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Итоговый тест по английскому языку

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Итоговый тест.

5 класс

1. ___________________your name?

a) Who’s

b) What’s

c)  How’s

d) Why’s


2. _________ old are you?

a) Who

b) What

c) How

d)  When


3. ______a motorbike?

a) You have

b) Has you

c) Have you got

d) You’ve got


4. Tell it to______

a) he

b) I

c) she

d) her


5. Выберите верное

a) He no can speak French

b) He can`t to speak French

c) He cannot speak French

d) He no speak French


6. Whose helmet is this?___________

a) It`s of Daniel

b) It`s Daniel

c) It`s to Daniel

d) It`s Daniels


7. Выберите верное

a) She don`t speak Japanese

b) She not speak Japanese

c) She does not speak Japanese

d) She doesn`t speaks Japanese


8. Look! She________________red jacket.

a) is wearing

b) wear

c) do wear

d) is wear


9. Выберите верное

a) What are you doing?

b) What you are doing?

c) What are you do?

d) What`s you doing?


10. I haven’t got__________________money.

a) no

b) any

c) some

d) none


11. Sarah__________out last night

a) didn`t went

b) no go

c) didn`t go

d) didn`t goes


12. She’s___________than I am

a) older

b) more old

c) more older

d) most older


13. He’s ____________ at tennis than football

a) more good

b) gooder

c) better

d) best


14. I was in America____________three weeks

a) during

b) for

c) in

d) on


15. Lara always ….at 7 o’clock.

a) get up

b) gets up

c) got up

d) is getting up


16. He often __________________ for a walk

a) go

b) goes

c) is going

d) are going


17.  Вычеркните лишнее слово из логического ряда:

a) Maths, Science, Thursday, Physical Education, Technology

b) sharpener, notebook, pencil case, umbrella, ruler

c) bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen, furniture

d) budgie, tortoise, cat, goat, guinea pig


18.Образуйте множественное число существительных:

watch       ___________________________

lady           ___________________________

woman      ___________________________

child          ___________________________


19. Прочитайте текст и напишите True или False

My name is Tanya. I live in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. I live in Gerasimenko street in a block of flats. Our flat is on the eighth floor. Our flat is not large but it is very cosy. There are two rooms in our flat. There is a living- room and a bedroom in our flat. There is a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet there, too.

Our living-room is light and comfortable. There is only one window in it, but it’s very large. There is a wall-unit, a TV-set, a sofa, two armchairs and a table in the room. There is a large carpet on the floor. But there is no carpet on the wall. There are some pictures on the walls. I like to watch TV in the living-room and to play or talk with my parents in the evening there.

Our kitchen is small, but it is nice. There is a cooker there, a fridge, a table and four chairs. We have meals in the kitchen and my mother cooks tasty things there.

I like to be at home, to play, to read books. There are a lot of books in our flat. I help my parents about the house and our flat is always clean and nice. I think, there is no place like home.

  1. Tanya lives on the ninth floor. ____________
  2. Her flat is large. ___________
  3. There is a fridge in the living room. ____________
  4. She hasn`t got a carpet on the wall in the living room. ____________
  5. Tanya likes to be at home. ______________


19. You are on holiday. Write a postcard to your friend. Include:

  • the place you are in;
  • how you like it
  • what the weather is like
  • what are you wearing
  • what you are doing

Dear Mary,

How are you? I am having a great time here in ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

See you soon!






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«Итоговый тест по английскому языку»

Итоговый тест.

5 класс

1. ___________________your name?

a) Who’s

b) What’s

c) How’s

d) Why’s


2. _________ old are you?

a) Who

b) What

c) How

d) When


3. ______a motorbike?

a) You have

b) Has you

c) Have you got

d) You’ve got


4. Tell it to______

a) he

b) I

c) she

d) her


5. Выберите верное

a) He no can speak French

b) He can`t to speak French

c) He cannot speak French

d) He no speak French


6. Whose helmet is this?___________

a) It`s of Daniel

b) It`s Daniel

c) It`s to Daniel

d) It`s Daniels


7. Выберите верное

a) She don`t speak Japanese

b) She not speak Japanese

c) She does not speak Japanese

d) She doesn`t speaks Japanese


8. Look! She________________red jacket.

a) is wearing

b) wear

c) do wear

d) is wear


9. Выберите верное

a) What are you doing?

b) What you are doing?

c) What are you do?

d) What`s you doing?


10. I haven’t got__________________money.

a) no

b) any

c) some

d) none


11. Sarah__________out last night

a) didn`t went

b) no go

c) didn`t go

d) didn`t goes


12. She’s___________than I am

a) older

b) more old

c) more older

d) most older


13. He’s ____________ at tennis than football

a) more good

b) gooder

c) better

d) best


14. I was in America____________three weeks

a) during

b) for

c) in

d) on


15. Lara always ….at 7 o’clock.

a) get up

b) gets up

c) got up

d) is getting up


16. He often __________________ for a walk

a) go

b) goes

c) is going

d) are going


17. Вычеркните лишнее слово из логического ряда:

a) Maths, Science, Thursday, Physical Education, Technology

b) sharpener, notebook, pencil case, umbrella, ruler

c) bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen, furniture

d) budgie, tortoise, cat, goat, guinea pig


18.Образуйте множественное число существительных:

watch ___________________________

lady ___________________________

woman ___________________________

child ___________________________


19. Прочитайте текст и напишите True или False

My name is Tanya. I live in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. I live in Gerasimenko street in a block of flats. Our flat is on the eighth floor. Our flat is not large but it is very cosy. There are two rooms in our flat. There is a living- room and a bedroom in our flat. There is a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet there, too.

Our living-room is light and comfortable. There is only one window in it, but it’s very large. There is a wall-unit, a TV-set, a sofa, two armchairs and a table in the room. There is a large carpet on the floor. But there is no carpet on the wall. There are some pictures on the walls. I like to watch TV in the living-room and to play or talk with my parents in the evening there.

Our kitchen is small, but it is nice. There is a cooker there, a fridge, a table and four chairs. We have meals in the kitchen and my mother cooks tasty things there.

I like to be at home, to play, to read books. There are a lot of books in our flat. I help my parents about the house and our flat is always clean and nice. I think, there is no place like home.

  1. Tanya lives on the ninth floor. ____________

  2. Her flat is large. ___________

  3. There is a fridge in the living room. ____________

  4. She hasn`t got a carpet on the wall in the living room. ____________

  5. Tanya likes to be at home. ______________


19. You are on holiday. Write a postcard to your friend . Include:

  • the place you are in;

  • how you like it

  • what the weather is like

  • what are you wearing

  • what you are doing

Dear Mary,

How are you? I am having a great time here in ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

See you soon!






Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Итоговый тест по английскому языку

Автор: Галина Васильевна Понетайкина

Дата: 20.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 547352

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