson.

a. compass

b. compasses

2. There is a very good ___________ is Russia that is celebrated by many people.

a. custom

b. customs

3. We had exciting ______________ on our journey.

a. experiences

b. experience

4. Yesterday I lost my ____________, so I can’t read a letter.

a. glass

b. glasses

5. The hairdresser said that my ________ looks good.

a. hairs

b. hair

6. They were shocked at the ________________of a disaster.

a. scale

b. scales

7. There were a lot of mushrooms in the ____________.

a. woods

b. wood

2) Поставьте правильную форму множественного числа. (24 points)

  1. Woman

  2. Chair

  3. Baby

  4. Knife

  5. Ox

  6. Louse

  7. Piano

  8. Table

  9. Butterfly

  10. Buffalo

  11. Formula

  12. Stadium













  1. Bench

  2. Mosquito

  3. Cliff

  4. City

  5. Stimulus

  6. Deer

  7. Tomato

  8. Language

  9. Chief

  10. Datum

  11. Leaf

  12. Chicken













3) Поставьте глагол to be в единственном или во множественном числе. (10 points)

  1. My trousers __________ really short for me.

  2. These scissors ____________ very sharp.

  3. Love _______ one of the greatest feelings.

  4. The sugar __________ really expensive today.

  5. Politics ____________ what I really don’t understand.

  6. The stairs _________ wet. Be careful.

  7. All the furniture ___________ rather new.

  8. The news __________ shocking.

  9. The cattle __________ in the field.

  10. Billiards _________ very exciting to play.

4) Поставьте артикль там, где это необходимо. (12 points)

  1. The expedition crossed _____ Alps.

  2. Jack went to _____ UK.

  3. People of _____ Russian Federation are protected by its legislation.

  4. I have a dream to climb _____ Everest.

  5. Who was the 1st to find the way from _____ Atlantic to _____ Indian Ocean?

  6. Have you ever been to _____ Red Sea?

  7. ______Africa is really hot.

  8. _____ Volga is in __________ Russia.

  9. You can find _____Lake Baikal in _____ Russia.

5) Поставьте правильную форму слова. (15 points)

  1. I am sure that your father is a very ____________________ driver.

  2. The ____________________simplicity of this exercise is very strange.

  3. Do you know any ____________________ celebrations?

  4. You should ____________________ help him.

  5. It is very ____________________ for the skill to behave like these.

  6. I think that you are very ____________________ about this job.

  7. To my mind you are it be ________________ because you don't do everything.

  8. I think you did everything ____________________.

  9. Do you really find this film ____________________?

  10. In this school we study languages that are less ... in Russia.

  11. If I want to enter the university I must get an ... mark on the exam.

  12. The new method of learning English is very ...,

  13. I think that the usage of this language is very . . ..

  14. She is a very ... person. She will do the task in time.

  15. He is extremely ... .He wants to learn several languages and become a diplomat.
















6) Поставьте правильную форму страдательного залога. (8 points)

  1. This film ______________ (direct) by Steven Spielberg in 2001.

  2. English ______________________ (speak) in many countries.

  3. A new hospital _______________(build) in our town next year.

  4. This document ___________________ (print) right now.

  5. The rules ____________(must / follow) by all the people.

  6. The flight _______________ (delay) because of the weather. Now we have to wait.

  7. My car ___________________ (steal)!

  8. The room _______________ (already/clean) when I arrived.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Тестирование 11 класс

Автор: Рыжих Юлия Николаевна

Дата: 22.09.2016

Номер свидетельства: 345091

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