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Тренировочные упражнения по теме "Причастие I и II"

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упражнения на тренировку употребления причастий в английском языке

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«Тренировочные упражнения по теме "Причастие I и II"»

Participle I and II

I. Перевести на русский язык.

1. A letter sent from St. Petersburg today will be in Moscow tomorrow.

He saw some people in the post office sending telegrams.

When sending the telegram, she forgot to write her name.

2. Some of questions put to the lecturer yesterday were very important.

The girl putting the book on the shelf is the new librarian.

While putting the eggs into the basket, she broke one of them.

3. A fish taken out of the water cannot live.

A person taking a sunbath must be very careful.

Having taken a dictionary, he began to translate the text.

4. A line seen though this crystal looks double.

A teacher seeing a mistake in a student’s dictation always corrects it.

Seeing clouds of smoke over the house, the girl cried: “Fire!”

5. The word said by the student was not correct.

The man standing at the door f the train carriage and saying goodbye to his friends is a well-known musician.

Standing at the window, she was waving her hand.

6. A word spoken in time may have important results.

The student speaking good English must help their classmates.

The speaking doll interested the child very much.

While speaking to nick some days ago, I forgot to ask him about his sister.

II. Перевести на английский язык.

1. приносящий; принесенный; принося; принеся; приносимый; будучи принесенным;

2. переводящий; переведенный; переводя; переведя; переводимый; будучи переведенным;

3. дающий; данный; давая; дав; даваемый; будучи данным;

4. делающий; сделанный; делая; сделав; делаемый; будучи сделанными;

5. говорящий; сказанный; говоря; сказав; будучи сказанным; произносимое;

6. играющий; сыгранный; играя; сыграв; играющийся; будучи сыгранным;

III. Выбрать нужную форму глагола.

1. a) We listened to the girls (singing, sung) Russian folk songs.

b) We listened to the Russian folk songs (singing, sung) by the girls.

2. a) The girl (washing, washed) the floor is my sister.

b) The floor (washing washed) by Helen looked very clean.

3. a) Who is that boy (doing, done) his homework?

b) The exercise (doing, done) by the pupils were easy.

4. a) The house (surrounding, surrounded) by tall trees is very beautiful.

b) The wall (surrounding, surrounded) the house was very high.

5. a) The girl (writing, written) is our best pupil.

b) Everything (writing, written) here is quite right.

6. a) Read the (translating, translated) sentences one more.

b) The pupils (translating, translated) a very difficult text are tired.

IV. Вставить причастия в нужной форме.

  1. Девочка, зовущая меня, моя сестра.

The girl … me is my sister.

2. Он смотрел на женщину, сидящую за столом.

He looked at the woman … at the table.

3. Текст, переведенный учеником, - легкий.

The text … by the pupil is easy.

4. Идя в школу, я встретил дядю.

… to school, I met my uncle.

5. Они увидели бегущих спортсменов.

They saw … sportsmen.

6. Написав письмо, он пошел на работу.

… the letter, he went to work.

7. Он стоял, смотря игру.

He stood … the game.

8. Закончив работу, он пошел домой.

… the work, he went home.

9. Уходя на работу, он забыл сумку.

… for work, he forgot to take his bag.

10. Это статья, описывающая политические события.

This is an article … the political events.

V. Поставить глаголы в нужной форме Present Participle \ Perfect Participle.

  1. (to live) in the south of our country, he can not enjoy the beauty of Moscow.

  2. (to read) the story, she closed the book and put it on the shelf.

  3. (to buy) some fruit and cakes, we went home.

  4. (to sit) near the fire, he felt very warm.

  5. (to sell) fruit, he looked back from time to time, hoping to see his friends.

  6. (to sell) his fruit, he went to see his friends.

  7. (to write) out and (to learn) all the new words, he was able to translate the text easily.

  8. (to look) through some magazines, I came across an interesting article about UFOs.

  9. (to do) homework he was thinking hard.

  10. (to do) homework he went for a work.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Тренировочные упражнения по теме "Причастие I и II"

Автор: Потапова Елена Михайловна

Дата: 23.12.2018

Номер свидетельства: 492273

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