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Мониторинг 6 класс

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Тест для подготовки к мониторингу по английскому языку для шестого класса, подготавливает учеников уверенно выполнить данный вид контроля. В настоящее время в общеобразовательных учреждениях уделяется большое внимание подготовке учащихся к различным видам контроля, тестирование занимает среди них особое место, так как позволяет за довольно короткое время проверить у учащихся имеющиеся знания по пройденным темам.

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«Мониторинг 6 класс»

Мониторинг 6 класс

Вариант 2

1.These men … drivers.

a) am b)are c)is

2… your sister a pupil?

a) is b)are c)am

3. There …a pen on the table.

a) is b) are c) no

4.There… any chairs in the room.

a) isn`t b) aren`t c) no

5.I bought… books.

a) any b) some c) no

6.Did he make … mistakes in the test?

a) any b) some c) no

7.child /bicycle

a) childs bicycle b) childs` bicycle c) child`s bicycle

8.my relatives/ house

a) my relatives house b) my relatives` house c) my relative`s house

9.She cleaned …shoes.

a) his b)my c)her

10.I like …job.

a) your b) their c) my

11. She …swim well.

a) can b) may c) must

12. I… get up early .

a) can b) may c) must

13.He …a new car.

a) have got b) has got c) is

14…you … a brother?

a) Have… got b) Has …got c) Is…got

15.1) friends 2) tea

a) many b) much

16.1) milk 2) cats

a) many b) much

17. 1) a baby 2) a foot

a) babys b) babies a)foots b) footes c) feet

18. 1) a knife 2) a mouse

a) knifes b) knifs c)knives a) mouses b)mice c) mouss

19.We went to school on the 1 of September.

a) one b) first c) second

20.My sister is 15 years old ,

a) fifty b) fifteen c) fifteenth

21. Japanese is (difficult) than Russian.

a) more difficult b) difficulter c) more difficulter

22.The weather is (bad) today than it was yesterday.

a) bader b) more bad c) worse

23. He is … engineer.

a) an b) the c) a

24. …Mark Twain was …famous writer

a)the; the b)-;a c)-;an

25. We always (come ) home at 2 o`clock.

a) will come b) comes c) come

26.He often (read) books .

a) is reading b) will read c) reads

27. It (snow) now.

a)wil snow b)snows c)is snowing

28.They (sleep) at the moment.

a) is sleeping b) are sleeping c) sleeps

29. My parents (return) home next week.

a)returns b) will return c) return

30.I (finish) my work tomorrow.

a)will finish b) finish c) finishes

2 часть

  1. Hobbies in Britain

  2. Animals

  3. Sport in Oxford

  4. Marate`s hobbies

  5. A girl from Oxford

1.A lot of animals live in the world. Some animals live on farms: cows, pigs, ducks, horses. Other animals live in houses. They are called pets: dogs, cats, parrots, turtles, hamsters. Some animals live in zoos and safari parks: bears, lions, tigers, monkeys, crocodiles, hares. A lot of animals live in London Zoo. Zoo keepers feed them.

2.I’m Marat. I’m ten. I like sports and games. I can play tennis and football. I can’t ride a horse and swim. But I’d like to swim. I enjoy walking and cycling in my spare time. My friend enjoys roller blading (skating) and playing hockey.

3. I’m Iris. I’m from Oxford. Oxford is in England. I speak English. My favourite poet is Shakespeare. He is a great English poet. 
I like English tales. They are very interesting. I have got a turtle as a pet. 
It is funny. I’d like to have a parrot. 
My favourite dish is pudding. It is so tasty! I like cooking in my spare time. 
Dad and Mum like my dishes.

4. The British are sporty people. The most popular sport activities in Britain are hiking, playing football, going gymnastics, cycling and others. They enjoy playing baseball and roller blading (skating). 
The British like animals. They have dogs, cats and parrots in their houses. 
The British like watching TV. Some popular British programmes are: Cooking with Pleasure, Fair Play. They like to watch Discovery Channel.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Мониторинг 6 класс

Автор: Громова Ирина Николаевна

Дата: 21.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 280732

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