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The British and American English differences

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Nowadays English is very non-uniform. Now it exists in tens dialects, among which most popular – British, American, Canadian, New Zealand and Australian. Four can be distinguished two which gained the greatest distribution today owing to political and cultural influence of their countries in the world – the British and American English from these.

British is an English basis, but even in the kingdom all talk on dialects:  Irish, Welsh, Scottish.  Closest to classical English language in which communicate in New Zealand, Australia and Ireland. These countries are rather isolated from the other countries. That is why, English didn't change – influence of languages and culture of other countries was limited on it.

What of them to learn?  First of all, it depends on that, why in general English is necessary to you.  But actually, the critical difference isn't present because all these versions of the same language, and between them is more than similarities, than differences.  And still it is good to know differences to avoid misunderstanding.

We want to acquaint you with the main differences in the American and British English, without going into historical details.

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«The British and American English differences»

The British and American English differences

The British and American English differences

British and American English

British and American English

Spelling differences British English American english Col our  Col or  Cent re Cent er Analy se  Analy ze Defen ce  Defen se  Dialo gue  Dialo g

Spelling differences

British English

American english

Col our

Col or

Cent re

Cent er

Analy se

Analy ze

Defen ce

Defen se

Dialo gue

Dialo g

GRAMMATICAL DIFFERENCES BRITISH ENGLISH AMERICAN ENGLISH Did you hear the news? He just went out. Will I will see a doctor tomorrow. Have you heard the news? He has just gone out. Shall I shall see a doctor tomorrow.




Did you hear the news?

He just went out.


I will see a doctor tomorrow.

Have you heard the news?

He has just gone out.


I shall see a doctor tomorrow.

Phonetical differences British english American english

Phonetical differences

British english

American english

  • r
  • Ca r [ka:]
  • o
  • D o t [do:t]
  • H o t [ho:t]
  • u
  • St u dent [‘stju:dent]
  • D u ty [dju:ti]
  • Ei ther/n ei ther [ai]
  • Miss ile , camom ile , mob ile [ail]
  • r
  • Ca r [ka:r]
  • o
  • D o t [da:t]
  • H o t [ha:t]
  • u
  • St u dent [‘stu:dent]
  • D u ty [du:ti]
  • Ei ther/n ei ther [i:]
  • Miss ile , camom ile , mob ile [il]
Phonetical differences British english American english

Phonetical differences

British english

American english

  • [z] – blou s e, Gla s gow
  • [a:] – cic a do, tom a to
  • [ei] – a pricot, p a tent
  • [s] – blou s e, Gla s gow
  • [ei] – cic a do, tom a to
  • [æ] – a pricot, p a tent
Lexical differences Drugstore Baggage Chemist’s Elevator Luggage Lastname Lift Surname

Lexical differences









Lexical differences Movies Cookie Cinema 1 ST floor Biscuit Cellphone Ground floor Fall Mobile Autumn

Lexical differences




1 ST floor



Ground floor




Differences in the use of Prepositions British english American english

Differences in the use of Prepositions

British english

American english

  • In a team
  • On a team
  • At the weekend
  • On the weekend
Time telling in British vs American English British english American english

Time telling in British vs American English

British english

American english

  • 10.15
  • Quarter past ten
  • 10:15
  • A quarter after ten
  • 6 . 00, point
  • 6 : 00, colon
Differences in Punctuation   British english American english

Differences in Punctuation

British english

American english

  • Mr
  • Mr.
  • Mrs
  • Mrs.
  • Dr
  • Dr.
Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

The British and American English differences

Автор: Тимофеева Галина Валерьевна

Дата: 07.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 249470

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